A Psychological Analysis of Trump’s Personality by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson | EP 492

25 Oct 2024 (1 day ago)
A Psychological Analysis of Trump’s Personality by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson | EP 492

Dr. Peterson’s initial thoughts on Trump’s first run for presidency (0s)

  • Initial impressions of Donald J. Trump's first presidential run were that it was a brilliant and unorthodox marketing scheme, which ultimately succeeded beyond expectations (26s).
  • At that point, Trump was known as a self-promoting, bombastic, and quintessentially American celebrity, drawing comparisons to Colonel Tom Parker, the promoter of Elvis Presley (49s).
  • Trump had made a name for himself in the construction business, particularly in cities like New York and Chicago, where managing corruption and trouble was crucial to keeping projects on time and within budget (1m7s).
  • Trump's ability to manage complex construction projects and make himself famous in the process was seen as a notable achievement, requiring diligent devotion of time and attention (1m31s).
  • Trump's fame was evident in his ability to draw loud applause and cheers from crowds, such as at a Michael Jackson concert in New York, where he received a standing ovation (1m48s).

Trump demonstrates trait openness and an ability to consistently reinvent himself (1m54s)

  • Donald Trump's diligence, attention, and negotiation skills contributed to his success as a celebrity, co-producer, and host of reality shows The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice, which ran for over a decade from 2004 to 2015 (1m55s).
  • Trump is also the author of 19 books, collaborating with various ghost writers, and has been involved in a variety of other business enterprises, showcasing his history of entrepreneurial activity (2m20s).
  • Trump's entrepreneurial activity and successful bids for attention indicate two of his cardinal personality features: being extremely extroverted, particularly assertive, and relatively high in trait openness (2m36s).
  • Trait openness is the single best predictor of entrepreneurial and creative activity, and when combined with general intelligence, it contributes to high plasticity, characterized by the capacity to change, grow, and transform (2m51s).
  • Trump's ability to reinvent himself constantly and achieve success across many decades demonstrates something substantive and real at work, showcasing his dynamic personality and high degree of plasticity (3m30s).
  • Trump's use of Twitter during his presidential run and time in office was notable, and his ability to navigate the platform and respond to criticism was observed with great amusement (3m50s).

Trump’s devastating humor and why he relates to the working class (4m12s)

  • Trump has an underappreciated sense of humor, which is also somewhat ruthless, as seen in his tweets and declarations compiled in "The Collected Poems of Donald J Trump" (4m16s).
  • Unlike dictatorial types, Trump is known for his sense of humor, which is unusual for someone in his position, as people like Stalin, Hitler, Castro, and Chairman Mao were not known for their humor (4m58s).
  • Trump has a surprisingly thin skin in some settings, but he can take a joke as well as tell one, as seen in his appearance on Comedy Central in 2011 where he was roasted and responded self-deprecatingly (5m36s).
  • Trump's humor is rough, but no more so than that of comedians like Bill Burr, and a certain degree of harshness is necessary for serious comedy (6m7s).
  • Trump's sense of humor helps explain his attractiveness to the working class, as he is able to easily banter with soldiers and policemen, a rare trait among politicians (6m26s).
  • The humor characteristic of working-class men and women also tends towards the rough and more sarcastic, which may contribute to Trump's relatability to this demographic (6m53s).

Populism, agreeableness, empathy, and narcissism? (6m59s)

  • Donald Trump's ability to relate to people, often seen as an appeal to populism, suggests he has a degree of agreeableness, a personality trait associated with empathy, which mitigates the pathological elements of narcissism (7m0s).
  • Agreeableness is composed of politeness and compassion, and while Trump is not polite, he may be high in compassion, making him a harder person to understand (7m35s).
  • Trump's humor and behavior are similar to those of comedians like Bill Burr and Louis CK, who are not polite but can be funny (8m15s).
  • Despite being extroverted and low in politeness, Trump is able to make contact with ordinary people, suggesting he cares deeply, but may use his impoliteness as a mask to shield himself from the pain of caring (9m9s).
  • Trump's gruffness may be a way to protect himself from the public exposure of his tender heart, and many people who know him have spoken of his hospitable nature in private (9m35s).
  • Trump does not appear to "kiss up and kick down," a tendency often seen in people with power, and this sets him apart from others like Kamala Harris, who is reportedly unpopular among her staff (10m10s).
  • Two personality traits remain to be assessed in Trump: neuroticism, the tendency to experience negative emotion, and conscientiousness, the tendency to work hard and diligently (10m40s).
  • Neuroticism subdivides into withdrawal and volatility, and Trump appears to be low in withdrawal, but may have a higher level of volatility, as people can get under his skin and he can be reactive (10m55s).
  • Trump is able to handle high levels of pressure and can be spontaneous in his responses, as seen in his reaction to being nearly assassinated (11m52s).

