Why Are Young Men Becoming More Right-Wing? - Daniel Cox

25 Apr 2024 (6 months ago)
Why Are Young Men Becoming More Right-Wing? - Daniel Cox

The Ideological Gap Between Young Men & Women (0s)

  • A recent study revealed a growing ideological divide between young men and women in the United States.
  • Young women are becoming significantly more liberal, while young men have not experienced a significant shift in their ideology.
  • This divergence is unprecedented in the past quarter-century and is expected to shape how these individuals relate to each other and the political landscape.
  • Abortion is a key issue highlighting this divide, with 61% of young women considering it a critical priority compared to only 30% of young men.
  • Social media plays a significant role in influencing these trends, contributing to gender antagonism and dehumanization among young men and women.
  • The decline in dating among young men is problematic as it limits their opportunities to learn how to engage in nuanced and empathetic relationships.

Why Young Women Have Moved to the Left (6m52s)

  • The Me Too movement created a sense of shared fate among young women, who felt vulnerable to the issues women faced.
  • Young men often dismissed the Me Too movement as irrelevant to them personally.
  • Despite improvements in socioeconomic success and education for women, their satisfaction with the treatment of women in society has declined.
  • This decline may be due to a change in how women perceive and categorize certain behaviors as sexual harassment.
  • As living standards rise, people's expectations also rise, leading to a situation where even minor infractions are treated as significant issues.

Downsides of the MeToo Movement (14m20s)

  • The MeToo movement has had some negative consequences, including:
    • Creating a culture of fear and trepidation in the workplace, especially for men.
    • Making it more difficult for men and women to collaborate effectively.
    • Encouraging women to put up guards and become hypervigilant, which may not be psychologically healthy.
    • Leading people to form opinions about men based on social media rather than their own personal experiences.
    • Not enough female leadership in the eyes of women.
  • There has been a significant decline in sociability among young people, even before the pandemic.
  • This decline has made it more difficult for young people to form bonds and engage with each other socially.
  • As a result, young people are missing out on opportunities to learn from each other and develop important social skills.

The Decline of Political Socialisation (19m11s)

  • Republican parents are less likely to raise Republican daughters compared to Republican sons.
  • Only 44% of women raised by Republican parents still identify as Republican as adults.
  • Possible reasons for this include the influence of Donald Trump and the rise in LGBTQ+ identity among young women.
  • 1 in 3 young women identify as LGBTQ+, according to surveys.
  • There is some fluidity in sexual identity and behavior among young people.
  • Political socialization is influenced by both genetics and environmental factors.
  • Women raised by Democrat parents are more likely to identify as Democrats (77%) compared to women raised by Republican parents (44%).

Political Factors Affecting Young Women (24m15s)

  • The recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion, which is unpopular among young women, may significantly influence their political orientation and motivation.
  • Increasing female participation in higher education does not solely contribute to young people's political trajectory, as self-selection and peer influence play significant roles.
  • The polarized media environment in the United States reinforces young people's political views and prevents them from being exposed to diverse perspectives.
  • Living in a left-leaning bubble can make it difficult for young women to express opinions that deviate from the group's norms, leading to discomfort and a lack of psychological safety.
  • Surrounding oneself with people who share similar political views can lead to more extreme attitudes and a lack of exposure to counterpoints.
  • Cancel culture can be counterproductive to honest and open debate, and it assumes that people's views never change.
  • Social media and dating apps allow people to filter out things they don't like, but this can prevent them from experiencing new ideas and personal growth.

Have Men Changed Their Political Leanings? (33m0s)

  • There is no clear consensus on whether young men are becoming more right-wing.
  • Some surveys suggest that young men are becoming more Republican or more predisposed to support Republican candidates.
  • Political ideology and partisan affiliation are different.
  • Younger people tend to have increasingly negative views of both the Democratic and Republican parties.
  • More people are identifying as independent, even as the country is moving slightly more to the left.
  • Young men are far less likely than women to say that any issue is personally important to them.
  • Many young men feel a sense of dislocation and political disaffection due to rapidly changing social norms and cultures.
  • The Republican party has done a better job of reaching out to young men and addressing their concerns compared to liberals and Democrats.

Male Support of Feminism & MeToo (36m34s)

  • Young men are increasingly embracing right-wing ideologies due to factors such as backlash against feminism and the #MeToo movement.
  • There is a notable gender gap in support for feminism, with young men less likely to identify as feminists compared to young women.
  • Young men face economic and educational challenges, feeling that their concerns are overlooked.
  • A perception exists that feminism has overreached, unfairly blaming men for societal issues, leading to a zero-sum view of gender equality.
  • Social media and limited socialization contribute to the growing divide between young men and women.
  • The author's research aims to substantiate these observations.
  • The divide between young men and women extends beyond politics, affecting personal relationships.
  • The author suggests that the pandemic may have inadvertently fostered an appreciation for social skills.
  • The author encourages young people to prioritize in-person interactions and seek opportunities for community engagement.

