IA la oportunidad para emprender en América Latina | Veronica Ruiz Del Vizo | TEDxUPDS Tarija

04 Oct 2024 (17 days ago)
IA la oportunidad para emprender en América Latina | Veronica Ruiz Del Vizo | TEDxUPDS Tarija

The Challenge of Inequality and AI in Latin America

  • Latin America faces a significant challenge, which is the issue of inequality, and this challenge can be exacerbated or alleviated by the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (27s).
  • Artificial Intelligence will accelerate the growth of global powers, making them stronger and more prominent, and will lead to an increase in entrepreneurship and investment (1m0s).
  • The question remains where Latin America stands in embracing this new revolution, with countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, and Mexico needing to catch up (1m15s).
  • Despite the many problems that need to be addressed in areas like healthcare, agriculture, and infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence cannot be ignored, and its adoption should be a priority (1m49s).

AI and Technological Entrepreneurship in Latin America

  • Artificial Intelligence has its limitations, and one of the things it cannot do is make the decision to start a business or take the initiative to become an entrepreneur (2m41s).
  • Latin America is already experiencing a change, with technological entrepreneurship on the rise, and the number of unicorn companies multiplying, leading to a transformation of the financial sector and the economy as a whole (3m5s).
  • The rapid access to technology and the ability to quickly scale have enabled Latin American entrepreneurs to change the course of history in countries like Colombia, and their technological solutions can easily enter other Latin American markets (3m27s).
  • The growth of technological entrepreneurship has already led to significant changes in the economy, and it is hoped that this trend will continue, inspiring a new generation of entrepreneurs to learn and innovate (3m53s).

The Potential of AI in Latin America

  • The potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a significant topic of discussion, and it can be a great ally in resolving various issues, rather than just a threat (4m4s).
  • By 2030, AI is expected to have a strong impact on the economies of Latin America, with a projected growth of 5.4% and a contribution of $0.5 trillion to the region's GDP (4m38s).
  • In contrast, AI is expected to contribute to a 15% growth in North America, highlighting the need for Latin America to catch up (5m1s).
  • There is a responsibility to educate people about AI and its potential benefits, rather than just focusing on its threats (5m15s).

Challenges in Education and Inequality in Latin America

  • A significant challenge in Latin America is the low level of math and reading skills among students, with 7% below the expected level in math and over 50% below the expected level in reading (5m55s).
  • This issue is often overlooked in Latin American countries, where there is a tendency to focus on the capitals and major cities, rather than addressing the significant inequality in the region (6m14s).

Youth, Innovation, and Personal Experiences as Catalysts for Change

  • The solution to these challenges lies with the younger generation, particularly university students, who have the potential to drive change and innovation (6m43s).
  • Personal experiences, such as the loss of a loved one, can be a catalyst for change and innovation, as seen in the story of a young woman who lost her mother and had to take responsibility for her economic situation (6m47s).
  • The arrival of social networks brought about a huge change in technology, and as a communication student, this change led to the creation of a project that eventually went viral and generated a significant community on the platform (8m1s).

Success Story: A Viral Project and Collaboration with a Major Brand

  • The project's success caught the attention of one of the most well-known brands in the private sector, which led to a meeting with the brand's managers who expressed their need for the skills demonstrated in the project (9m2s).
  • The experience highlights the importance of being open to new technologies and finding ways to utilize them effectively, as it can lead to new opportunities and growth (9m30s).
  • The ability to adapt to new platforms, such as TikTok, is crucial in today's digital landscape, and those who are already using these platforms are more likely to be sought after for their expertise (9m32s).
  • By embracing new technologies and finding ways to solve problems, it's possible to create new opportunities and contribute to the growth of the labor sector, even at a young age (10m12s).

Embracing New Technologies for Growth and Opportunity

  • The region of América Latina needs to focus on the opportunities presented by new technologies, rather than getting stuck on the threats, in order to move forward (10m28s).
  • Artificial intelligence (IA) is a transversal change that affects all sectors, from medicine to communication, and has the potential to bring about significant improvements (10m48s).
  • IA is not just about technology, but also about how it can be used to improve human interactions and decision-making processes (11m3s).
  • The idea that IA is not empathetic is not entirely accurate, as it can provide more objective and effective solutions to problems, and those who claim otherwise may not have fully explored its potential (11m15s).
  • The key to utilizing IA effectively is to be open to learning and finding ways to improve its applications, rather than being held back by preconceived notions (11m36s).

