Dr. Shawn Baker Warns Carnivore Diet is NOT for Everyone (who should NEVER try it)
05 May 2024 (10 months ago)

Intro (0s)
- The carnivore diet is not for everyone.
- People who may benefit from the carnivore diet include those with:
- Autoimmune disease
- Cardiometabolic disease
- Obesity
- Food addiction
- Mental health issues
- People who may not benefit from the carnivore diet include:
- Healthy and happy individuals
- Athletes who are well-adapted to using carbohydrates for performance
- People in regions where meat is cost-prohibitive
- Little kids
- Childhood obesity is a significant problem, with 20% of children in the US being obese.
- About half of the American population could potentially benefit from the carnivore diet, while the other half may not see any benefits.
20% off Bubs Naturals (2m17s)
- Bubs Naturals is a company that was built in honor of Glenn Doty, a Special Operations soldier who gave his life in Libya.
- 10% of all profits from Bubs Naturals go to charity in Glenn's name.
- Their products include collagen, creamers, and MCT powder.
- Use the code "Thomas20" for a 20% discount on Bubs Naturals products.
Carnivore & Mental Health (3m23s)
- Carnitine deficiency has been associated with major depressive disorder.
- Gut inflammation leads to brain inflammation.
- Zinc and iron are replete in a meat-based diet.
- Ketones provide a stable source of energy, stabilizing mood.
- Ultra-processed foods are harmful to the brain.
- Nutrition plays a significant role in mental health disorders.
- Low-carb, ketogenic, and carnivore diets can reduce cravings for alcohol, cigarettes, and recreational drugs.
- Dr. Shawn Baker warns that the carnivore diet is not for everyone.
Dr. Chris Palmer (7m25s)
- Chris Palmer's research on mitochondria helped him understand metabolism, metabolic disorders, mental disorders, and the connection between them.
- Mitochondria play a direct role in neurotransmitter production and regulation, inflammation, gene expression, and the human stress response.
- Adverse childhood events and psychological stress impact mitochondrial function.
Ketones & Alcohol (10m5s)
- The presence of ketones, particularly acetate, can mimic the feeling of drinking alcohol in functioning alcoholics.
- A ketogenic diet has helped many people overcome alcohol addiction, suggesting a potential role for ketones in addiction treatment.
- The mechanism behind this effect is likely both the elimination of addictive substances and the impact of ketones on brain chemistry.
- Eating a poor diet during recovery from addiction can hinder the process.
Carnivore Foods (11m46s)
- Shawn Baker is not a big fan of organ meats.
- He believes that organ meats are not necessary for a carnivore diet.
- He cites a Harvard study that showed that the addition or subtraction of organ meats didn't have a positive or negative outcome.
- Baker believes that the absence of carbohydrates in a carnivore diet means that energy must come from somewhere, and protein is not a good source of energy.
Eggs & Dairy (14m0s)
- Eggs and dairy may cause issues for some people, especially those with autoimmune or inflammatory diseases.
- The effects of eggs and dairy on individuals can vary.
- Some people may react to certain dairy proteins more than others.
- It is recommended to eliminate and reintroduce foods to determine individual sensitivities.
- People with kidney disease or a history of kidney stones should avoid the carnivore diet.
- Individuals with a history of gout or high uric acid levels should also avoid this diet.
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not follow the carnivore diet.
- Children and adolescents should not follow the carnivore diet.
- People with certain medical conditions or taking certain medications should consult a doctor before starting the carnivore diet.
Adding Foods Back Into Your Diet (16m0s)
- People who are no longer metabolically deranged can start adding other foods back into their diet.
- The time frame for this varies from person to person, it could be 3 months, 6 months, or even a year.
- As people lose weight, they may need to adjust their food intake accordingly.
- Food addiction is a real phenomenon and people need to change their relationship with food before they can successfully make dietary changes.
- A strict elimination period is necessary for people with food addictions, but at some point, they may be able to start moderating their intake of certain foods.
- Processed foods like Snickers bars and Ben and Jerry's ice cream are not recommended, but occasional treats like a piece of cake on a special occasion are acceptable.
- Adding in whole, single foods like blueberries, fruit, rice, and sweet potatoes is generally not a problem.
Diet Tribalism (18m15s)
- Some people in the carnivore diet community can be loud and dogmatic in their approach.
- This may be due to a defensive posture against criticism and a desire to share their positive experiences with others.
- There is a tendency for people to become overly dogmatic about their beliefs, especially when they feel they have been lied to or cheated in the past.
- Social media can contribute to this tribalism, as it provides a platform for people to express their opinions and defend their beliefs.
- There is a lack of scientific knowledge about the long-term effects of the carnivore diet.
- Some people make exaggerated claims about the benefits of the diet without sufficient evidence.
- It is important to be cautious and critical when evaluating health claims, especially those that are based on personal anecdotes rather than scientific studies.
Long-Term Safety of Carnivore (20m45s)
- The long-term outcomes of a carnivore diet are unknown.
- Carnivore diet can improve the health of individuals with severe illnesses.
- Some individuals prioritize improved quality of life over potential increased risk of heart disease.
- It is important for individuals to understand the potential risks and take appropriate measures to mitigate them.
- No one can guarantee that a carnivore diet will lead to a longer life or prevent diseases like cancer or heart disease.
Vegetables (23m7s)
- Shawn Baker discusses his personal opinion on vegetables and their potential toxicity.
- He acknowledges that vegetables contain compounds that can be problematic in high doses but also recognizes that many people have consumed vegetables throughout their lives without adverse effects.
- Baker suggests that the current prevalence of toxic food and environmental exposures may contribute to some individuals' intolerance to vegetables.
- He mentions that eliminating vegetables from the diet has improved the health of some individuals.
- Baker expresses his personal dislike for vegetables and shares his experience of only grudgingly eating them as an adult.
- He describes his preference for toppings rather than plain vegetables and highlights his aversion to eating raw vegetables.
- Baker mentions that he rarely eats raw vegetables and prefers to cook them.
- Roasted Brussels sprouts are mentioned as an exception to his general dislike of vegetables.
- Baker shares an anecdote about his last vegetable consumption being a Brussels sprout in France in 2016.
Lipid Energy Model (25m15s)
- Calories matter, but they are not the only thing that matters.
- Hormones play a role in weight management.
- Protein has an additional thermic effect, so you can potentially eat more calories and still lose weight.
- Saying that calories don't matter is not accurate, but saying that they are the only thing that matters is also not accurate.
Where to Find More of Shawn's Content (28m19s)
- Instagram: @shanbaker1967
- Twitter: @shawnbakermd
- YouTube: Shawn Baker MD
- TikTok: @shawnbakermd
- Website: rivera.com/carnivore-diet-perfect