Dana White’s Insane 86-Hour Fasting - Full Breakdown and Reaction

01 Feb 2024 (1 year ago)
Dana White’s Insane 86-Hour Fasting - Full Breakdown and Reaction

Dana White's 86-Hour Fast (0s)

  • Dana White did an 86-hour fast based on the advice of Gary Brea, an expert in biological age.
  • Longer fasts have diminishing returns after 36 hours, so the risk of muscle loss must be weighed against the benefits.
  • Fasting triggers the body's stress response, leading to the release of catecholamines and increased lipolysis and fatty acid oxidation.
  • Autophagy, the body's process of recycling cellular components, is accelerated during fasting but also occurs during exercise.
  • Hormesis, the beneficial adaptation to stress, can be achieved through fasting, but too much stress can be problematic.
  • Caloric restriction, including fasting, can temporarily increase oxidative stress but also improve it as a stress response.

20% off Anything from Kettle & Fire (6m4s)

  • Kettle and Fire bone broth is recommended by Dana White and Dr. Berg for use during fasting.
  • Bone broth provides some calories, protein, and gelatin, which can help with satiety and gut health.

The Truth About Autophagy (6m30s)

  • Autophagy is a cellular recycling process that occurs continuously in the body.
  • Fasting accelerates autophagy, but exercise can also induce it.
  • A 60-minute bout of low-intensity aerobic exercise can increase autophagy as much as a 72-hour fast.
  • Fasting before or during exercise does not augment the autophagy response to exercise.

Hormesis (8m35s)

  • Hormesis is the beneficial adaptation to stress.
  • Fasting is a hormetic stressor, but too much stress can be problematic.
  • Occasional fasting can be a beneficial stressor, but it should be balanced with restraint to avoid excessive stress.
  • Caloric restriction, including fasting, can temporarily increase oxidative stress but also improve it as a stress response.

Food in Abundance | Eating Out of Boredom (10m37s)

  • Dr. Peter Attia discusses the crisis of abundance in modern society, where there is an overabundance of food available.
  • This abundance of food has led to increased caloric intake and chronic diseases.
  • Occasional fasting can help people reconnect with their actual food needs and reduce overconsumption.

Chronological Age vs Biological Age (14m13s)

  • Gary Breaux analyzed Dana White's biological age using an epigenetic aging system or aging.ai.
  • Biological age is a measure of metabolic health and does not necessarily indicate actual lifespan.
  • Dana White undertook fasting to improve his metabolic health.

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