Delivery-as-a-service with Sacha Michaud (Glovo) and Charity Safford (UberEats)

13 Apr 2024 (10 months ago)
Delivery-as-a-service with Sacha Michaud (Glovo) and Charity Safford (UberEats)

Uber Eats

  • Uber Eats prioritized growth over profitability, resulting in a loss of $3 per order in the summer of 2022.
  • Uber Eats is piloting dark kitchens in Europe and using data to select restaurants, viewing dark kitchens as crucial for profitability.
  • The company is considering launching its own brand products in partnership with existing partners.


  • Glovo focuses on entering markets where it can be a leader or co-leader, leading to exits from highly competitive markets like Egypt and Chile.
  • Glovo uses tracking and algorithms to optimize orders and earnings for riders, offering incentives for both part-time and full-time riders.
  • The company encourages employees to experience the delivery process firsthand to gain insights and improve the service.
  • Glovo is excited about the potential of drone delivery and its ability to expand the delivery radius.
  • Glovo supports collective bargaining rights for gig workers and believes in maintaining flexibility while ensuring social rights.

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