Has Voting Behaviour Actually Changed? (45m19s)

  • There is a growing gender divide in political views, with young men becoming more right-wing compared to young women.
  • This divide extends to cultural issues such as pornography, climate change, and gun control.
  • Young women are becoming more left-wing due to factors such as higher education levels, the rise of LGBTQ+ identity, and racial divisions.
  • The 2024 election is hard to predict, but young people are likely to support Biden, especially young women due to the abortion issue.
  • The Democratic party's lack of focus on men, particularly young men, may cause them to continue to lean right.

How This Divide Impacts the Dating World (56m44s)

  • A study revealed a potential dating mismatch due to the higher number of conservative men compared to liberal women.
  • Politics and personal values, such as abortion views, may not be as crucial as expected, especially for liberal women.
  • Online dating enables users to pre-select potential matches based on specific preferences and restrictions.
  • Despite political polarization, many young people prioritize finding respectful and kind partners.
  • The politicization of issues like the COVID-19 pandemic has merged politics and personal life.
  • Many young men are becoming right-wing due to former President Trump's personal behavior and treatment of others, particularly women.
  • Trump's behavior, including cruelty, infidelity, and his treatment of women, is a dealbreaker for many women.
  • Potential solutions like "Trad fishing" or "woke fishing" by dating outside one's political orientation have challenges.
  • Conservative men may misrepresent themselves as moderate on dating profiles to attract liberal women, but liberal women are aware of this tactic.

Young Men Are Checking Out (1h3m46s)

  • Young men are increasingly withdrawing from dating and the workforce, potentially due to factors such as video games, AI girlfriends, and a lack of clear goals.
  • Video games and AI girlfriends offer an alternative to real-world relationships and may provide an unrealistic view of what relationships should be like.
  • The video game industry's deep understanding of human nature and behavior contributes to the creation of compelling and addictive gaming experiences.
  • Young men are spending excessive time playing immersive and engaging video games, which may negatively impact their life satisfaction.
  • Social media's potential role in contributing to anxiety and insecurity among young men requires further research, as studies have primarily focused on its effects on women.

Declining Trends in Life Satisfaction (1h10m21s)

  • Less than half of Americans are very satisfied with their personal lives.
  • The percentage of adults expressing high satisfaction with their lives has declined by 3 percentage points in the last year.
  • The United States has one of the largest generation gaps in terms of happiness and life satisfaction of any country.
  • Young people are experiencing a "slow life strategy" with delayed milestones such as getting a driver's license, moving out of the house, and starting a job.
  • This risk aversion and lack of independence may be contributing to lower life satisfaction among young people.
  • Overly engaged parenting styles, such as helicopter parenting and snowplow parenting, may be preventing young people from developing agency and independence.
  • Life satisfaction is highest among upper-income married and religious adults.
  • There is a class divide in religious participation, with college-educated individuals more likely to attend religious services.
  • College-educated individuals are more likely to get married, be involved in religious communities, and engage in community life, which are all factors correlated with happiness and contentment.

Should We Be Pessimistic About the Future? (1h14m4s)

  • Young people today have significantly lower trust in others compared to older generations, which may be due to negative interactions and hyper-vigilance promoted by social media.
  • The internet enables people to engage in uncivil and unempathetic behaviors online that they would not engage in person.
  • The decline in trust and civility is also attributed to the loss of a sense of community and the focus on individual success and validation.
  • Civic decline and the need to rebuild institutions are significant challenges that need to be addressed.
  • Encouraging young people to be kind and supportive, rather than solely focused on impressive resumes, is crucial.
  • The speaker believes that children should spend time with friends, engage in outdoor activities, and have a broader focus on interests and experiences beyond academics, rather than solely focusing on academic success.

Where to Find Daniel (1h19m47s)

  • Daniel's work provides statistical rigidity to insights people observe online.
  • His Substack is called "American Storylines".
  • His website is "Survey Center on American Life".
  • Young men are increasingly identifying with the right-wing.
  • This trend is particularly pronounced among white men without college degrees.
  • Economic anxiety and a sense of cultural displacement are key factors driving this shift.
  • Right-wing media and online communities provide a sense of belonging and purpose for these men.
  • The left needs to do a better job of addressing the concerns of young men and offering them a sense of hope and belonging.

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