Tom Hopper Explains his Diet to Build Muscle for Umbrella Academy (and what he never eats)

01 Sep 2024 (6 months ago)
Tom Hopper Explains his Diet to Build Muscle for Umbrella Academy (and what he never eats)

Intro (0s)

  • The speaker wants to know what foods contribute to large arm muscles. (8s)
  • The speaker wants to know what foods help build muscle while staying lean. (14s)
  • The speaker wants to discuss go-to foods for building muscle. (17s)

Eggs (28s)

  • The most consumed food is eggs. (28s)
  • A daily intake of three to four whole eggs and four to five egg whites is consumed to maintain a lean physique. (37s)
  • When not restricting for leanness, eight eggs are consumed daily. (51s)

Choice of Meats (1m1s)

  • Lamb is a preferred meat, but is eaten in moderation when trying to stay lean. (1m10s)
  • Ground beef is a staple due to its versatility and ease of preparation. (2m13s)
  • Ribeye steak is another favored beef choice. (2m20s)

Creatine (2m34s)

  • Creatine is used intermittently, especially when muscle gain is the goal. (2m46s)
  • Creatine use is paused when preparing for on-camera work due to concerns about water retention, particularly in the face. (2m59s)
  • Smaller doses of creatine taken throughout the day may result in less water retention. (4m19s)

50% off Create’s Creatine Gummies (4m44s)

  • Create creatine gummies are available at a 50% discount. (4m45s)
  • Each gummy contains 1.5 grams of creatine, allowing for convenient creatine loading throughout the day. (4m55s)
  • The gummies are allulose-sweetened and come in a new sour apple flavor. (4m50s) (5m31s)

Creatine (5m39s)

  • Creatine consumption leads to less water retention in the face. (5m43s)
  • A diet with sufficient protein might require less creatine supplementation for desired results. (5m49s)
  • Red meat consumption, due to its higher creatine content, might be more beneficial for maintaining size compared to chicken breast or fish. (6m16s)

Fish (6m28s)

  • Fish is consumed three to four times per week, with a preference for wild-caught options. (6m57s)
  • Scottish Loch trout is a preferred fish due to its ability to cook in its own oils, resulting in crispy skin and high omega-3 content. (7m21s)
  • Avocado is consumed for additional calories, especially during muscle-building phases. (8m43s)

Avocado (8m48s)

  • The speaker finds it difficult to consume enough calories to gain weight. (8m51s)
  • The speaker maintains a clean diet consisting of whole foods. (9m2s)
  • Avocados are incorporated into the diet as a source of healthy fats. (9m3s)

Whey Protein (9m15s)

  • Whey protein is the only processed food consumed and is only consumed when needed, such as when building muscle. (9m24s)
  • Isolate is viewed as a higher quality protein than concentrate. (9m39s)
  • Isolate is a pure protein with minimal to no lactose, while concentrate contains milk solids, lactoferrin, and milk proteins that can aid in digestion and gut health. (10m35s)

Raw Dairy (12m12s)

  • Processed dairy can cause a histamine response in the body, leading to allergy-like symptoms. (12m22s)
  • Consuming raw milk a couple of times a week does not cause the same histamine response as processed dairy. (12m48s)
  • Whey protein concentrate, although initially causing discomfort, can improve gut health with consistent, titrated doses. (16m25s)

Sweet Potatoes (18m4s)

  • The speaker consumes a significant amount of sweet potatoes. (18m5s)
  • Other root vegetables are also included in the diet. (18m8s)
  • All carbohydrates consumed are sourced from whole foods, including beetroot and carrots. (18m12s)

Preferred Veggies (18m16s)

  • Root vegetables of all kinds are enjoyed, particularly for their versatility and variety of colors. (18m28s)
  • Root vegetables are considered to be very versatile and flavorful, leading to a lot of experimentation when cooking with them. (18m35s)
  • Honey is enjoyed post-workout. (18m54s)

Honey (18m55s)

  • Local, raw honey can help alleviate hay fever symptoms. (19m11s)
  • Honey is believed to effectively restore glycogen stores post-workout and enhance mental acuity. (19m32s)
  • Honey contains isomaltose, a prebiotic sugar that is not fully digestible by humans, providing a source of prebiotic fiber. (20m21s)

Processed Foods (23m32s)

  • Processed sugar is not consumed, with the exception of sugars found in fruit. (23m33s)
  • Bread is generally avoided. (23m40s)

Bread (23m42s)

  • Wheat products, especially bread, are avoided due to causing bloating and not being well-utilized by the body. (24m3s)
  • Processed sugar has not been consumed for 11-12 years, as it was found to cause inflammation, brain fog, and impaired function. (24m38s)
  • Artificial sweeteners, while acceptable occasionally, are not consumed regularly due to potential negative effects on the microbiome and a preference for whole foods. (26m12s)

Heated Seed Oils (30m8s)

  • Heated seed oils, like those used in deep frying, can cause negative physical reactions such as achiness and brain fog. (30m41s)
  • While the long-term effects of consuming heated seed oils are unknown, the short-term effects are noticeable and can hinder muscle building by making it harder to train effectively. (32m42s)
  • Consuming highly processed foods, including those with trans fats and high glycemic carbohydrates, can lead to inflammation and sluggishness, negatively impacting energy levels and the ability to engage in activities with children. (33m10s)

Where to Find More of Tom (38m56s)

  • The speaker can be found on Instagram at the handle "Tom Hopp Hops". (38m58s)
  • The speaker states that Instagram is their only social media platform. (39m0s)

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