Male Body Dysmorphia, Fat Loss & Insane Challenges - Will Tennyson (4K)

07 Oct 2024 (14 days ago)
Male Body Dysmorphia, Fat Loss & Insane Challenges - Will Tennyson (4K)

Becoming Fat For a Day (0s)

  • Wearing a fat suit to experience life as an obese person was more like a trip to the past, bringing back memories of being self-conscious about people's perceptions and feeling like being constantly watched (6s).
  • The biggest issue growing up was dealing with people's perceptions and feeling like being judged for every action, which still affects life today but is getting better with time (14s).
  • The fat suit experience was achieved by finding a company that makes obese suits for medical professionals to practice maneuvering obese patients, and the suit used was equivalent to being 600 lbs (42s).
  • The experience was challenging, with difficulties getting into a car, doing everyday tasks, and facing people's reactions, including laughter, staring, and avoidance of eye contact (1m7s).
  • The experience took an emotional toll, with feelings of being a spectacle and wanting to rip off the suit, which was unexpected and only realized after watching the footage back (1m59s).
  • The experience gave a different perspective and empathy for people who are overweight, realizing it's not as simple as just eating less and moving more, and there are deeper issues involved (2m27s).
  • An interview with Brentley, a 26-year-old who lost 250 lbs from 575 lbs, highlighted the challenges of maintaining a positive mindset when facing negative reactions from others and feeling like an outcast (2m44s).
  • Brentley's story showed that the desire to lose weight can be triggered by a moment of realization, but the journey to changing one's lifestyle is difficult due to the comfort of routine and fear of the unknown (3m16s).
  • The experience aimed to show that being overweight is a complex issue that goes beyond just diet and exercise, and there's a need for more understanding and empathy (3m37s).

Will’s Relationship With Food (4m2s)

  • A previous relationship with food was characterized by overeating, even when consuming healthy foods like chicken, rice, and salad, due to an extremely high appetite (4m2s).
  • This high appetite led to consuming large amounts of food throughout the day, including having multiple dinners and snacks (4m30s).
  • Despite being overweight, with a weight of around 275 pounds at 17-18 years old and 5'9" tall, there was a high level of physical activity, including playing hockey at a high level (5m14s).
  • Comments from others, especially in the locker room, made it uncomfortable to take off shirts, and there was a fear of being judged for weight (5m8s).
  • Currently, the biggest struggle is with diet and maintaining lean muscle mass, with a constant need to find ways to "cheat the system" and increase food volume (5m33s).
  • A conversation with Robert Plowman, a leading behavioral geneticist, revealed that weight is 60% heritable, even when people are raised separately from their parents, and that genetics play a significant role in factors contributing to weight gain (6m32s).
  • Factors contributing to weight gain include leptin release, mechanically bigger stomachs, and a greater sense of pleasure from the stretch sensation of a full stomach (6m54s).
  • The complexities of weight gain and the role of genetics make it challenging to determine the best approach to addressing obesity, including whether to feel pity, shame, or encouragement for those struggling with their weight (7m45s).
  • Having a career that involves maintaining a certain physical appearance helps keep things in check, but it also raises questions about what would happen if that career were not a factor (8m2s).
  • Various systems have been developed to maintain weight and physical appearance, including fasting and eating at specific times, but these systems need to be adapted as circumstances change (8m18s).

Strategies for Simplifying Weight Loss (8m42s)

  • Strategies for simplifying fat loss include calorie restriction and increasing compliance by making it simpler and easier, with nighttime cravings being a common challenge for many people (8m53s).
  • Macro fasting is a strategy that involves fasting from carbs and fat earlier in the day, instead opting for protein-rich foods like egg whites, protein shakes, and Greek yogurt to stay full with minimal calories (9m8s).
  • This approach allows for more flexibility and fun food choices at nighttime while still making good choices, and can help mentally by reducing the desire for multiple snacks while watching TV (9m36s).
  • Exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and having a daily step count goal can be beneficial, with a minimum of 12,500 steps being a good target (10m16s).
  • Incorporating physical activity into daily routines, such as walking a puppy, can be an enjoyable and therapeutic way to stay active and clear one's mind (10m24s).
  • Having a family history of fitness enthusiasm, such as a mother who is a fitness fanatic and step counter, can also influence one's behavior and motivation to prioritize physical activity (10m51s).

