API Lifecycles, Specifications, and Standards with Kin Lane

02 Oct 2024 (19 days ago)
API Lifecycles, Specifications, and Standards with Kin Lane

Importance of API Lifecycle Management

  • API lifecycle management is important because APIs, while similar to traditional software deployments, have nuances requiring specific considerations for design, development, delivery, and support, especially in areas like security and testing. (1m0s)
  • API-first approaches prioritize API development, promoting reusability and reducing redundancy by considering API needs across various applications and integrations like web, mobile, and partner systems. (2m36s)

API Communication and Contracts

  • Almost all software problems stem from communication issues, highlighting the importance of clear contracts in API communication. (6m1s)
  • OpenAPI plays a crucial role in facilitating communication by providing a standardized way to describe an API's protocol (HTTPS), domain, paths, query parameters, headers, request body, response details (status codes, media types), and payload schema. (6m50s)

JSON Schema for Data Integrity

  • JSON Schema is used to define and validate the structure and data types of JSON objects exchanged in API communication, ensuring data integrity by verifying parameters and preventing errors like misspellings or missing values. (11m20s)
  • OpenAPI uses JSON Schema to define requests and responses and provides a broader vocabulary for describing API elements like paths and parameters. (12m10s)
  • AsyncAPI, designed for event-driven APIs, also utilizes JSON Schema to describe payloads or messages exchanged in publish-subscribe interactions. (13m20s)
  • Both OpenAPI and AsyncAPI leverage JSON Schema for defining object structures and validating the integrity of those objects within their respective API contracts. (14m1s)

API Versioning

  • Semantic versioning uses a three-digit system (e.g., 1.0.0) to indicate major releases, minor changes, and patches. (17m55s)
  • APIs often use versioning in the URL (e.g., api.twitter.com/v1) or headers to indicate the version of the API being called. (21m12s)

API Testing

  • OpenAPI specifications can be used to generate tests for APIs by defining expected response status codes and other contract details. (23m11s)
  • Every API endpoint should have a basic happy path 200 status code test to check for uptime. (23m49s)
  • Contract tests validate that the API returns a valid payload according to the JSON schema described in the contract. (24m37s)

API Catalogs and Visibility

  • Open API and AsyncAPI specifications, along with JSON schema, are being used to build catalogs that articulate an enterprise's digital resources and capabilities to business stakeholders. (28m24s)
  • Open API and AsyncAPI are specifications that provide visibility into the API landscape, enabling business leadership to understand, evolve, and deprecate APIs to drive enterprise progress. (29m26s)

Emerging API Tools and Security

  • Emerging tooling leverages API specifications to auto-generate documentation and compare it with actual traffic, providing a real-time view of the API landscape within an enterprise. (30m16s)
  • API specifications, coupled with machine learning, can enhance security by identifying vulnerabilities, weak authentication, and deviations from normal usage patterns. (30m48s)

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