An Activist Investor on Challenging the Status Quo | Bill Ackman | TED
14 May 2024 (9 months ago)

- Investing involves predicting the future and finding businesses with durability and barriers to entry.
Harvard Governance Issues
- Harvard faces governance issues, including increasing costs and declining education quality.
- Unlike in the corporate world, there is no legal mechanism to force change at Harvard, so influence must be gained through public pressure and embarrassment.
- The stakes are higher in the conversation about Harvard because it educates future leaders and shapes society.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
- The speaker believes in DEI but sees issues with its current implementation in some institutions.
- Diversity includes viewpoint diversity, socioeconomic background, and life experiences, not just race and gender.
- Diversity benefits decision-making, reflects society, and promotes fairness.
Free Speech and Cancel Culture
- The speaker expresses concern about the current state of free speech, where challenging conventional wisdom or discussing sensitive topics can lead to accusations and "cancel culture."
- Having a voice and sharing ideas is important, but it should not be based solely on wealth or net worth.
- The speaker welcomes criticism and debate as a means of learning and finding the truth.
Influence of Wealthy Individuals
- The speaker acknowledges the excessive influence of wealthy people on democracy and technology, particularly in politics.
- Unlimited spending on political campaigns is a problem.
- The speaker's influence comes from impactful ideas, not campaign spending.
- The speaker believes that the excessive influence of rich people in society, especially in politics, is not a good thing.
- The speaker acknowledges the positive impact of wealthy individuals like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos on advancements in space exploration.
- The speaker expresses concern about the political influence of wealthy individuals and the need to reverse the Citizens United Supreme Court decision.
Twitter and Free Speech
- The speaker praises Twitter as a platform for free speech and diverse perspectives, despite the presence of hate speech and vile content.
Seeking Information from Diverse Sources
- The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking information from a variety of sources beyond traditional media outlets.