How Jerry Lorenzo’s Quest for the Perfect T-Shirt Launched a Fashion Empire

09 Oct 2024 (5 days ago)
How Jerry Lorenzo’s Quest for the Perfect T-Shirt Launched a Fashion Empire

Jerry Lorenzo's Journey into Fashion

  • In 2011, Jerry Lorenzo, a 33-year-old party promoter in Los Angeles, decided to create his own t-shirt after being unable to find one with a cut he liked. This decision marked the beginning of his career in fashion. (21s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo's first product caught the attention of Virgil Abloh and Kanye West, which helped launch his fashion career. He later established the luxury brand Fear of God and its mass-market spin-off, Essentials, becoming a highly acclaimed designer. (44s)

Fear of God and the Hype Movement

  • Jerry Lorenzo launched Fear of God over ten years ago during the peak of the hype movement. He believes that cultural movements evolve over time and aims for his brand to sustain its presence rather than just ride the wave of trends. (1m49s)
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, Essentials gained popularity as people sought comfort, and the brand offered products that performed well beyond just being trendy. (3m3s)

Design Inspiration and Brand Identity

  • Jerry Lorenzo was never a sneakerhead but is inspired by the anticipation and excitement surrounding new designs, similar to the release of new Jordan sneakers in the past. He aims to evoke similar emotions through his designs. (3m39s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo attributes his good ideas to divine inspiration and ensures that everything created at Fear of God aligns with his deep convictions. (4m33s)

Family Influences and Cultural Background

  • Jerry Lorenzo reflects on the influence of his mother, describing her as the backbone and foundation of their family, which allowed his father, Jerry Manuel, to pursue his career in baseball. (4m58s)
  • He discusses the challenges of growing up in a struggling minor league family and how his mother's support enabled his father's aspirations. (6m10s)
  • Lorenzo shares his experience of moving between different cultural spaces, attending a predominantly white school while also being part of a black church community, and how this shaped his worldview. (7m5s)
  • He highlights the impact of attending a Historically Black College and University (HBCU), emphasizing the unique emotional experiences and the importance of conveying those feelings through his work. (7m58s)

Integrating Diverse Influences

  • Lorenzo believes his ability to integrate diverse influences into a cohesive message is a unique advantage, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and individual perspective. (8m28s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo's brand, Fear of God, originates from a unique and honest place, emphasizing his personal calling to do what only he can uniquely do. (9m4s)

From Sports to Fashion: Leadership and Skills

  • In high school and college, Jerry Lorenzo played various positions in baseball, similar to his father, and was known for being a versatile and supportive teammate rather than the best player. He learned leadership skills from his father, leading from the back rather than on the field. (9m15s)
  • Transitioning from sports to leading a fashion company, Jerry Lorenzo realized his talents differed from his father's. He discovered his knack for understanding customer needs and fashion while working retail and in a front office job with the Dodgers. (10m10s)

Nightlife, Networking, and the Fashion Scene

  • Jerry Lorenzo's entry into fashion was influenced by his experiences in nightlife, throwing parties in Los Angeles, and networking with influential figures in the fashion scene, such as Nick Diamond and others from brands like Supreme. This environment naturally led him to start making t-shirts. (11m23s)
  • The nightlife scene, where Jerry Lorenzo and others like Virgil Abloh began, serves as a pipeline to fashion by working directly with people influencing culture and providing experiences that people want to attend, similar to creating desirable fashion products. (12m22s)

Authenticity and Honesty in Building a Brand

  • The approach to building a successful venture involves focusing on authenticity and honesty rather than creating a superficial image, which can lead to a lack of substance. (13m8s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo connects with his community by being genuine and avoiding strategic actions that feel forced or unnatural. (13m41s)

Design Inspiration and Market Needs

  • The inspiration for Jerry Lorenzo's designs comes from his personal needs and the gaps he perceives in the marketplace, particularly in streetwear. (14m12s)
  • The first product that Jerry Lorenzo felt compelled to create was a t-shirt that matched his desired style, as he could not find one that fit his aesthetic preferences. (14m30s)

Financial Risks and Brand Sustainability

  • Jerry Lorenzo invested $4,000 from his savings to produce his first collection, demonstrating a willingness to take financial risks to achieve his vision. (15m20s)
  • Despite the financial risks, Jerry Lorenzo finds peace in navigating uncertain situations and is committed to sustaining his brand without a specific financial end goal. (15m46s)

