"UX 리서치로 틈을 채워 더 나은 사용자 경험을 설계한다." | What Makes a Good UX | RedBus BagMan | TEDxKyung Hee University

03 Sep 2024 (6 months ago)
"UX 리서치로 틈을 채워 더 나은 사용자 경험을 설계한다." | What Makes a Good UX | RedBus BagMan | TEDxKyung Hee University

User Experience in Healthcare and Beyond

  • RedBus BagMan is a personal brand inspired by the speaker's frequent bus trips between Seoul and Gyeonggi. (40s)
  • The speaker's profession, UX research, focuses on understanding user experiences. (1m26s)
  • Visiting a general hospital recently highlighted the multiple steps involved in receiving medical care, including using kiosks or mobile applications for patient registration. (1m43s)
  • Seven out of ten people who arrived at a hospital reception desk on Tuesday at 9 a.m. went straight to the staff for assistance. (2m36s)
  • Of the seven people who were guided to a kiosk by staff, four hesitated from the first screen. (2m40s)
  • Senior citizens are independent users who should be provided with a universally smooth and barrier-free service experience. (3m37s)

Challenges in Everyday Experiences

  • Elevators can be inconvenient due to long wait times, stopping at every floor, slow speeds, and confusing button layouts, sometimes leading people to choose stairs instead. (4m22s)
  • People often tolerate inconvenient services due to a lack of alternatives, the effort of finding something new, or simply becoming accustomed to the inconvenience over time. (5m8s)
  • Online searches can be frustrating when clicking on a result leads to irrelevant pop-up ads, forcing users to quickly close them before even viewing the intended content. (5m58s)
  • Negative user experiences, such as accidentally clicking on attention-grabbing buttons and wasting time, can lead to avoidance behavior. (6m19s)

The Role of UX Research

  • One way to identify and bridge experience gaps is for UX researchers to directly experience the product or service as a user, using their own time and money. (6m38s)
  • In B2B contexts, directly experiencing the service as a UX researcher can be challenging due to complexities such as requiring business registration numbers or high initial costs. (6m58s)
  • Sensitive individuals might be better suited to conduct UX research due to their ability to perceive and interpret subtle details. (9m49s)
  • Through user research, the UX research team discovered that the root cause of advertisers leaving the RedBus platform was not a functional defect, but rather the incentive structure for the sales team. (16m42s)
  • There are gaps between creators and users, sellers and buyers, and different entities occupying the same space. (18m59s)
  • User experience (UX) research aims to bridge these gaps, enabling users to navigate and connect instead of giving up. (19m25s)

The Dunning-Kruger Effect and its Implications

  • The Dunning-Kruger effect, a cognitive bias, suggests that individuals with low competence in a particular area tend to overestimate their abilities. (10m7s)
  • Students with the lowest performance levels demonstrated the least awareness of their performance, with those in the bottom 12% believing their logical reasoning abilities placed them in the top 32%. (10m54s)
  • Even after comparing their answers to those of higher-performing peers, students in the bottom 25% still failed to accurately assess their performance, even overestimating their abilities more after the comparison. (11m15s)
  • Students in the bottom 25% consistently overestimated their performance compared to actual results, even after a logical reasoning test and self-evaluation of their abilities and performance ranking. (11m55s)
  • A study found that students who received logic training were more accurate in assessing their performance and identifying areas for improvement. (12m27s)
  • Two reasons are given to explain why people with low performance don't improve: people are hesitant to give negative feedback, and even when received, it often lacks specific reasons for failure. (13m5s)
  • The most significant problem is being unaware of one's own incompetence. (13m56s)

Sensitivity and Improvement

  • Sensitive people may experience fatigue more often because they pay attention to details that others might overlook. (8m25s)
  • People who are sensitive may get tired easily, but they can also improve more easily. (14m9s)

RedBus Case Study: Addressing Advertiser Churn

  • RedBus BagMan believes that people who make products should strive to make them easy and convenient for users. (14m22s)
  • 80% of business owners who started using ads in a food delivery service quit after only two weeks, regardless of the performance of the ads. (15m46s)
  • RedBus encountered an issue where 80% of new advertisers on their platform stopped using the service after only two weeks, despite efforts to adjust advertising costs and algorithms. (16m14s)
  • The sales team received a significant incentive for each new advertiser they brought on board, leading them to encourage advertisers to sign up even if they only intended to use the service for the minimum two-week period. (16m57s)
  • A solution was found to address the issue of advertisers not continuing advertising after the initial setup. The solution involved restructuring the incentive system for the sales team by providing incentives at different stages: initially for getting advertisers to start, then for maintaining advertising for a certain period, and finally for increasing ad spending. (18m41s)

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