Trump is highly conscientious and compassionate (12m4s)

  • Trump's conscientiousness is demonstrated by his prioritization of sobriety and alertness over substance use, as he has never had a beer in his life and does not drink or use recreational drugs (12m5s).
  • He also exhibits a strong work ethic, juggling multiple activities such as ghostwriting and producing 19 books, managing various businesses and projects, and maintaining an early morning routine, waking up at 5:30 a.m. (12m41s).
  • Trump's preference for early hours is associated with both agreeableness and conscientiousness, and he is active in working and gathering information until about midnight each day (13m10s).
  • Despite his advanced age, Trump's high openness and extroversion are evident in his strenuous campaign schedule and his reputation as a "Whirlwind of activity" (13m19s).
  • Trump is more interested in ideas than aesthetics, and while he is not an intellectual or artist, his openness is demonstrated by his attention to writing books and his diverse career as a serial entrepreneur (13m32s).
  • Trump's combination of exceptional extroversion, particularly assertiveness, and low politeness has some overlap with narcissism, but his genuine compassion and relatively high conscientiousness mitigate against the dangers associated with narcissism (14m49s).

Trump’s love for his family and his family’s success (15m12s)

  • Donald Trump's family, including his children, is remarkably scandal-free and stable, indicating a high level of function and reliability within the family (15m13s).
  • Trump's children, such as Donald Jr. and Barron, have avoided the taint of narcissistic privilege and power, with Donald Jr. sharing some of his father's personality traits but remaining free of scandal (15m39s).
  • Jared Kushner, who married into the Trump family, has done the family credit, particularly with his work on the Abraham Accord (15m48s).
  • Melania Trump, Donald's wife, is admirable for keeping her own counsel and not attempting to exert undue influence over the country due to her marriage (15m59s).
  • The Trump family's honesty and reliability are notable, especially given the intense scrutiny they have faced from the Democrat-biased Legacy Media and its propaganda agents (16m15s).
  • The lack of scandal within the Trump family is reminiscent of the lack of wars during Trump's presidency, and it is a relief and an indication that Trump has properly managed his own family (17m3s).
  • The absence of family scandals in the Trump family mitigates against the claim that President Trump is a danger on the temperamental front, especially when compared to the family scandals of the Biden White House (17m37s).

We have a record of Trump as president - it was peaceful (17m47s)

  • There are two primary influences on behavior: personality and the specifics of the situation, with the latter being more useful in predicting someone's behavior, especially in demanding tasks (17m59s).
  • Psychologically healthy individuals are flexible and adapt to the specific demands of their current environment, despite their trait proclivities, and a lack of situational flexibility can be a sign of a serious issue (18m31s).
  • Personality disorders, which are a serious source of suffering and social conflict, emerge when someone is too rigid to change with the social demands of the moment (19m0s).
  • To predict someone's behavior, it is most useful to gather evidence about how they have acted in the past in a given situation, which is already available in the case of Trump, who has been president for four years (19m17s).
  • During Trump's tenure as president, the time was marked by peace, particularly on the international front, which is a significant accomplishment that cannot be overstated (19m57s).
  • If Trump were the dictator his foes presume him to be, evidence of that would have likely manifested on the battlefield, but instead, he did not engage the US in any wars (20m16s).
  • Trump, by contrast to typical narcissistic personalities, did not sacrifice others to his ambitions and instead negotiated peaceful agreements (20m47s).
  • Trump's presidency was marked by zero wars, which is a significant achievement, especially considering the US has the most powerful military force in the world (20m59s).

Trump negotiated the Abraham Accords (21m5s)

  • The Abraham Accords are nine peace agreements that have formed a cohort of non-enemy Arab states around Israel, a significant accomplishment that was deemed impossible by experts for decades, and for which Trump and his team should have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (21m7s).
  • Despite being deemed impossible, the Accords have held even after the events of October 7th, 2023, and efforts by the Islamic Republic to set the Muslim world against the Jews (21m36s).
  • Trump's presidency was marked by a lack of cataclysmic occurrences, allowing for a sense of reliability on that front (22m8s).
  • Trump's impolite assertiveness and willingness not to withdraw in fear or dismay might be a strength when dealing with dictators, particularly when combined with his openness to thinking outside the box (22m20s).
  • Trump's unpredictability can be an advantage in negotiations, allowing him to bring unique perspectives to the table (22m41s).