Male Body Image in Modern Society (10m58s)

  • The modern world of male body image is a significant concern, with many young men following fitness influencers on YouTube in pursuit of a certain physique, often for the attention of women (10m58s).
  • However, this pursuit can be misguided, as true attractiveness comes from being healthy and happy, rather than just having a certain body type (11m28s).
  • The fitness industry is split between entertainment and heavy-duty bodybuilding, with the latter often involving the use of steroids, which can have severe negative consequences (11m46s).
  • Many young men are drawn to the idea of using steroids to achieve quick gains, but this can lead to addiction and long-term health problems, including depression and cancer (12m10s).
  • The use of steroids can also lead to a loss of motivation and identity once the individual stops using them, as they may struggle to maintain their physique naturally (13m2s).
  • Male body dysmorphia is a growing concern, with researcher Scott Griffiths predicting that it will overtake female body dysmorphia within the next two decades (13m57s).
  • This trend is particularly alarming, given that women's primary source of value is often tied to their beauty and youth, and yet men are increasingly struggling with body image issues (14m12s).
  • It is essential for young men to develop a healthy relationship with fitness and their bodies, focusing on overall well-being rather than just physical appearance (13m41s).

What Will Wished He Knew When He Was Younger (14m30s)

  • Insights about confidence and self-esteem, particularly for those aspiring to be muscular, emphasize the importance of pursuing goals for oneself rather than for external validation. This realization is often difficult to practice despite sounding obvious. (14m51s)
  • A personal experience with an eating disorder is shared, where rapid weight loss of over 100 pounds occurred in less than a year, leading to unhealthy behaviors like starvation and fainting. The situation worsened due to external validation from peers, which shifted the focus away from personal health. (15m3s)
  • The journey initially began healthily with support from family, but the desire to prove oneself to others led to losing sight of personal goals. The advice given is to remain focused on personal reasons for change and not be swayed by others' opinions. (16m6s)
  • Emotional reflections on past struggles reveal that current motivations are driven by a desire to support others who may be experiencing similar challenges. The goal is to create content that provides an escape and joy, similar to what was once a personal refuge. (16m59s)
  • The content aims to be light-hearted and humorous, with the intention of making viewers laugh and learn. There is an acknowledgment of the pressure to create impactful content, but the value of providing laughter and relief is emphasized as a significant achievement. (17m31s)
  • The concept of the "Lonely Chapter" refers to a period in life where individuals undergo personal development, change, or self-improvement, causing them to drift away from their old friends and struggle to form new connections, often leaving them feeling isolated and uncertain about their future (19m1s).
  • This phase can be a challenging and mundane experience, filled with self-doubt and a desperate desire for change, but without the reassurance of a positive outcome (20m24s).
  • People going through the "Lonely Chapter" often find solace in online communities, podcasts, or YouTube channels that resonate with their thoughts and feelings, providing a sense of connection and understanding (21m7s).
  • The "Lonely Chapter" can last for an extended period, sometimes up to five years, and is characterized by a lack of guarantee of success or recognition, making it a difficult and uncertain time for those experiencing it (19m38s).
  • In retrospect, people's origin stories often gloss over the uncertainty and self-doubt of the "Lonely Chapter," instead presenting a narrative of unwavering confidence and determination (20m11s).
  • The "Lonely Chapter" is a common experience for many individuals, particularly those who engage with personal development content online, and serves as a reminder that they are not alone in their struggles (21m2s).
  • Many people experience a period of uncertainty and loneliness during their personal development, feeling unsure if their efforts will succeed. This phase is often overlooked in stories of personal growth. (21m35s)
  • It is important to recognize that dissatisfaction with one's current situation does not mean change is impossible. Over time, as people grow older and wiser, they often realize that others are not as concerned with their actions as they might think. (22m1s)
  • Personal improvements can come from various sources, including platforms like YouTube, as well as from personal growth and the realization that most people are not focused on judging others. (22m21s)
  • Function Health offers a comprehensive health tracking service that conducts over 100 lab tests annually, covering various health aspects such as heart health, hormones, and cancer detection. This service provides a detailed health overview at a cost significantly lower than traditional methods. (22m40s)
  • For those feeling socially anxious or as if they are constantly being watched, it is important to understand that this is often an internal perception rather than reality. Many people feel self-conscious, but in truth, others are not as focused on them as they might believe. (23m48s)
  • Overcoming social anxiety can involve realizing that everyone is similar and that personal fears of being judged are often unfounded. This realization can be aided by experiences such as making videos, which can help build confidence. (24m21s)
  • The conversation is taking place on a significant day, as one of the individuals in the room is celebrating their 30th birthday, and the person speaking has also recently turned 30. (24m55s)
  • The person speaking has been reflecting on their life and experiences, often looking back and thinking about their past. (24m49s)
  • The speaker mentions having a hard time coming to terms with turning 30. (25m8s)

