Scattered Spider; Knife; Tasmanian Tiger | 60 Minutes Full Episode
17 Apr 2024 (10 months ago)

Ransomware Attacks
- Ransomware attacks have become increasingly costly and disruptive, targeting hospitals, tech companies, and casinos.
- The Scattered Spider hacking group collaborates with Russia's Black Cat ransomware gang, combining social engineering techniques with malware expertise.
- Ransomware gangs operate like legitimate companies, offering services to affiliates and targeting American businesses while avoiding Russia and former Soviet states.
- The Colonial Pipeline attack prompted the National Security Agency (NSA) to allocate more resources to combat foreign cyber threats, leading to the identification and arrest of a Russian hacker.
- Despite the arrest, the hacker was released following the Ukraine Invasion and joined forces with Scattered Spider, marking an evolution in cyber crime.
Scattered Spider and the FBI
- The FBI arrested 19-year-old Noah Urban from Florida for allegedly stealing cryptocurrency and linked him to Scattered Spider.
- The Scattered Spider hackers responsible for the casino heists remain at large.
Cyber Crime Challenges
- Cyber crime has become overwhelming, with defenders feeling like they are winning battles but losing the war.
Salman Rushdie Attack
- Salman Rushdie faced a life under threat after Iran's leader issued a fatwa calling for his assassination due to his novel "The Satanic Verses."
- Rushdie lived in hiding for 10 years with police protection but eventually moved to the US, where he felt safe until he was attacked in 2022 during a literary festival in New York.
- Despite security concerns, the venue for the event lacked adequate security measures, resulting in the attack.
- Rushdie describes the attack in his book "Knife," detailing the stabbing and slashing he endured during the 27-second assault.
- The audience intervened and pulled the attacker off Rushdie, saving his life.
- Rushdie reflects on the attack, expressing a matter-of-fact acceptance of death and no supernatural experiences.
- He chooses not to use the attacker's name, refusing to give him any more space in his thoughts.
- Rushdie spent 18 days in the hospital and 3 weeks in rehab after the attack.
- Rushdie initially did not want to write a book about the attack, but felt compelled to do so in order to take control of the narrative and "own" his experience.
- Rushdie sees language as his "knife" and uses it to fight back against the attack and reclaim his power.
- Almost two years after the attack, Rushdie is still readjusting to life with one eye and feels the shadow of the attack lingering over him.
- Rushdie reflects on the ongoing censorship in America, with movements from both the left and the right attempting to suppress certain ideas and voices.
Tasmanian Tiger Search
- The search for the Tasmanian tiger, declared extinct almost 40 years ago, continues to captivate people in Tasmania.
- Despite numerous reported sightings, no clear evidence of the Tasmanian tiger's existence has been captured.
- Enthusiasts like Chris Rayberg and Richo have dedicated their time and resources to finding evidence of the thylacine's existence.
- Scientists and biologists are exploring the possibility of de-extinction through genetic engineering, with Andrew Pask leading a project to modify the genome of a dunnart to resemble the thylacine.
- Skeptics, like Chris Helgen, question the feasibility of such a project, emphasizing the significant genetic and biological challenges involved.
- The passion for the thylacine's revival is driven by scientific curiosity, conservation concerns, and a desire to rectify past ecological losses.