AI as a Tool for Entrepreneurs in Latin America

  • The world's top economies are moving at different speeds, with countries like Bolivia, Brazil, and Cuba having their unique pace, and entrepreneurs today are the ones who best understand the problems in their cities or towns (12m15s).
  • With the help of artificial intelligence, entrepreneurs now have a "second brain" that can assist them in tasks, as AI does not necessarily replace the entire professional, but rather complements their work (12m45s).
  • Artificial intelligence can help entrepreneurs evaluate which tasks can be substituted, accelerated, or improved by AI, allowing them to focus on more important tasks (13m16s).
  • AI has the capacity to provide knowledge and answer questions in seconds, making it an invaluable tool for entrepreneurs who may not have the time to read and learn everything on their own (13m32s).
  • AI can also help entrepreneurs understand complex information, such as financial reports, by providing explanations and answers to questions in seconds (13m58s).
  • Unlike traditional classroom learning, AI can adapt knowledge to individual needs and learning styles, making it a powerful tool for entrepreneurs (14m37s).
  • The use of AI in entrepreneurship can be a game-changer, as it can provide access to resources and expertise that may not have been available otherwise, and can help entrepreneurs overcome obstacles such as lack of capital (15m6s).
  • AI can also provide entrepreneurs with access to consulting services, such as contract review, that may not have been available or affordable otherwise (15m9s).

The Double-Edged Sword of AI in Entrepreneurship

  • The use of AI in entrepreneurship can be a double-edged sword, as it can also be used to create things that may not be in the best interest of society, highlighting the importance of responsible AI development and use (14m48s).
  • The dream is for Latin America to continue growing through technological innovation, as technology has greatly helped the economies in the region (15m49s).

AI and Social Impact: Success Stories from Latin America and Africa

  • A person who couldn't read or write was able to receive advice on how to ask for a raise from their boss using generative artificial intelligence, demonstrating the potential for AI to provide opportunities (16m7s).
  • The Kakuma refugee camp in Africa is a challenging situation where people lack access to basic necessities, including identity, and have been living there for years (17m4s).
  • In the camp, a young vendor named Abril has democratized access to honey, improving nutrition for the inhabitants, and his story represents a huge progress in a small area (17m55s).
  • There are children born in the Kakuma refugee camp who do not have a nationality or access to identity, highlighting the need for solutions (18m25s).
  • The possibilities of artificial intelligence as a tool for entrepreneurs can bring about significant positive change in the region (19m4s).
  • The story of Abril's success in the Kakuma refugee camp shows that even in difficult situations, there is hope for progress and improvement (17m55s).

AI as a Driver of Growth and Innovation in Latin America

  • Artificial intelligence is a form of knowledge that can be harnessed to drive growth and innovation in Latin America (19m7s).
  • The speaker's personal experience of struggling to stay in university after their mother's death and seeking a work-study scholarship highlights the challenges that can be overcome with determination and the right tools (19m18s).
  • A person from a family of six children was the first to attend university, thanks to a work scholarship, and this achievement was made possible by their parents' efforts to provide a good education, including attending a costly private bilingual school (19m42s).
  • The person decided to give up their scholarship to allow others who might be in need to have the opportunity, and this decision marked the beginning of their journey as an entrepreneur (20m21s).
  • Access to knowledge and education is a crucial tool for democratization, personal growth, and economic development, and many people are unable to attend university due to their parents' circumstances (20m50s).
  • Artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool for the future of Latin America, and it is up to the people to decide whether it will increase inequality or be used to demonstrate the region's potential (21m16s).
  • The potential of artificial intelligence can be harnessed to create positive change and have a significant social impact in Latin America, and it is essential to start exploring its possibilities (21m41s).
  • The choice is between using artificial intelligence to widen the gap in inequality in Latin America or to utilize it to showcase the region's enormous potential (21m56s).

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