Does this sound illusion fool you?

15 Aug 2024 (6 months ago)
Does this sound illusion fool you?

Sound Illusions and Auditory Perception

  • The text discusses the concept of sound illusions and how our ears perceive sound.
  • It presents an example where two sounds with different frequencies are perceived as having different pitches, even though one sound contains the same fundamental frequency as the other.
  • The text explains that the timbre of a sound is determined by the overtones, which are higher frequencies that are not as loud as the fundamental frequency.
  • The text mentions that harmonics are overtones that are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency.
  • The text discusses the challenges of playing very low notes on an organ, highlighting the Sydney Town Hall pipe organ's unique 64-foot long pipe.
  • The text explains that the 64-foot pipe produces a frequency of 8 hertz, which is more felt than heard.
  • The text notes that the lowest note most pipe organs can play is 16 hertz, which is at the limit of human hearing.
  • Georg Joseph Vogler, an 18th-century organist, wanted to tour Europe with a portable organ.
  • He realized that playing the harmonics of a low frequency could create the illusion of hearing the missing fundamental.
  • This is because the harmonics change the period of the sound, making it longer and matching the missing fundamental.
  • The Shepard tone illusion creates the sensation of an ever-increasing pitch by playing multiple frequencies separated by octaves.
  • As the frequencies increase, the volume of the high notes decreases, and the volume of the low notes increases, creating the illusion of a continuous rise.
  • The Shepard tone illusion can evoke emotional responses, such as nervousness, anxiety, and disturbance.
  • The phantom word illusion, created by Dr. Diana Deutsch, demonstrates how our brains can find patterns in random sounds.
  • This illusion involves scrambling the notes of a familiar melody, making it difficult to recognize at first.
  • Once the unscrambled melody is heard, the scrambled version becomes easier to recognize, highlighting the brain's ability to identify patterns.
  • When two different sounds are played simultaneously, the brain can create words from the mixed signals.
  • The brain can be primed to hear specific words, such as through text or visual cues.
  • Mondegreens are misheard words or phrases, often caused by incorrect division of sounds.
  • Visual cues can affect what we hear, as demonstrated by the "bear" and "fair" example.
  • The cocktail party effect refers to the ability to focus on a single voice in a noisy environment.
  • The cocktail party effect is achieved by identifying the waveform of the desired voice and by locating the source of the sound.
  • Air traffic controllers can use different speakers to broadcast pilots' voices, allowing them to focus on individual pilots.
  • Audio illusions highlight the brain's ability to fill in gaps and interpret ambiguous sounds, demonstrating the complexity of our auditory perception.
  • The brain's ability to make subconscious adjustments is essential for understanding complex sounds, such as those found in a cocktail party.
  • Audio illusions remind us that our perception can be flawed, but our critical thinking skills help us separate fact from fiction.

The Sydney Town Hall Pipe Organ

  • The text introduces the Sydney Town Hall pipe organ, highlighting its size and the fact that it was the largest organ in the world when it was built in 1890.
  • The organ is described as a "one person orchestra" because it can produce a wide range of sounds, mimicking different instruments.
  • The text explains that the organ's sound is created by a series of pipes, each of which produces a specific note.
  • The text emphasizes that the pipes are made of different materials, which affects the timbre of the sound.
  • The Vox Angelica on the Sydney Town Hall Organ demonstrates the phenomenon of beating, where two slightly out-of-tune pipes create a pulsing effect.
  • This pulsing effect is caused by the interference of sound waves, with peaks and troughs aligning or canceling each other out.

Sound Localization

  • Four cues help us locate the source of a sound: volume, time difference, phase difference, and spectral cues.
  • The human head casts a sound shadow over the left ear, which attenuates higher frequencies more than lower frequencies.
  • The time delay between sound reaching each ear is another cue for sound localization.
  • The phase of the sound wave at each ear is also a cue, but it is less useful when the sound is directly in front or behind the listener.
  • Owls have asymmetrical ears, which helps them localize sounds from below.
  • The shape of the human ear, specifically the pinna, plays a crucial role in sound localization.
  • The pinna reflects sound waves differently depending on the frequency and location of the sound source.
  • Scientists have measured the unique response curves of different pinna shapes to different frequencies.
  • The brain learns to interpret these reflections and use them to localize sound.
  • A 1998 study showed that changing the shape of the pinna significantly impaired sound localization, but participants eventually adapted.
  • Companies like Apple and Sony use ear scans to create personalized spatial audio experiences in virtual reality.

Early Attempts at Sound Localization

  • Early attempts to amplify sound localization included the topophone, which used adjustable hearing cones to locate ships in fog.
  • During World War I, sound mirrors were developed to amplify sound and locate approaching aircraft.
  • Sound mirrors were eventually abandoned due to the development of radar.

Binaural Beats

  • When two different frequencies are played in each ear, the brain perceives a beating effect even though the tones never interact directly.
  • This phenomenon is known as Binaural Beats, and some claim it can improve focus or memory.
  • A 2023 review on Binaural Beats was inconclusive and emphasized the need for more standardized testing methods.


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