Becoming Aware of Your Ageing (25m9s)

  • Turning 30 marked a significant change in perspective, as it became clear that aging is a reality and that one day, they will be an older person, prompting more reflection on mortality and the aging process (25m11s).
  • Until around the age of 32 or 33, many men are not aware of their own mortality and aging, but as they enter their mid-30s, signs of aging become more apparent, such as gray hairs and longer recovery times after workouts (26m9s).
  • The conversation about aging and its effects is often focused on women, but it's essential to discuss what it means to age gracefully as a man, considering societal expectations and the impact of body dysmorphia (26m48s).
  • Men are often expected to derive their sense of self-worth from sources other than their physical appearance, but the ubiquity of social media and the increasing number of photos taken can lead to more scrutiny of one's condition and age (27m24s).
  • There is a sense of shame or stigma associated with men being concerned about their aging appearance, as it's seen as not being a traditionally masculine trait (27m48s).
  • Being open and honest about emotions, including those related to aging, can be beneficial and help to break down societal expectations and stigmas surrounding masculinity (28m2s).
  • Showing emotions and being playful can be seen as attractive and can serve as a pressure release valve, highlighting the importance of emotional expression and vulnerability (28m51s).

The Importance of Being More Playful (29m4s)

  • Being more playful in communication can help people become more confident and charismatic, and it's a skill that can be learned and practiced (29m4s).
  • People often don't want the "right" answer to a question, but rather an engaging and interesting response, and being playful can help achieve this (29m12s).
  • The tendency to always try to give the "right" answer may be a result of societal pressure to be seen as serious and sophisticated, but being playful can be a more effective way to connect with others (29m44s).
  • Many people, especially friends, often give humorous or incorrect answers to questions, and this can be a way to lighten the mood and make interactions more enjoyable (29m56s).
  • Being too serious or trying too hard to be efficient can be off-putting, and injecting playfulness into conversations can be beneficial for both the individual and those around them (30m17s).
  • Adding playfulness to conversations can be as simple as looking for the humorous or lighthearted side of a topic, and can be a way to make interactions more enjoyable and engaging (30m33s).
  • The concept of play is often associated with activities like sports or hobbies, but it can also be applied to day-to-day communication (30m52s).
  • As people get older, they may feel like they can't be playful or silly, but this is not necessarily true, and being playful can be a way to stay young and carefree (31m11s).
  • Being called out by others, such as a spouse, can be a way to realize the importance of being playful and not taking oneself too seriously (31m24s).

Nikocado Avocado’s Transformation (31m41s)

  • Nikocado Avocado, a YouTube influencer known for his mukbang eating videos, has undergone a significant transformation, losing a substantial amount of weight, with some speculating he went from 411 pounds to around 160-170 pounds (31m41s).
  • The transformation is considered "insane" and has garnered 40 million views, with many people unsure how he achieved it, sparking speculation about whether he had liposuction or worked out to lose the weight (31m44s).
  • Nikocado Avocado's weight loss is considered life-consuming, requiring a complete change in every aspect of his life, and it's impressive that he was able to achieve it, especially considering how difficult it is to gain and maintain such a high weight (33m32s).
  • The transformation is also concerning, as it drew many people into a social experiment, with some speculating that Nikocado Avocado planned the entire thing, including gaining weight and then losing it, which would be a remarkable feat (34m40s).
  • There are two possible explanations for the transformation: either Nikocado Avocado recorded the video before gaining weight and released it later, or he actually gained weight and then lost it, with both options being considered incredible and shocking (35m32s).
  • The transformation has sparked a lot of interest and discussion, with some people finding it fascinating and others concerned about the potential social implications (36m6s).

