Stanford ECON295/CS323 I 2024 I A World Without Work, Daniel Susskind

16 Sep 2024 (2 days ago)
Stanford ECON295/CS323 I 2024 I A World Without Work, Daniel Susskind

Daniel Susskind and AI

AI and Technological Unemployment

Economic Growth and Automation Anxiety

AI's Capabilities and Task Automation

AI's Evolution: From Replicating Humans to Performing Tasks

AI and Uncertainty

  • People often seek expert judgment from professionals like doctors, lawyers, and accountants in situations of uncertainty, where facts are unclear, information is ambiguous, or they are unsure about the best course of action. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:30:51)
  • Machines, particularly those using artificial intelligence, excel at handling large datasets and identifying patterns, enabling them to outperform humans in dealing with uncertainty, as exemplified by medical diagnostic systems like the one developed at Stanford that can diagnose skin cancer with accuracy comparable to leading dermatologists. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:31:13)
  • The increasing capability of non-thinking machines, as demonstrated by IBM's Watson winning Jeopardy without possessing human-like thought processes, highlights a significant trend in artificial intelligence where machines perform complex tasks in fundamentally different ways than humans, expanding the realm of automatable activities. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:33:30)

Mismatches and Displaced Workers

Avoiding Excessive Automation

Limitations of Redirecting Technological Progress

Challenges of a Future with Less Work

Historical Context of Economic Growth

Government's Role in a Future with Less Work

  • Daniel Susskind believes that as technology continues to increase productivity, governments will need to take a larger role in distributing wealth and may need to tax assets or technology to fund social programs like a basic income. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:57:59)
  • There are differing opinions on the amount of a basic income, with those on the right supporting a minimal amount to simplify the tax system and those on the left advocating for a more substantial amount that allows individuals to thrive. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:59:31)

Distributive and Contributive Justice in a Basic Income System

Meaning and Purpose in a Future with Less Work

Crime and a Future with Less Work

The Current Challenge: Access to Work

Interventions and Regulations for a Future with Insufficient Work

AI's Impact on Emotional Labor

Regulation of AI Beyond Unemployment Concerns

Rethinking Traditional Problem-Solving

Market Forces and Technological Development

  • Market systems, prices, and incentives are powerful tools for encouraging technological development. These market forces can be leveraged to address significant challenges, including the impact of AI on work, climate change, and societal inequalities. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(01:22:41)

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