The Deep State is Real, Here's Why it Matters

13 Mar 2024 (7 months ago)
The Deep State is Real, Here's Why it Matters

Intro (0s)

  • The Deep State, a term used to describe unelected individuals who hold significant secret power and influence within a government, has been involved in major historical events since the 1960s, including the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Members of the Deep State include influential figures such as CIA directors, Supreme Court Justices, and powerful journalists.
  • Operating in secrecy and unaccountable to the public, the Deep State has been accused of blackmailing Congress, undermining presidents, and pursuing its own secret agendas.
  • Despite its controversial nature, the Deep State remains a real phenomenon with significant implications.

Origins of the Deep State (7m26s)

  • The CIA was established in 1947 after the disbandment of the OSS due to concerns about its power and potential for abuse.
  • The CIA has been involved in numerous covert operations and intelligence-gathering activities throughout its history, including the overthrow of foreign governments, the recruitment of foreign agents, and the use of torture.
  • The CIA has been criticized for its secrecy, its use of questionable tactics, and its involvement in controversial operations.
  • The Deep State refers to a secretive network of powerful individuals, including those within the CIA, who operate behind the scenes to influence government policies and decisions.

Rise of the CIA (13m55s)

  • The CIA engaged in covert operations during the Cold War, including coups, assassinations, and mind control experiments, often influenced by American corporations and powerful individuals.
  • The CIA used blackmail and other tactics to silence critics and maintain its power, leading to a loss of trust in the government and contributing to the anti-war movement of the 1960s.
  • Despite evidence of abuses, the CIA continued to operate with little oversight or accountability.
  • The Deep State, referring to unelected government officials with significant power and influence, has been accused of spying on both the American public and the rest of the world.
  • Americans are increasingly aware of the Deep State's power and concerned about its implications for democracy.

The Church Hearings (19m58s)

  • The Church Hearings revealed excessive secrecy and abuses within the executive branch, including the FBI, CIA, and NSA.
  • The hearings exposed illegal and unethical programs, such as assassination plots, spying on Americans, and targeting civil rights activists.
  • The CIA's LSD mind control experiments and attempts to infiltrate the Free Press were also made public.
  • The Church Committee found that unelected government employees used immense power and resources for illegal and unethical programs, often with the knowledge and consent of Congress.
  • The hearings led to new oversight regulations and committees to rein in the Deep State.
  • The Deep State fought back against the Church Committee, undermining and intimidating its members.
  • Americans were shocked by the revelations of the hearings, but the process demonstrated American democracy's ability to rein in abuses of power.
  • The Church Hearings helped prevent disasters for a few decades by exposing and addressing the worst impulses of those in power.

Post 9/11 (25m41s)

  • After 9/11, there was a desire to strike back and do anything necessary to keep the country safe.
  • The CIA asserted new powers, including implementing a torture program and expanding warrantless wiretapping.
  • Millions of new top-secret jobs were created, and new agencies were formed.
  • There was not a lot of effective oversight on these new programs.
  • Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and computer technician, leaked classified NSA documents that revealed a secret surveillance program.
  • This raised questions about whether the government's surveillance programs were necessary for safety or if they were infringing on citizens' freedom.
  • The government's surveillance programs have created a new branch of government power that operates outside of the traditional checks and balances.
  • This has led to concerns about over-classification of information and the concentration of power in the hands of a few.
  • Despite promises to rein in the excesses of the surveillance programs, they have continued to grow.

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