The Hardest Challenge Will Has Done (36m17s)

  • The hardest challenge involved going to Denver and visiting North America's highest gym, located at an altitude of 10,361 feet in Alma, an hour and a half outside of Colorado, and completing 10 progressively harder challenges, including maxing out on squats, overhead press, and bench, as well as cardio exercises (36m17s).
  • The challenges were part of the first video, and the high altitude made it even more difficult, with the body eventually shutting down and losing control, resulting in blacking out and later profusely crying after completing the 10th challenge on the Jacobs Ladder (37m0s).
  • The experience was traumatic, and it took a couple of weeks to feel okay again, with comments from viewers expressing concern about the danger of the challenge, including the risk of a heart attack and low blood oxygen levels, which were at 80 (37m50s).
  • The experience led to a conversation with the wife, who expressed concerns about the risks of such challenges, especially if they want to have kids, and a decision was made not to do such challenges again (38m20s).
  • The conversation was interrupted by a discussion about AG1, a comprehensive and highly tested foundational nutrition supplement that has been used for over three years, with a 90-day money-back guarantee and a year's free supply of vitamin D3 and K2, as well as five free AG1 travel packs (38m31s).

What Will’s Life is Like as a YouTuber (39m34s)

  • Engaging in extreme challenges, such as gaining 20 pounds in a week or following Mark Wahlberg's morning routine, is described as both a blessing and a curse. These activities are enjoyable and fulfilling as a career, but they disrupt personal routines and fitness goals. (39m34s)
  • There is a strong commitment to consistently producing content, often prioritizing it over personal well-being. This dedication involves extensive travel and effort to maintain a regular posting schedule. (40m33s)
  • A significant shift in focus and dedication occurred just before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a professional approach to content creation. This included learning various skills, improving content quality, and expanding the team. (40m47s)
  • The emotional impact of personal loss is highlighted through the experience of losing a pet, which was deeply distressing. Despite this, there was a commitment to continue working and filming according to the schedule, demonstrating a strong sense of duty and professionalism. (42m2s)
  • A personal reflection reveals the importance of addressing emotional issues rather than postponing them, as neglecting them can lead to regret and a lack of appreciation for significant aspects of life. (42m44s)
  • A change in perspective emphasizes the importance of prioritizing mental health and personal well-being over professional obligations, with support from a partner who encourages a balanced lifestyle. (43m32s)
  • The realization that taking breaks from social media does not equate to failure leads to a more mature understanding of personal and professional life balance. (44m10s)
  • The concept of decentralizing identity is discussed, highlighting the benefits of not tying self-worth to a single aspect of life, which can lead to both success and fragility. (44m58s)
  • The analogy of diversifying investments is used to illustrate the importance of having multiple sources of identity and fulfillment, rather than relying on one area for self-worth. (45m37s)
  • The discussion highlights the concept of "escape velocity" in achieving success on platforms, emphasizing that the advice given by successful individuals may not be applicable to those at the beginning of their journey. Instead, it is important to consider what these individuals did when they were at a similar stage. (46m2s)
  • It is noted that successful people often give advice based on their current situation, which may not be relevant for beginners. For instance, Mr. Beast advises focusing on making the best video possible, but beginners should first focus on getting comfortable in front of the camera and gradually improving. (47m26s)
  • The conversation suggests that persistence and not giving up are key factors in achieving success. Many people fail because they stop trying, and the idea of hard work being the main driver of success is discussed. (48m10s)
  • The notion that success derived from hard work is accessible to everyone is explored, contrasting it with success based on talent or innate abilities, which may not be replicable. The journey of hard work is long but clearly defined, unlike the unpredictable path of relying on talent. (49m11s)
  • Many people, especially high school students, want to pursue a career in social media, but often for the wrong reasons, such as fame or thinking it's an easy job (50m6s).
  • A career in social media, particularly YouTube, is more than a full-time job and is life-consuming, involving planning, scripting, and producing videos, as well as managing a business (50m28s).
  • Not all types of social media careers are considered real jobs, such as vlogging about daily life, but creating content that requires complexity, travel, and organization is a legitimate career (50m46s).
  • People often underestimate the effort that goes into creating content and running a social media business, and this lack of understanding can be frustrating (52m9s).
  • However, the complexity and effort required to create high-quality content can also serve as a barrier to entry, making it a unique and valuable skill (52m14s).
  • Similar to other professions, such as music or powerlifting, creating content on social media requires a lot of behind-the-scenes work and dedication, even if the final product appears easy or effortless (52m30s).

