5 cosas que debes saber antes de emprender | Edu Riera | TEDxUCM

02 Jul 2024 (8 months ago)
5 cosas que debes saber antes de emprender | Edu Riera | TEDxUCM

The Speaker's Background

  • The speaker, an entrepreneur, shares his experience and insights gained from his journey as a first-time entrepreneur.
  • He worked in finance before co-founding a startup called Thrive, an education and career guidance platform for university students and those with limited professional experience.

Types of Entrepreneurs

  • The speaker differentiates between "entrepreneurs by birth" and "entrepreneurs by accident."
  • "Entrepreneurs by birth" are passionate about entrepreneurship and have always envisioned themselves starting their own ventures.
  • "Entrepreneurs by accident" find themselves in entrepreneurship due to life circumstances but could have pursued other career paths such as finance, data science, or programming.

Target Audience

  • The speaker's target audience is primarily "entrepreneurs by accident" who can relate to his experiences and insights.

Failure and Its Impact

  • The speaker acknowledges that his talk may not be as inspiring as others due to the lack of a compelling personal story, but he aims to provide practical advice and considerations for those contemplating entrepreneurship.
  • The speaker emphasizes that 90% of startups fail within five years, and entrepreneurs should be aware of this reality before deciding to start a business.
  • Contrary to popular belief, failure is not as stigmatized as it used to be, and many entrepreneurs openly share their experiences.
  • The speaker cautions against romanticizing failure, as it can be mentally challenging for entrepreneurs and negatively impact investors, mentors, employees, and society as a whole.

Considerations Before Starting a Business

  • Having a boss is not necessarily a bad thing, and entrepreneurs still have to deal with various challenges and responsibilities in a startup environment.
  • Not all businesses need to be startups; some may be smaller ventures with clearer business models and goals, without the need for venture capital or rapid growth.
  • The speaker warns against the dangers of seeking venture capital funding, as it can lead to pressure to grow the business rapidly and meet unrealistic expectations.
  • Entrepreneurs should consider whether they are truly prepared for the demands of entrepreneurship, as it requires immense energy, experience, savings, and a lack of responsibilities outside of work.
  • The ideal age to start a business is between 28 and 45, as this age range offers a balance of energy, experience, and financial stability.

Impact and Finding a Meaningful Project

  • Despite the challenges, entrepreneurship presents a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on the world.
  • The speaker believes that the true measure of impact is the ability to influence and shift society in a desired direction.
  • The speaker's personal example of creating a company to improve higher education in Spain demonstrates how entrepreneurs can choose the problems they want to solve, design solutions, and allocate resources accordingly.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding a project with genuine personal significance and passion, as it makes the entrepreneurial journey more fulfilling and worthwhile.
  • The speaker suggests a three-step process for finding an impactful project: identifying problems that matter, envisioning solutions, and then considering the business model.
  • The speaker highlights the time and effort required to truly understand a problem, emphasizing that it can take years of thinking and research before a viable solution can be developed.
  • The speaker encourages aspiring entrepreneurs to focus on finding a problem they care deeply about, as it is the key to a fulfilling and impactful entrepreneurial journey.

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