Tackling Manifold Aspects of Reality | Prasad M. Jayaweera | TEDxUSriJayewardenepura

03 Jul 2024 (3 months ago)
Tackling Manifold Aspects of Reality | Prasad M. Jayaweera | TEDxUSriJayewardenepura

Key Features of Complex Real-World Problems

  • These problems are intrinsically complex.
  • They are multiform in character.
  • They are deeply interconnected.

Limitations of Current Scientific Approaches

  • The current approach of fragmentation and decomposition is ineffective in solving these problems.

Transdisciplinary Framework and Modeling Approach

  • Transdisciplinary approaches involve crossing disciplinary boundaries and integrating knowledge from different disciplines.
  • Meta language is important for communication and collaboration between participants from different disciplines.

RISKOC Framework for Developing Transdisciplinary Solutions

  • Responsible research and innovation
  • Inclusive development
  • Everlasting or sustainable solutions
  • Knowledge integration
  • Open science and open innovation
  • Collaboration

Approach for Developing Transdisciplinary Solutions

  • Understand the concerns of solution users.
  • Present solutions in a way that can be communicated with all participating partners.
  • Use a modeling approach to understand the goals, needs, and processes involved in developing the solution.

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