How to Get Good at Small Talk, and Even Enjoy It

17 Nov 2023 (10 months ago)
How to Get Good at Small Talk, and Even Enjoy It

“Small talk” is a misnomer for such an important part of communication. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:00:00)

  • Small talk is valuable for connecting, bonding, learning, and growing.
  • Approaching small talk as a collaborative effort, like hacky sack, rather than a test or tennis match, can make it enjoyable.

Establish appropriate goals. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:01:07)

  • Aim to be interested in the conversation rather than trying to appear interesting.
  • Focusing on being present in the discussion can alleviate anxiety about being judged.

Give yourself permission to pause. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:01:52)

  • Speed is not as important as providing an appropriate response.
  • Pausing and paraphrasing can help ensure you've understood the other person and provide time to compose thoughts.

What if you feel like you have nothing smart to say? rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:03:35)

  • Asking questions like "Tell me more" gives you time to think and encourages the other person to continue sharing.

What if I make a mistake or say something dumb? rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:04:24)

  • Mistakes are a natural part of spontaneous communication, which is more about connection than perfection.
  • Viewing mistakes as "missed takes" provides an opportunity to try saying things in a different way.

What if my problem is that I have too much to say? rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:05:09)

  • Being concise is usually preferable in communication.
  • Rather than sharing a full thought process, focus on directly answering or addressing the topic at hand.

What tools can I use if none of this is natural to me? rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:06:04)

  • Leverage structure in speech, such as the "What? So what? Now what?" technique for clarity and conciseness.
  • Practicing structured communication in daily situations can make it feel more natural.

How do I get the conversation started? rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:07:53)

  • Trite phrases often used to initiate small talk do not lead to meaningful conversations.
  • Initiating with context-specific observations or questions can pique curiosity and lead to a more engaging interaction.

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