Will’s Thoughts on Bryan Johnson (52m47s)

  • Brian Johnson is described as an interesting individual with unique quirks, making him a notable figure. He is portrayed as both eccentric and normal, with a positive demeanor and a supportive team. (52m47s)
  • The experience of meeting Brian Johnson was intense and structured, with strict scheduling and no room for delays. The interaction was direct and fast-paced, involving a detailed morning routine without breaks. (53m40s)
  • Brian Johnson's routine includes taking numerous pills, monitoring UV exposure, and cutting water intake at noon to enhance sleep quality. This approach emphasizes the importance of sleep, which he considers non-negotiable. (54m23s)
  • The discussion highlights the significance of maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, with a personal example of going to bed at 10 p.m. and waking up at 8 a.m. (54m54s)
  • Hillsdale College is mentioned as an institution that values education beyond degrees, focusing on liberty, character, and truth. They offer free online courses on various subjects, including an introduction to Aristotle's ethics. (55m2s)
  • Sleep consistency is considered nearly as important as sleep duration, with both being crucial for overall well-being. (55m52s)
  • During a biohackers conference in Roatan, Honduras, Brian was seen using an umbrella to avoid high UV exposure, highlighting his commitment to health practices. (56m13s)
  • Brian's lifestyle choices, such as avoiding outdoor exposure during poor air quality in LA, raise questions about the balance between quality and quantity of life. (56m33s)
  • Brian derives significant pleasure from his health-focused lifestyle, similar to how some people find joy in their work, which may seem excessive to others. (57m0s)
  • An anecdote is shared about Brian's enthusiasm for health practices, including a humorous moment involving a nurse and a sample collection. (57m37s)
  • Brian has engaged in blood transfusion practices with his son, receiving blood from him, which is part of his experimental approach to health. (58m2s)
  • There is an appreciation for Brian's efforts in pushing the limits of health practices, as it provides valuable insights for others. (58m15s)
  • An invitation to lunch with Brian in Roatan led to an unexpected meal of "nutty pudding," which was a unique experience involving local ingredients. (58m31s)

The New World of Hybrid Training (59m0s)

  • Hybrid training, which combines weightlifting and running, has gained popularity online, as people seek new ways to achieve progress and see results, especially after reaching a plateau in weightlifting (59m0s).
  • This trend may be driven by the desire for "noob gains" and the sense of progression that comes with starting a new activity, as well as the fact that running allows for more noticeable improvements, such as beating personal times, compared to the incremental progress in weightlifting (59m30s).
  • The influence of social media personalities, such as Nick Bare, may also contribute to the popularity of hybrid training, as young men aspire to emulate their physique and training regimens (59m56s).
  • However, it's worth noting that Nick Bare had already achieved a bodybuilder physique before incorporating running into his routine, and his physique has changed significantly since then (1h0m20s).
  • The rise of hybrid training may also be related to the decline of CrossFit, which had a strong brand and methodology but ultimately failed to maintain its popularity, and the emergence of new training modalities, such as HRO, that offer a more holistic and community-oriented approach (1h0m51s).
  • The concept of the "training menopause" is introduced, where men in their late 20s to early 30s experience a decline in physical abilities and seek new training modalities that are more functional and community-oriented, such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu, boxing, or running clubs (1h1m23s).
  • This shift towards more functional and holistic training may be a positive trend, as people prioritize longevity and overall fitness over solely pursuing a "meathead" physique (1h2m17s).