Trump’s economic record (22m45s)

  • Trump's presidency was marked by a notable domestic economic record, with the exception of debt accumulation. (22m47s)
  • Despite concerns about Trump's personality, his economic performance and the state of peace have alleviated some of these concerns. (23m0s)
  • A more nuanced understanding of Trump's unique combination of traits has also helped to put some concerns about his personality to rest. (23m11s)

Trump’s X-Men: Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard, Ramaswamy, Vance (23m17s)

  • A group of highly accomplished and formidable figures, including Elon Musk, Robert F Kennedy, Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, and JD Vance, have recently attracted to Donald Trump, which is unusual for someone who might be pathologically narcissistic (23m40s).
  • This group of individuals can be likened to the X-Men, a group of misfit mutants who came together to save the world, with Trump playing the role of Charles Xavier or Captain America (25m53s).
  • Elon Musk, also known as the "Tony Stark" genius billionaire, is one of the key figures in this group, and his involvement with Trump is notable, as Musk's fame and power rival or exceed Trump's, and his genius surpasses him (27m28s).
  • Trump's willingness to share the spotlight with Musk and listen to his ideas suggests that he may not be as narcissistic as some people think, as a truly self-centered person would not appreciate Musk's presence (27m17s).
  • The group's involvement with Trump represents a transformation that has not yet been fully noted, even by the Trump campaign itself, and is a significant development in the political landscape (24m40s).
  • The individuals in this group, including Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard, Ramaswamy, and Vance, will be analyzed psychologically one by one, with the analysis of Musk starting first (26m32s).
  • The fact that Trump is willing to listen to Musk's ideas and share the spotlight with him is a significant aspect of their relationship, and suggests that Trump may be more open to collaboration and input from others than some people think (26m53s).
  • The comparison between the group and the X-Men is apt, as both involve a group of misfit individuals coming together to achieve a common goal, and both involve a sense of eccentricity and supernormal abilities (25m47s).

Elon Musk: genius, neurotic, efficient, good (28m4s)

  • Elon Musk is considered the world's premier engineer and inventor, capable of doing multiple complex tasks simultaneously, which speaks to his exceptionally high intelligence and general cognitive ability (28m5s).
  • Musk is a true genius, albeit in a technical manner, and is one in a billion in terms of his high cognitive ability and openness (28m20s).
  • In terms of personality, Musk is not particularly extroverted, tilting more towards introversion, and is moderate in neuroticism, carrying a fair burden of depression and pain due to a rough childhood (28m34s).
  • Despite his rough childhood, Musk's brilliance and openness have helped him overcome some of his emotional struggles, but he also exhibits some volatility in his behavior, particularly online (28m58s).
  • Musk is an exceptionally hard worker and dedicated manager, far beyond the norm, and is high in conscientiousness, allowing him to operate and maintain multiple large and demanding enterprises (29m10s).
  • He is also agreeable, particularly on the compassionate side, and is pro-human, but is not a pushover and can make difficult judgments when necessary (29m20s).
  • Musk's intelligence and business acumen bring a near-miraculous quality to any team he joins, and his potential role in a new administration, including a proposed Department of Governmental Efficiency, could be highly beneficial (29m49s).
  • Musk has proposed heading up a new department with the initials "DOG," signifying a willingness to "do only good every day" in an inside joke manner (30m14s).
  • Despite his complexities, Musk is observed to be a good man trying hard to be good, which is a realistic and hopeful expectation for human nature (30m36s).
  • Musk's potential to reform the American deep state, similar to his efforts with Twitter, is seen as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the country (30m50s).