The Organic Development of Fear of God

  • The brand "Fear of God" emerged organically as Jerry Lorenzo developed products like hoodies and flannels that met his style criteria, rather than starting with a brand concept in mind. (16m42s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo developed a collection of clothing pieces that began to define what his brand could be, emphasizing the importance of a meaningful foundation rather than just creating clothes to appear cool. This approach led to the creation of the brand Fear of God. (17m13s)

Brand Meaning and Mission

  • Lorenzo's brand, Fear of God, is based on a deeper meaning and mission statement, which is a reverence for something greater than oneself. This foundational belief is central to both his personal life and his clothing company. (18m33s)
  • The initial collections of Fear of God were the first pieces Lorenzo ever designed, and despite being early works, they resonated with people. He gifted these pieces to Virgil Abloh, who then introduced them to Kanye West, leading to a significant opportunity for Lorenzo. (19m12s)

Collaboration with Kanye West and Creative Process

  • Working with Kanye West during a formative stage of his career, Lorenzo learned a lot about the creative process. He was invited to collaborate on a project in Paris, which challenged him to balance his own brand's identity with contributing to West's projects. (19m58s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo describes his experience working with Kanye West as an invaluable learning opportunity, likening it to attending the best school for understanding the clothing business and other creative ventures. He was involved in various projects, including APC, Yeezy seasons 1 through 3, and other creative discussions. (21m13s)
  • Lorenzo reflects on the natural divergence of paths between him and Kanye West, attributing it to their individual visions. He believes that God gave him a vision to start his own brand, Fear of God, rather than building someone else's empire. (22m13s)
  • He notes the difference in creative approaches between himself and Kanye West, highlighting that while Kanye frequently changes aesthetics, Lorenzo's vision has remained consistent, focusing on the evolution rather than a complete change of aesthetics. (22m53s)
  • Lorenzo expresses understanding and empathy for the pressures faced by influential figures like Kanye West, acknowledging the challenges that come with such influence and the importance of not judging how it manifests in others. (23m32s)

Returning to Core Values and Purpose

  • He emphasizes the importance of aligning with his calling and being cautious of relying too much on his own abilities, as this can lead to mistakes. He strives to remain within what he believes is God's plan for him. (24m14s)
  • Upon stepping out on his own, Lorenzo experienced anxiety and felt distanced from his original purpose during his time working with Kanye. He sought to realign with what he felt was God's direction for his life. (24m52s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo expressed a desire to return to his core values of God, purpose, and intention after feeling out of place in the "cool kid" world and losing his sense of self. (25m15s)

Justin Bieber Collaboration and Self-Doubt

  • Justin Bieber reached out to Jerry Lorenzo, and despite initial doubts, Lorenzo decided to help Bieber because he believed in Bieber's purpose and life changes. (25m44s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo has experienced moments of self-doubt and has found reassurance in his faith, which helps him feel at peace and covered. (26m13s)

Sobriety, Stress, and Maintaining Peace

  • Jerry Lorenzo went sober about eight years ago after working with Kanye West, realizing he needed to return to his true self after a period of excessive partying. (27m6s)
  • Building a brand brought recognition and influence, but also pressure and the temptation to medicate stress, leading Lorenzo to struggle with maintaining peace. (27m22s)
  • The responsibilities of running a business, including financial and HR issues, became overwhelming, prompting Lorenzo to seek ways to cope, though these did not bring lasting peace. (27m42s)
  • At the beginning of the year, Jerry Lorenzo decided to realign with his spiritual beliefs and focus on being true to himself, distancing from the persona he had become. (28m38s)

Adidas Collaboration and Brand Expansion

  • Jerry Lorenzo is currently on his second attempt to stop drinking, recognizing the superficial love from the party scene and seeking a more authentic path. (29m4s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo navigated a mixed response to a high-profile collaboration with Adidas while expanding his brand, Fear of God, into new markets, driven by a singular sense of purpose. (29m58s)
  • The business has grown from a small team to a staff of 70-80 people, presenting challenges in learning and overcoming inefficiencies and poor business decisions. (30m21s)
  • A CEO has been brought in to help design strategies to achieve the brand's vision, allowing Lorenzo to focus on creative aspects without being burdened by organizational management. (31m0s)

