Üretken Yapay Zeka | Ozan Sihay | TEDxTarsusAmericanCollege
22 Aug 2024 (6 months ago)

Ozan Sihay's Background and Work
- Ozan Sihay currently lives in Adana, Turkey, but spent half of his life in Istanbul. (35s)
- Sihay currently works in the field of Artificial Intelligence, providing training and consultancy on how to use AI in different sectors. (56s)
- Sihay's first experience with technology was with a Commodore 64 computer at the age of eight. (3m54s)
- The speaker learned to code and play games on a Commodore 64 computer. (4m12s)
Artificial Intelligence and its Applications
- Artificial intelligence (AI) is the technology that enables machines or computers to behave like humans. (4m55s)
- AI has a long history, dating back to the Enigma machine used to break codes during World War I. (5m54s)
- The Turing test involves a human interacting with a human and a machine behind a screen. The human asks questions, and the goal is to determine which responses are from the human and which are from the machine. The test highlights how machines are becoming increasingly capable of mimicking human intelligence. (7m52s)
- Prompt engineering, also known as istem mühendisliği, is an emerging field focused on crafting effective prompts for AI models to generate desired results. This skill is becoming increasingly important as AI models are used for a wider range of tasks. (9m21s)
- DALL-E, an AI model developed by OpenAI, was released two years ago and marked a significant advancement in AI by enabling text-to-image generation. Users input text prompts, and DALL-E generates corresponding images, demonstrating a new level of creativity and realism in AI-generated content. (10m0s)
- Version 1 of the unnamed software produced lower quality images than Version 6 using the same prompts. (11m59s)
Impact of AI on Jobs and Content Creation
- The speaker used to use stock images for projects, but now uses AI image generation. (15m27s)
- AI image generation is replacing some jobs, such as stock photography and some graphic design, but also creating new jobs. (15m40s)
- In the future, many jobs will be available that do not currently exist, and artificial intelligence will play a role in their creation. (15m53s)
- People need to be critical of what they see and hear because artificial intelligence makes it easy to create fake images, videos, and audio, even replicating someone's likeness and voice with great accuracy. (16m4s)
- Artificial intelligence can be used to create art and other content that was previously impossible, as demonstrated by the creation of an image of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's silhouette and a film for the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey. (18m56s)
- Ozan Sihay claims that he would have been unable to produce this type of work previously and that it was made possible by Artificial Intelligence (AI). (20m17s)
- AI does not simply combine existing images, but rather functions like a human artist, drawing on its knowledge of countless images to create something new. (20m50s)
- Sihay believes that AI, like humans, can think and create, and he uses it to generate content such as cover photos for presentations and assignments. (21m30s)