Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476

30 Aug 2024 (6 months ago)
Crime and Punishment | Tommy Robinson | EP 476

Coming up (0s)

  • The speaker states that they have been falsely accused by the media of inciting violence and attacks against mosques, despite their efforts to maintain peaceful rallies. (16s)
  • The speaker claims that the media has revived the image of the English Defense League (EDL), an organization that has been inactive for ten years, to spread misinformation. (21s)
  • The speaker alleges that the British government, politicians, and police forces have falsely informed the Muslim community in the UK that the EDL was planning to attack their mosques. (33s)

Intro (41s)

  • A discussion is being held with Tommy Robinson, who is described as a controversial figure, similar to Donald Trump. (1m0s)
  • Robinson has been labeled as an enemy of both leftists and the UK establishment due to his political activism and journalism, which has resulted in consequences. (1m17s)
  • This is a follow-up discussion with Robinson, prompted by a previous conversation that was censored on YouTube and Google. (1m33s)

YouTube shadow-banned and demonetized our first interview with Tommy (3m27s)

  • The video in question has accrued approximately 4 million views, but YouTube has disabled certain features, including comments, sharing, and suggested videos, due to user reports claiming the content is inappropriate or offensive. (3m47s)
  • The video is difficult to find on both Google and YouTube, appearing as the tenth result when searching "Jordan Peterson Tommy Robinson" despite having significantly more views than other videos on the topic. (5m10s)
  • The speaker finds the disabling of comments, demonetization, inability to share, and search engine manipulation to be a "perversion of Public Communication" regardless of the validity of the video's content. (5m59s)

Peaceful demonstrations tarred as an extremist movement (6m45s)

  • A peaceful rally took place on July 27th, described as the largest gathering of British patriots, with 100,000 attendees and almost a million watching live. (8m31s)
  • The rally aimed to celebrate British identity and culture and send a message to the establishment. (8m35s)
  • Measures were taken to ensure the peacefulness of the rally, including confronting anyone covering their faces or dressed in all black, as well as holding meetings with various groups to address potential instigators of violence. (9m13s)

Detained by corrupt police, Tommy’s film: “Silenced” (11m33s)

  • On July 28th, the speaker was arrested under counterterrorism legislation while traveling to the UK border. (11m38s)
  • The speaker was detained for six hours and questioned about their activism and journalism, including their opinions on terrorism legislation and the UK government. (12m11s)
  • The speaker refused to provide the passcode to their phone, citing journalist privilege and concerns about the safety of sources who had provided information about police corruption and child abuse allegations. (16m51s)

The public reaction to the Southport stabbings had nothing to do with the English Defence League (20m15s)

  • On July 28th, after being released, the speaker learned about a murder in Southport, England, where a man had killed multiple children. (20m37s)
  • A vigil was held for the victims, during which a man of Arab appearance was apprehended nearby, allegedly carrying a knife and balaclava, sparking anger and clashes with police. (21m46s)
  • The speaker asserts that the police attributed the unrest to the English Defence League, despite the organization being defunct for a decade, suggesting it was an attempt to deflect from the public's genuine anger and label them as far-right. (22m17s)

Tommy’s connection to the British National Party explained (24m14s)

  • It is stated that a leaked list revealed a five-year period of membership in the British National Party (BNP). (26m50s)
  • The speaker claims to have joined the BNP at 21 years old, unaware of Nick Griffin's (the leader) former affiliation with the National Front. (26m21s)
  • The speaker alleges that their involvement with the BNP ended after a confrontation where black members of their group were denied entry to a meeting because of their race. (27m54s)

The English Defence League was not Far Right (28m24s)

  • The English Defence League (EDL) had divisions representing various communities, including Sikh, Hindu, LGBT+, Jewish, and others. (28m51s)
  • The EDL was categorized as a "sectarian organization" by the National Extremism Unit within the Metropolitan Police Force, and it was suggested that Muslims engage in dialogue with them. (29m48s)
  • The EDL aimed to raise awareness about issues related to immigration and its impact on society, including topics like grooming gangs, which were not widely acknowledged at the time. [1801]

Distinguishing between the successes and shortfalls of immigration, “multiculturalism has not failed” (32m16s)

  • Multiculturalism has not failed; however, integration and assimilation into British society have failed. (33m47s)
  • The speaker believes that Islamic immigration should end because it is like "mixing oil and water". (35m48s)
  • The speaker does not believe they are against all immigration, just Islamic immigration. [2137]

Activism has corrupted many Islamic communities within the U.K. (35m58s)

  • Some Muslim communities are inward-looking and segregated, with some individuals reporting never having met a non-Muslim. [2208]
  • Activist groups within these communities can promote extremist views, such as violence against non-Muslims, and these views can lead to real-world consequences. (37m26s)
  • These communities can also foster negative views towards women, particularly non-Muslim women, which can create a hostile environment. (38m17s)

