Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders With a Hint of EQ and IQ | Major General Rajan Kochhar | TEDxDSC

15 Jul 2024 (7 months ago)
Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders With a Hint of EQ and IQ  | Major General Rajan Kochhar | TEDxDSC

Leadership and Organizational Culture

  • Leadership can be measured by character, which includes integrity, loyalty, and honesty.
  • Organizational culture can be summarized by the terms "nam" (name), "namak" (salary and benefits), and "nishan" (flag or symbol).

Overcoming Challenges

  • To face challenges, remember the four Cs: control, confidence, commitment, and conviction.
  • Emotional intelligence (EQ) is more important than IQ in the workplace.
  • Battles are won by teams, not individuals.

Personal Development

  • Develop skills that will help you achieve your dreams and contribute to the nation.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of developing innovative skills and not being discouraged by failures.
  • He shares his personal experience of being relegated in the National Defense Academy due to medical reasons but later achieving success and winning a silver medal in the young officers course.
  • He encourages the audience to set incremental goals and work towards them, as everyone has the potential to achieve success despite facing failures.

Selling the Tanks

  • The speaker was tasked with selling thousands of rotting tanks that had a minimum fixed price of 14.5 lakhs each.
  • He determined the cost of the tanks based on the value of the materials they were made of, such as iron, steel, aluminum, and zinc.
  • He found that the cost of the materials was only 9.5 lakhs per tank, so he reduced the selling price from 14.5 lakhs to 12 lakhs.
  • As a result, all the tanks were sold within 6 months, after lying unsold for 20-25 years.

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