Silent Screams Beyond Broken Trust: The Paradox of Child Nurturing | Haura Shafwa Taqiyya | TEDxITS
12 Dec 2024 (2 months ago)

- Every child deserves a safe and loving place to grow up, but for many children, this is not always the case, as some have to endure the harsh reality of abuse and neglect behind closed doors, where their innocence is clouded by fear and uncertainty (1m13s).
- The well-being of children, both physically and mentally, plays a crucial role in shaping their development and the future they face, which is not only the responsibility of their parents but also the social responsibility of society as a whole (1m31s).
- Children have the right to feel safe and loved, just like a doll that is hugged and cared for, but sometimes they fall into the wrong hands and are treated poorly, leading to emotional trauma (2m43s).
- The home, which is supposed to be the safest place for children, can sometimes become a place of fear, and it is essential to have heroes who can protect and care for them (3m22s).
- As adults, it is our responsibility to protect and appreciate the rights of children, ensuring they can grow up without fear and have a safe and loving environment (4m2s).
Analogi Kepompong
- An analogy can be drawn between a caterpillar entering its cocoon and a child being born, as both are unaware of the world they will face, but the caterpillar will eventually become a butterfly, and the child will become a human being with the right to be raised with preparation to face the world (4m42s).
- The upbringing of a child is crucial, and parents have a significant responsibility in preparing them for the world, teaching them discipline, and helping them develop emotional strength (5m17s).
- The speaker's father taught them to be prepared for the harshness of the world, while their mother taught them emotional strength, and they realize that being a parent is a significant responsibility that requires preparation and emotional strength (7m21s).
Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga
- Many families appear harmonious from the outside but experience emotional violence behind closed doors (8m7s).
- As a volunteer teacher in a rural village, a child shared their experience of being frequently saddened by harsh words from family members, relatives, or household workers, making them feel worthless (8m28s).
- The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) reports hundreds to thousands of child abuse cases annually, while UNICEF reports that one in three children worldwide experience physical violence at home (9m8s).
Siklus Kekerasan
- The cycle of violence can be passed down through generations, with children who experienced abuse in their childhood potentially becoming toxic parents or overprotective parents due to unresolved trauma and idealism (9m52s).
- A viral news story involved a 3-year-old child being physically abused by a household worker, highlighting the issue of child abuse by individuals who are supposed to care for them (11m0s).
Ketakutan Anak Melapor
- Children who experience abuse often feel afraid to speak up due to fear of not being believed or facing retaliation, and may be subjected to "double victimization" when they report the abuse but receive blame or dismissal instead of support (11m59s).
Mentalitas Hukuman Fisik
- The mentality that it is acceptable to physically punish children who are difficult to manage needs to be changed, as it perpetuates a cycle of violence and trauma (13m7s).
- A mentality that destroys, such as the one that makes children afraid to report what happens to them, should not be normalized, and it's essential to change this mindset through cultural and educational changes with a comprehensive and collaborative approach (13m16s).
- Many people think that domestic violence is a private matter that shouldn't be interfered with, but this is not true, and it's crucial to recognize that child abuse is a significant issue with various forms (13m55s).
Pencegahan Kekerasan Anak
- To prevent child abuse, it's essential to educate people, especially parents and caregivers, through positive parenting training and teaching them how to identify and address violence against children (14m35s).
- As educated individuals, people can create an educated environment, and it's crucial to learn about children's rights and how to protect them from violence and neglect (14m41s).
- Using social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, can help raise awareness about child abuse and its effects on children and families (15m33s).
- Volunteering in communities or foundations that support children and families is an essential step in creating a safer environment for them (16m6s).
Hak-Hak Anak
- The most important thing is to recognize the importance of protecting children's rights, which include non-discrimination, providing the best interests of the child, ensuring their survival and development, and respecting their opinions (17m22s).
- It's crucial to acknowledge that children's opinions might seem insignificant, but they are essential, and as adults, it's vital to appreciate and respect their thoughts (17m50s).
- Protecting children's rights is not only about providing legal protection but also about respecting and honoring their rights in every aspect of their lives (18m16s).
Upaya Kolektif
- Breaking the cycle of violence and creating a safer environment for children requires a collective effort, and it's essential to work together to achieve this goal (18m54s).
Permintaan Maaf kepada Anak
- To parents who have physically, emotionally, or verbally hurt their children in the past, it is suggested that they apologize to their children as soon as possible and provide them with the best education they can offer (19m40s).
Kesadaran dan Peran dalam Masyarakat
- Having a high level of awareness can make it easier to reduce cases of child abuse in Indonesia, as everyone would be more considerate and aware of their roles and positions in society (20m2s).
- Everyone has different roles and positions in life, such as being a speaker, student, community member, or family member, and it is essential to acknowledge and respect these differences (20m19s).
Mendukung yang Lemah
- It is crucial to support and protect the weak and vulnerable, as stated by Sherina, and to be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good (21m9s).
- It is essential to be an advocate for child protection, ensuring that every small, unheard voice is acknowledged and valued (21m38s).
- By working together and supporting one another, it is possible to create a better environment for children and to uphold the truth (21m42s).