157. Communicating the Future: Defining Where We Want AI to Take Us | Think Fast, Talk Smart:...

27 Aug 2024 (20 days ago)
157. Communicating the Future: Defining Where We Want AI to Take Us | Think Fast, Talk Smart:...

Communication Skills for Work and Life

The Power of Questions

  • Specificity is key when asking questions, as people want to hear specific stories and questions. Follow-up questions are also important as they allow for more in-depth conversation once the speaker and listener are warmed up. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:11:28)
  • Questions can be a powerful tool in communication, as they can convey gratitude, understanding, and even opinions without explicitly stating them. Viewing questions as opportunities for connection and learning, rather than threats, is crucial. rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">(00:13:18)

Effective Communication Techniques

AI and Communication

Successful Grant Writing

Effective Teamwork and Collaboration

Approaching Communication with Joy

Matt Abrahams and Russ Altman

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