S3 E24: Police Accountability, Wells Fargo & 2016 Election: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
01 Jul 2024 (8 months ago)

2016 Presidential Debate
- John Oliver discusses the widely criticized performance of Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential debate against Hillary Clinton.
- Trump falsely claimed to have won every online poll despite evidence to the contrary, highlighting the unreliability of online polls.
- Trump fixated on a comment made by Clinton about Alicia Machado, a former Miss Universe contestant, and made derogatory remarks about her appearance.
- Oliver contrasts Trump's current behavior with his previous praise of Machado during a 1997 interview.
Police Accountability
- Police accountability is crucial due to recent controversies involving police shootings and misconduct.
- The argument that there are only a few bad apples ignores systemic issues and bad laws that officers must enforce.
- Lack of comprehensive data on police misconduct hinders assessment of the problem's true extent.
- Internal investigations of police misconduct often lack impartiality and thoroughness, leading to concerns about accountability.
- Unwritten codes of silence, state laws, and union contracts can hinder the identification and removal of problem officers.
- The practice of "Gypsy cops," where officers escape accountability by resigning and moving to different departments, has led to tragic incidents.
- Police misconduct undermines trust in law enforcement and necessitates reforms to ensure accountability.
Wells Fargo Ethics Scandal
- Wells Fargo employees allegedly created millions of fake accounts in customers' names to meet unreasonable sales quotas.
- Wells Fargo retaliated against employees who reported the fake accounts through an ethics hotline.
- Despite forfeiting $41 million of his pay, Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf remains in his position.
- Wells Fargo paid $24 million to settle a case involving the illegal repossession of military members' vehicles.
- Wells Fargo's past ethics videos contradict their actions, suggesting a lack of commitment to ethical practices.
- A former Wells Fargo employee criticizes the bank's behavior and offers advice on improving ethics.
- Ethics violations are likened to a dildo attached to a boomerang, emphasizing their eventual consequences.