Being Overwhelmed By Fitness Information (1h2m35s)

  • With the vast amount of fitness information available online, it's recommended to choose one trusted source and stick to it for a couple of weeks before considering a change (1h2m35s).
  • This approach helps avoid confusion and frustration caused by conflicting information from different sources.
  • Some reliable sources of fitness information include Mike Israetel, who inspires a scientific approach to training, and Jeff Nippard, who provides evidence-based diet and training advice (1h3m31s).
  • Having access to credible sources of fitness information can provide reassurance and help individuals avoid feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information available (1h4m42s).
  • The internet has made it easier to find answers to specific fitness questions, and apps like RP Strength can provide guidance on how to overcome plateaus (1h5m11s).
  • Despite the abundance of fitness information, some individuals may still struggle with creating an effective workout routine, and it's not uncommon for people to "fluke" their way into being in good shape without fully understanding their training program (1h5m25s).
  • Gymshark is a recommended brand for gym kit, offering high-quality, comfortable, and durable clothing (1h5m49s).

If Will Could Only Keep 10 Exercises (1h6m48s)

  • If you only had 10 exercises to choose from for the rest of your life to build and maintain as much muscle as possible, the top choices would include hack squats, Romanian deadlifts, barbell bench press, preacher curls, pull-ups, overhead press, lateral raises, and overhead tricep extensions, with some variations in individual preferences (1h6m48s).
  • The selection of exercises is old-school and focuses on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once (1h8m22s).
  • Hanging leg raises are a popular ab exercise, even among top physique athletes like Ryan Terry, who is known for having one of the best midsections in the history of physique (1h8m43s).
  • Some individuals may avoid certain exercises due to personal preferences or physical limitations, such as avoiding axial loading exercises due to back problems (1h9m11s).
  • Alternative exercises like walking lunges, reverse lunges, step-ups, and leg press can be used to target the legs while minimizing strain on the back (1h9m14s).
  • Isrel's lying down front rise exercise, which uses a cable machine and the friction of the floor to target the legs, is an example of an unconventional exercise that can be effective (1h9m39s).
  • Trusting a reliable source or trainer can be important when trying new exercises or workouts, as it can provide confidence in the effectiveness and safety of the routine (1h10m15s).
  • Social media and online videos can influence the popularity of certain exercises, with many people trying out new exercises after seeing them demonstrated by trainers or athletes (1h10m28s).
  • The fitness industry has become saturated, with many people participating in it, making it challenging for new individuals to enter the market (1h10m48s).
  • Despite the saturation, there is still room for unique individuals, such as "nerdy but jacked, evidence-based guys," to dominate the industry, as seen on YouTube (1h11m6s).
  • Key principles contributing to success in the fitness industry include legitimacy, personability, likability, and not taking oneself too seriously (1h11m27s).
  • Having a strong resume, legitimacy, credibility, and credentials is also essential for success in the industry (1h11m48s).
  • There are two sides to the spectrum of success in the fitness industry: having expertise and being knowledgeable, or being open about not knowing what one is doing and sharing personal experiences (1h11m56s).
  • Being transparent and honest about one's limitations, such as saying "I don't know what I'm doing," can be appreciated by audiences and contribute to success (1h12m10s).
  • Mental health is also an important aspect to consider, although it is not fully discussed in this segment (1h12m27s).

How Will’s Mental Health is Today (1h12m30s)