Why Tammy trusts Tommy Robinson, “we should all read the Quran” (38m49s)

  • There is a need to engage with moderate voices within Islam to counter fundamentalism and promote peace. (39m56s)
  • It is important to understand different cultures and religions, including reading the Quran, to navigate the complexities of the modern world. (43m17s)
  • The decline of traditional values and the rise of unchecked immigration have created an environment where fundamentalism can thrive. (42m13s)

Abuse of the judiciary: re-education, slander, persecution (47m30s)

  • A speaker describes facing potential disciplinary action from their licensing board for comments made in relation to an interview subject. (47m30s)
  • The speaker questions if they are facing similar situations as the interview subject, encountering a potentially corrupted judicial and political system. (48m7s)
  • The interview subject claims that they are being made a scapegoat and face potential imprisonment and terrorism charges without evidence, citing media portrayals and personal experiences as examples. (50m47s)

A list of controversies, the five-year attack on Tommy’s real estate business (52m48s)

  • A five-year investigation was conducted into financial dealings, including scrutiny of family members' bank accounts. (55m27s)
  • The investigation led to charges related to a mortgage obtained by a brother-in-law, who had allegedly misrepresented his income on a self-certification mortgage application. [3336]
  • A plea deal was accepted, resulting in an 18-month prison sentence, in exchange for dropping charges against family members, including a wife who had been listed for trial on tax evasion charges. (58m10s)

The assault charge, over three thousand charged for Facebook posts (58m43s)

  • An individual states that they assaulted a person wearing a Combat 18 t-shirt at a demonstration because they were concerned about far-right groups associating with their organization. (1h0m8s)
  • The individual believes the courts are being used to silence the British public from speaking out against immigration and other issues. (1h1m23s)
  • It is stated that over 3,000 convictions have occurred in the UK for “Facebook crimes”. (1h1m38s)

Burglary accusation (1h2m21s)

  • An individual was approached in prison by two men claiming to be from the Metropolitan Intelligence Bureau (MIB) and offered a job working for them upon release. [3741]
  • The individual was later arrested for burglary and believes it was a setup by the MIB to pressure him into working with them. (1h4m35s)
  • The individual claims he was threatened with prison if he gave a speech at Oxford University about the British police state and the security services. (1h8m13s)

The Irish passport case (1h8m45s)

  • In 2011, he was deported from the United States after being detained at JFK Airport. (1h8m57s)
  • In 2012, he entered the United States using a friend's passport and gave a speech in which he warned the audience about the dangers of mass immigration. (1h9m12s)
  • He spent 22 weeks in solitary confinement in the UK as punishment for entering the United States illegally. (1h9m37s)

Current legal troubles, “they’re going to imprison me again” (1h10m48s)

  • The speaker plans to return to the UK despite advice to leave the country. (1h11m13s)
  • The speaker believes that they will be in danger upon returning to the UK. (1h11m35s)
  • The speaker states that police have informed their family that their lives are in danger. (1h11m59s)

The use of ideological spin to dismiss valid anger, misreporting terrorist attacks (1h12m58s)

  • Ideological labeling is used to dismiss anger about open borders and mass immigration. (1h13m8s)
  • The British public has witnessed a series of events that have led them to feel oppressed by the government and police force. (1h21m50s)
  • There is a perceived double standard in the justice system, with harsher treatment for those who make anti-establishment comments compared to those who engage in violence or make calls for Jihad. (1h22m11s)

Looking inward: what Tommy wrestles with while walking an increasingly unsteady path (1h23m4s)

  • A belief is expressed that the future safety of children is at stake and that people are being replaced. (1h25m23s)
  • There is a refusal to back down and remain silent, with a belief that doing so would lead to a revolution. (1h25m41s)
  • It is acknowledged that some may perceive the speaker as aggressive, but this is attributed to passion and concern for the future. (1h25m52s)

Tommy will return to England and face punishment for reporting the truth (1h27m15s)

  • A plan to return to the UK near the end of October to face legal proceedings was discussed. (1h27m41s)
  • There is a belief that the court system is being used as a weapon against people and to silence dissenting voices. (1h28m27s)
  • The intention is to use upcoming legal proceedings as a platform to put the British judiciary on trial in the eyes of the world. (1h29m18s)

Being nice is an overrated virtue (1h30m35s)

  • The speaker expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share their story and emphasized the importance of free speech, particularly in light of their upcoming trial. (1h36m35s)
  • The speaker criticized the act of being indiscriminately nice, arguing that it is not a virtue, especially when it prevents individuals from taking a stand against injustice. (1h37m1s)
  • The speaker commended Tommy Robinson for his courage in addressing the issue of grooming gangs, a scandal the speaker considers one of the worst they have ever witnessed. (1h37m15s)

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