Hack Your Happiness | Ms Aisha Ghani | TEDxJIMS Vasant Kunj Women

18 Dec 2024 (2 months ago)
Hack Your Happiness | Ms Aisha Ghani | TEDxJIMS Vasant Kunj Women


  • In a world where happiness is not tied to the fleeting past, people would be bonded in love and completely free, and this world can be achieved by making a conscious choice to move towards it (31s).
  • After interacting with various individuals, including top leaders, students, and people with exceptional skills, it has been observed that the major reason for unhappiness and demotivation is the lack of control over one's mind, body, circumstances, and life (1m21s).
  • When people feel they are not in control, it triggers hormones that cause unhappiness and demotivation (1m55s).
  • As a happiness coach, the role is not to make people happy, but rather to help them regain control of their lives, which can lead to increased productivity, drive, energy, success, and overall well-being (2m49s).

The Analogy of the TV Remote

  • An analogy is presented, comparing human beings to TVs, with their behaviors, feelings, emotions, and sentiments being the channels, and the remote control representing the power to switch between these channels (4m18s).
  • Unfortunately, people often give the remote control of their lives to others, such as their boss, colleagues, friends, family members, or even strangers, allowing them to dictate their emotions and feelings (4m32s).
  • It is unfair to let others control how we feel, and it is essential to take back the control of our lives and emotions by reclaiming the remote control (6m10s).
  • By doing so, individuals can regain the right to feel what they want to feel, rather than being controlled by someone else's opinions or actions (6m28s).

Global Unhappiness and Its Causes

  • % of people globally are unhappy at work, and 80% of the world's population is unhappy at work due to a lack of meaning in their jobs (6m50s).
  • % of people worldwide experience stress and anxiety on a regular basis, which can lead to various health problems, including a reduced health span and lifespan (7m4s).
  • The high number of Google searches for "work-life balance" in 2024 (2.8 billion) indicates a significant struggle with achieving a balance between work and personal life (7m34s).
  • The disparity in happiness and fulfillment can be attributed to the fact that human brains are wired for survival rather than seeking happiness, resulting in a negative bias (8m19s).
  • This negative bias is demonstrated by the tendency for people to focus on a single black ball among 100 white balls, showing that the brain is naturally drawn to negative stimuli (9m1s).

Happiness and Success

  • Research has shown that happy people are 13% more driven, productive, and successful than their unhappy counterparts, indicating that happiness is a key factor in achieving success (9m59s).
  • Positive thinking does not come naturally to humans, and instead, people need to train their brains to focus on happiness through positive actions (9m38s).
  • A simple test, such as trying to clear one's mind for 10 seconds, demonstrates the difficulty of controlling one's thoughts, whereas actions, like clapping, are easier to control (11m7s).

The Three Happiness Actions

  • The first of three positive happiness actions is doing something pleasurable, also known as sensory enjoyment, which releases the chemical dopamine and can increase happiness and well-being (12m29s).
  • Dopamine is a hormone responsible for excitement, energy, and motivation, released when experiencing new things, such as visiting a new cafe, meeting a new friend, or buying something new, but its levels drop as soon as the activity is finished (12m36s).
  • The tricky part about dopamine is that more is needed to get the same feeling every time, leading to a vicious cycle of constantly seeking more, which is known as pleasure addiction or dopamine addiction (13m17s).
  • Dopamine does not create lasting memories and is often associated with feelings of guilt after the activity is finished (13m14s).
  • The second happiness action is doing something together, which releases oxytocin, a hormone that helps bond with people and creates a sense of connection, but it also does not last forever and requires constant doses (15m7s).
  • Oxytocin is released when connecting with people physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually, and is often experienced during social gatherings, parties, or trips with friends (15m0s).
  • The third and most lasting happiness action is doing something meaningful, which releases serotonin, a hormone that creates new neural pathways in the brain and helps to create lasting memories (16m41s).
  • Doing something meaningful, such as contributing to society or community, can give a sense of happiness that lasts, as proven by the psychology of giving, which states that giving creates more happiness than taking (16m22s).

The Three Levels of Happiness

  • There are three levels of happiness, and finding out which level one is at and where they would like to reach is key to achieving lasting happiness (17m36s).
  • A leader from a Fortune 500 company was struggling to achieve all three levels of happiness due to the demands of his industry and work timings (17m52s).
  • He was advised to take a trip alone, which he did, going on a wildlife tour, and upon returning, he reported feeling a release of dopamine, excitement, and re-innovation, leading to improved focus and productivity at work (18m9s).
  • The second trip was taken with his wife and friends, resulting in a "steep jump" from the first experience, with feelings of bonding and connection, and the release of both dopamine and oxytocin (18m33s).
  • The third trip involved empathizing with others, and he stayed for seven days, interacting with local villagers, helping a newborn baby with jaundice, and enabling the community to have weekly healthcare camps and upgrading their hospitals (19m18s).
  • This experience led to the release of dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin, resulting in a feeling of fulfillment and lasting happiness (20m8s).
  • The three levels of happiness are associated with the release of different neurotransmitters: dopamine (pleasure), oxytocin (bonding), and serotonin (fulfillment) (20m41s).
  • The goal is to operate from a level of kindness and compassion, where everyone can experience lasting happiness (21m2s).

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