  • The individual's mental health is currently very good, and they have become more willing to do anything and not care about what others think, as seen in their "obese video" where they went to the mall in a provocative outfit (1h12m59s).
  • They attribute their improved mental health to their YouTube career and the support of their followers, which has allowed them to feel okay with who they truly are (1h13m30s).
  • Despite their success, they struggle with intense impostor syndrome, feeling unworthy of their accomplishments and opportunities, and doubting their worthiness to be in certain situations (1h13m36s).
  • This impostor syndrome is characterized by both the inability to congratulate themselves on a job well done and the feeling of not being worthy of the opportunities they have (1h14m37s).
  • The individual has a hard time understanding why people would want to meet them or appreciate their content, and they often feel like they don't deserve the attention (1h14m48s).
  • They believe that their impostor syndrome is still present despite their progress in overcoming other mental challenges, and it has led to regrets in their life, such as not pursuing certain opportunities in hockey due to feeling unworthy (1h15m32s).
  • The individual is still trying to understand and unpack the reasons behind their lingering impostor syndrome, which they acknowledge is a persistent issue that they hate (1h15m58s).
  • Male body dysmorphic disorder is something that has dissipated over the last 18 months, but the cause of this change is unclear, and it's possible that the live tour and being on stage for 90 minutes without any slides or backup helped to alleviate these feelings (1h16m12s).
  • The experience of being on stage and receiving positive comments from guests and appearing on the Joe Rogan show twice also helped to build confidence and alleviate feelings of inadequacy (1h17m4s).
  • However, there is a concern that validation and respect from others should not be the primary source of self-worth, and that it's unrealistic to expect people to be completely unaffected by the opinions of others (1h17m29s).
  • It's possible that having a strong sense of self-worth and not needing external validation is the "gold standard," but it's also possible that this is an unrealistic expectation for most people (1h18m2s).
  • The idea of being a good role model for people who don't believe in themselves but still achieve success is appealing, as it shows that success is possible even without initial faith or confidence (1h19m4s).
  • The notion that one needs to believe in themselves before achieving success is a fallacy, and it's possible to achieve success without initial faith or confidence (1h19m34s).
  • Being a good example of someone who never had faith that things would work out but still achieved success is a valuable message, as it shows that success is possible even for those with self-doubt and lack of confidence (1h20m1s).
  • Initially, the individual experimented with making videos and found it to be a beneficial outlet, despite originally wanting to be a chef and attend culinary school (1h20m10s).
  • The person started making videos on their own time with no intention of anyone watching them, and they didn't know about YouTube's monetization at the time (1h20m45s).
  • They began posting videos in June 2019 and gained 100,000 subscribers by January 1, which happened quickly and without much expectation or self-doubt (1h21m16s).
  • The difficulty in motivation for creative pursuits is often tied to a success-fail binary based on the outcome, but making videos without an audience helped avoid this judgment (1h21m41s).
  • Having a passion that would be pursued regardless of external validation can be a "superpower" and makes one less susceptible to the pressures of success and failure (1h22m4s).
  • The individual still identifies as the person who started making videos on their iPhone and has trouble recognizing their progress due to the fluid nature of their journey (1h22m11s).
  • There is a tendency to associate sacrifice, pain, and discomfort with a job well done, and if success comes without these elements, it may feel less worthwhile (1h22m32s).
  • This pattern can lead to a form of "Survivor guilt" where success without discomfort feels undeserved, and it's a strange reverse blessing or curse (1h23m10s).
  • A habit formed in the beginning can be difficult to break, even when it is no longer needed, and can stick with a person to a certain degree (1h23m35s).
  • Having a near-death experience in a video can lead to better performance, with the mentality that the closer one is to dying, the better the video will do, which is a horrible and dangerous dynamic (1h23m50s).
  • On the other hand, if a video is too easy, anxiety can set in, with concerns that it cannot do well because it was too simple (1h24m8s).
  • There is a need for reassurance when things are going smoothly, with a tendency to ask if everything is okay and if it is too good to be true (1h24m18s).
  • This behavior is characterized by interesting dynamics, with a mix of contradictory emotions and reactions to different situations (1h24m25s).

What’s Next for Will (1h24m26s)

  • Upcoming plans include traveling to the UK for the first time to shoot videos in the UK and Paris (1h24m26s).
  • The trip will involve collaborations with several individuals, including Nunu Francis, Eddie Hall, and Magnus (1h24m35s).
  • The opportunity to work with these people is exciting, as it has been a long time coming (1h24m42s).
  • The trip is expected to be enjoyable, with everything coming together as planned (1h24m45s).

Where to Find Will (1h24m50s)

  • To stay updated on the latest content, follow Will Tennyson on YouTube and Will Teny on Instagram, as these are the only two platforms where he is active (1h24m51s).
  • Will Tennyson posts content very inconsistently on Instagram, but YouTube is the primary platform for his updates (1h24m56s).
  • For more content, viewers can also check out the full-length conversation with Dr. Mike Israel (1h25m8s).

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