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: historic and prophetic (31m29s)

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has exceptional verbal intelligence, near-manic energy, and intensely focused concentration, which drives him to pursue his goals beyond his limits (31m30s).
  • He is well-informed, a master of historical minutiae, and can draw the overall picture accurately, even in a prophetic manner, similar to Trump and Musk (31m55s).
  • Kennedy is fearless and dedicated, having successfully stood up against large entities and drawn public attention to a significant health crisis (32m16s).
  • He is a wounded apostate, having been bitten by his own party, the Democrats, and is now running as a presidential candidate (32m46s).
  • In an initial conversation, Kennedy was asked when he thinks the left goes too far, and he responded by saying he wants to run a campaign that brings people together rather than one based on tribalism (33m10s).
  • However, in a second conversation, Kennedy expressed his dismay with the power-mad, corrupt, and ideologically possessed progressive left (34m3s).
  • As a personality, Kennedy is extroverted, though perhaps not as much as Trump, and is not without pain and negative emotion, but is not narcissistic despite his forceful assertiveness (34m49s).
  • He is a dominant speaker, as evidenced by his ability to take center stage during conversations, even with a verbally assertive person like the author (35m12s).
  • Kennedy's assertiveness does not come across as self-aggrandizing or self-centered, but rather as a natural aspect of his personality (35m41s).

When Jordan Peterson and Dr. Phil dined with RFK Jr. (35m48s)

  • RFK Jr. encountered Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Phil in a private room at a restaurant during Peterson's last tour, and he politely sought permission to join them, displaying social niceties (35m50s).
  • RFK Jr.'s behavior was notable for its graciousness and lack of presumption, considering his fame and family reputation (36m4s).
  • Despite his eccentricities, RFK Jr. is a singular person with both positive and negative traits, including a somewhat conspiratorial mindset, which is understandable given his family history (37m6s).
  • RFK Jr.'s conspiratorial mindset can be a tendency that needs to be carefully held in check, as it may lead to false positives, but it can also be an advantage in seeing the bigger picture and addressing problems (37m48s).
  • RFK Jr.'s skepticism and willingness to challenge authority could be beneficial in addressing serious problems, such as obesity and insulin resistance, and their spin-offs (38m47s).
  • If RFK Jr. and Elon Musk were to work together, with Musk bringing efficiency to the federal government and RFK Jr. addressing the aforementioned health problems, it could be a significant achievement for the American people (38m39s).
  • The potential benefits of RFK Jr.'s presidency would outweigh the risks, and it could be a notable achievement for a single four-year administration (39m6s).

Tulsi Gabbard: assertive, caring, patriotic (39m18s)

  • Tulsi Gabbard is moderately extroverted, higher in assertiveness than enthusiasm, and markedly low in neuroticism, which is fitting for a woman with a military career (39m42s).
  • Gabbard genuinely cares about those she serves, but does so in a temperamentally conservative manner that is part patriotism and part respect for the intrinsic dignity and worth of every person (40m7s).
  • She is very smart, down-to-earth in her intelligence, and conscientious, as would be expected from an ex-military member and influential political leader (40m48s).
  • Gabbard would make a trusted friend or confidant, and her presence on a team would add stability, making her a great asset in administrative and managerial responsibilities (41m20s).
  • She is solid, competent, straightforward, admirable, brave, patriotic, and tough, making her a difficult person not to admire (42m7s).
  • Gabbard has emotional resilience, not panicking under pressure, and is the epitome of feminine grace and attractiveness (42m27s).
  • She could be envisioned as the first truly deserving female president of the United States, bringing a sense of stability and thoughtfulness to a team that might otherwise be too focused on entrepreneurship and revolution (42m59s).

Vivek Ramaswamy: entrepreneurial, intellectual, orderly (43m3s)

  • Vivek Ramaswamy is an entrepreneurial, intellectual, and orderly individual who has made notable accomplishments, including the establishment of his Strive Asset Management fund, which provides an alternative to ESG stakeholder capitalism (43m15s).
  • Ramaswamy is extroverted, assertive, and enthusiastic, with a positive overall emotional tone, and is also high in openness to ideas and artistic culture (44m22s).
  • He shares traits with Trump, Musk, and Kennedy, such as high openness, but is more polite and measured in his speech than Trump, and less witty (44m40s).
  • Ramaswamy is less compassionate and people-centered than Trump and Musk, and is primarily motivated by intellectual curiosity and the desire to see things done better (45m10s).
  • He appears to be low in neuroticism, highly stress-tolerant, and has a stable temperament, which is a good feature in a crisis (45m21s).
  • Ramaswamy is likely high in conscientiousness, particularly in industriousness, which has contributed to his success at a relatively young age (45m45s).
  • Despite his youth, Ramaswamy has been successful due to his own efforts, and his industriousness has been a key factor in his accomplishments (45m57s).
  • Cautions regarding Ramaswamy include his youth and potential brashness, which may lead to unnecessary enmity with others, but he has shown signs of humility and a willingness to learn as his campaign progressed (46m11s).
  • Ramaswamy is cognitively gifted, which is an advantage in complex jobs, and his intelligence has been evident in his ability to bring intellectual excitement to the Republican stage and account for his early business success (47m22s).
  • If Ramaswamy were to become disillusioned or resentful, he may be at risk of developing narcissistic tendencies, but being part of a team of high performers may help him mature and receive wise counsel (48m3s).
  • Ramaswamy's youth is both a hindrance due to his lack of experience and an advantage due to his being part of the online digital generation, which may help him navigate the rapid technological transformation (48m40s).