Team Management and Difficult Decisions

  • Lorenzo expresses a deep care for his team and the people who have invested in his dream, facing difficult decisions about whether individuals align with the brand's direction. (31m35s)
  • He reflects on personal failures in important areas of life, such as being a better husband, father, and friend, viewing business setbacks as learning opportunities. (32m40s)

Self-Funding, Brand Ownership, and Essentials

  • Lorenzo has self-funded his brand, Fear of God, without taking on external investment, which he finds impressive. (33m22s)
  • A significant change in the business relationship with Essentials involved taking control of distribution from Paxon, allowing for a larger ownership stake and more autonomy in decision-making, despite the challenges of carrying the weight of such responsibility. (33m28s)
  • The rebranding of the "fog" line to "Essentials" was driven by a desire to create a brand that felt necessary and foundational, rather than a watered-down version of something else, ensuring it was both accessible and aspirational. (35m11s)

Product Integrity and Brand Identity

  • The focus on product integrity is emphasized, with the goal of creating honest products that fulfill their intended purpose, rather than just being trendy or popular. (36m28s)
  • The development of a basketball sneaker that genuinely performs as intended is highlighted as a milestone, reflecting a commitment to authenticity and functionality in athletic products. (37m7s)

Basketball Sneaker Design and Collaboration with Adidas

  • The latest ready-to-wear Mainline collection and the first performance basketball shoe are being introduced, with a focus on the importance of shape in footwear design. (37m25s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo credits the Adidas team for transforming his aesthetic shape into a performance-oriented design that meets the needs of athletes, emphasizing the importance of a shoe's ability to transcend the court. (37m51s)
  • The design of basketball sneakers, particularly the toe box, is discussed as a factor that can limit their appeal beyond athletic use, with a comparison to retro Jordans. (38m19s)
  • Significant effort was invested in collaborating with Adidas to balance aesthetic concerns with performance requirements, achieving a design that satisfies both aspects without compromise. (38m50s)

Challenges and Lessons from Adidas Collaboration

  • The collaboration with Adidas was initially challenging due to the premature announcement of the partnership, which led to a lack of preparation and understanding of how to work together effectively. (39m56s)
  • The release of a Nike shoe involved two and a half years of preparation, contrasting with the rushed Adidas rollout, which affected the reception of the product despite its aesthetic appeal. (40m22s)
  • Jerry Lorenzo emphasizes the importance of delivering on promises to maintain the reputation and success of his brand, Fear of God, and suggests that this approach may not have been fully understood by Adidas. (41m11s)

The Adidas Partnership and Future Outlook

  • He discusses the current partnership with Adidas, which is secured until 2025, and expresses a commitment to fulfilling the agreement, while acknowledging uncertainty about the future beyond that period. (42m2s)
  • Lorenzo views the partnership with Adidas as a significant part of his business, not just a better deal compared to Nike, and sees deeper meaning in the collaboration, likening it to a "third pillar" and associating the three stripes with the Trinity. (42m50s)
  • He highlights the fundamental differences in operations between Fear of God and Adidas, noting that Fear of God releases collections when they are ready, while Adidas has to adhere to deadlines set by its board of directors. (43m15s)
  • Despite operational differences, Lorenzo describes the relationship with Adidas as mature and professional, emphasizing his personal investment and responsibility for his brand compared to the corporate structure of Adidas. (43m57s)

Defining Success and Brand Sustainability

  • Lorenzo reflects on the concept of success, defining it as inner peace rather than external achievements or rewards, and suggests that many people mistakenly chase external measures of success. (44m36s)
  • The process of building and maintaining a fashion brand is described as an endless marathon, requiring focus and potentially assistance to keep it going. (45m24s)
  • There is a need for continuous evaluation of internal teams and external resources to achieve the desired goals, which may involve changes in methods such as investment or team growth. (46m7s)
  • The ultimate goal is for the brand to become self-sustaining and enduring, similar to iconic brands like Rolex and Ralph Lauren, and to exist beyond the founder, Jerry Lorenzo. (46m38s)
  • The brand aims to always be in a position to dream big and have the ability to pursue those dreams, ensuring it never reaches a point where dreaming is not possible. (47m6s)

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