Commanding the Depths: Trust, Teamwork, and Leadership | Cdr Ranjan Bhattacharya | TEDxIIMSambalpur
15 Jul 2024 (6 months ago)
Submarine Life and Command
- Commander Ranjan Bachara, a former submarine officer in the Indian Navy, shares his experiences and insights on submarine life and command.
- Submarines are complex military equipment designed for warfare, carrying an arsenal capable of destroying entire countries.
- Submarines operate underwater at depths of around 300 meters, navigating and interacting with the outside world solely through sound.
- Selection for submarine duty is voluntary and involves rigorous training and assessment.
- Commanding a submarine is a significant responsibility, requiring mental, physical, and intellectual capabilities to perform under stress.
Challenges and Decision-Making
- Commander Bachara recounts his first dive as a commanding officer, facing an underwater accident that caused flooding and rendered critical equipment inoperable.
- Despite the near-death experience, the crew's training and professionalism kicked in, taking immediate action to bring the submarine to safety.
- The crew worked tirelessly for 24 hours to assess the damage and salvage the situation, demonstrating their resilience and dedication.
- The submarine commander faced a dilemma after an accident during a mission and had to decide whether to admit the accident and face consequences or attempt to salvage the situation.
- Despite the risks involved, the commander chose to continue the mission after careful planning and risk assessment, with the support of his crew.
- The crew successfully completed the mission and returned to the surface, demonstrating the importance of training, preparation, and risk management in overcoming challenges.
Leadership Lessons
- The commander emphasizes the significance of seeing opportunities in calamities, learning from mistakes, and empowering team members.
- He stresses the value of encouraging dissent and open communication within an organization, as well as the importance of maintaining confidence and hope during difficult times.
- The commander highlights the need for leaders to develop future leaders and share successes with their teams, fostering a positive and productive work environment.
Appreciation and Gratitude
- The speaker expresses gratitude for the shared incident, which brings a smile to their face even in tough situations.
- An apology is made for the delay and keeping the recipient awake late.
- Appreciation is conveyed for the recipient's service as a Navy person.
- The speaker believes the leadership lessons shared will serve as a guiding light for those entering the corporate world.