JD Vance: fiercely intelligent, humble, gracious (49m1s)

  • JD Vance is considered to be fiercely intelligent, likely in the 95th or 99th percentile, as evident from his ability to graduate from Yale Law School despite his humble beginnings in Appalachia (49m18s).
  • Vance appears mature for his age, possibly even more so than Elon Musk, and is suspected to be highly conscientious, a trait that is second only to intelligence in predicting upward mobility (49m42s).
  • He is extroverted, particularly on the assertiveness side, and appears compassionate, polite, and more people-centered than some other prominent figures (50m5s).
  • Vance's writing, as seen in his book "Hillbilly Elegy", is characterized by a genuine love for the people in his life and a lack of dismissive sentiment towards his past and the working class (50m15s).
  • He is a good speaker, able to think on his feet, and is not a pushover despite his people-centered outlook, holding his temper well and appearing low in neuroticism (51m11s).
  • Vance has overcome many serious obstacles in his life and appears low in withdrawal, making him unlikely to panic under difficult conditions, a positive attribute in a leader (51m42s).
  • He is seen as a potential steadying influence, able to balance the brilliance of other team members, and is expected to bring a new level of concern for the working class to the Republican party (50m34s).

“A dreadfully creative consortium” (52m11s)

  • The new Trump team is described as a "dreadfully creative consortium," but under normal circumstances, creative brilliance is not the primary quality desired in political leaders, who should primarily play an administrative role (52m15s).
  • However, the current situation in the US and abroad is not normal, and unconventional thinking may be necessary, making the risk of having a creative team worth taking (52m44s).
  • The team members, including Trump, Mosk, Kennedy, Gabard, Ramaswami, and Vance, are strong-willed, charismatic, and capable individuals who can push their way forward even when in error, but having them together may help keep each other in check (53m0s).
  • The collective presence of these individuals could lead to a more stable and productive team, as they can balance each other out and prevent any one person from going seriously wrong (53m35s).
  • Having a team of capable individuals around him could be a relief for Donald Trump, who is getting older, as it would allow him to have people he can admire, respect, and listen to, and who can share some of the responsibility and burden (53m49s).
  • The team's dynamic could also enable Trump to have people who can voluntarily bear some of the responsibility and possibility that is too much for one person to handle (54m3s).

A dream team, a compelling show, an exciting time to be American (54m12s)

  • A hypothetical team consisting of Trump, Musk, Kennedy, Gabard, Ramaswamy, and Vance would be a "Dream Team" offering a wild and compelling show for the next four years or longer, providing an exciting adventure for Americans who enjoy drama and theatrics (54m13s).
  • This team is composed of remarkable individuals, each with their own unique personality, making it a privilege to watch and get to know them (55m0s).
  • Every member of this team is notable in their own right, making their potential accomplishments intriguing, especially with divine help (55m3s).
  • The idea of this team is endorsed wholeheartedly, with the anticipation that their ascendance would be the most exciting and absurd possible political event (55m17s).
  • The prospect of this team's future is looked forward to with great excitement and anticipation, making it a thrilling opportunity (55m31s).

Take up the mantle of citizenship and vote! (55m43s)

  • The X-Men, a reference to a group of individuals including Trump, need help from citizens to succeed in their endeavors in Washington D.C. (55m44s)
  • The responsibility of governance lies with the sovereign citizens of a free state, who have the opportunity to participate in their own governance by voting. (56m2s)
  • Failure is a possibility unless citizens take an active role in the democratic process, and even those who are undecided or cynical can make a difference by voting. (55m52s)
  • The margin of victory or defeat is expected to be thin, and inaction could lead to the loss of desired outcomes. (56m30s)
  • By participating in the democratic process, citizens can play a part in bringing about change and revealing new possibilities, opportunities, and establishing productive peace. (56m40s)
  • The potential outcome of a specific group of six individuals, referred to as the "Trump X-Men team," taking the reins is uncertain, but it could lead to new and interesting developments. (56m55s)

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