Bryan Johnson’s Daily Diet and Longevity Protocol to Live to 120+ Years Old

21 Apr 2024 (10 months ago)
Bryan Johnson’s Daily Diet and Longevity Protocol to Live to 120+ Years Old

Intro (0s)

  • Brian Johnson embodies his practice of reversing the aging process.
  • The video discusses his daily diet and longevity protocol.

Diet (1m22s)

  • Johnson's daily diet is designed to nourish and optimize the function of every organ in his body.
  • His breakfast consists of a super veggie dish made with broccoli, cauliflower, lentils, hemp seeds, garlic, and ginger.
  • The next meal is a nutty pudding made with macadamia nuts, walnuts, flax seed, sunflower lopin, pomegranate juice, berries, and pea protein.
  • The final meal of the day is berries, nuts, and seeds of some variety.
  • Johnson also consumes 45 mL of extra virgin olive oil per day, divided between his meals.
  • He follows a compressed eating window, starting his first meal around 4:00 or 5:00 AM and finishing by 11:00 AM.

30% Off Your First Order AND a Free Gift Worth up to $60 (2m15s)

  • Thrive Market is an online membership-based grocery store offering a 30% discount and a $60 free gift for new customers using a special link.
  • Thomas DeLauer has created low-carb keto truffles and nut butters sweetened with allulose, available on Thrive Market.

Sleep (3m13s)

  • Bryan Johnson optimizes his sleep by maintaining a low resting heart rate before bedtime and ensuring consistent REM and deep sleep stages.
  • Deviations from ideal sleep habits, dietary changes, and stress can disrupt his sleep patterns.
  • To manage stress, Johnson employs a technique where he treats different aspects of his mind as separate "Brians," allowing him to compartmentalize his thoughts and emotions.
  • Johnson emphasizes the importance of hydration for longevity and overall health.

Hydration (8m57s)

  • Bryan Johnson tries to consume around 60 to 100 ounces of water a day, all before 4 p.m.
  • He mineralizes all his water with tea or electrolytes to aid absorption.
  • He found that drinking around 1600 ounces of mineralized water daily keeps him hydrated without needing to wake up at night to use the bathroom.
  • Overhydration is as easy as underhydration and can lead to demineralization.
  • The most grandiose thing Bryan Johnson has spent money on for longevity and reversing epigenetic age is not the project itself, but the cost of measuring his molecular health (MH).

Testing (11m14s)

  • $2 million per year is spent on research, not on Bryan Johnson's body.
  • The money was spent on evaluating scientific literature on health and lifespan, ranking interventions based on their power, and measuring the effects of implementing these interventions on Bryan Johnson.
  • The majority of the money has gone into research and figuring out how to implement esoteric therapies.
  • The basics of Bryan Johnson's protocol, which most people can follow, cost around $1500 per month including groceries.
  • Six categories contribute to an estimated life expectancy of 92 years:
    • Don't smoke (adds 12 years)
    • Exercise 6 hours per week
    • Follow a Mediterranean or Blueprint diet
    • Maintain a BMI between 18.5 and 22.5
    • Moderate to zero alcohol consumption
    • Prioritize sleep
  • Each category is weighted slightly differently in the overall score.
  • Overdoing exercise (more than 6 hours per week) may have a negative impact on the overall score.
  • Different types of exercise can be combined as long as the total amount of exercise meets the recommended guidelines.
  • Bryan Johnson incorporates red light therapy into his morning routine.

Light Exposure (14m9s)

  • Bryan Johnson's daily routine involves morning sunlight exposure before 9 or 10 am and evening exposure after 5 or 6 pm, avoiding peak UV hours.
  • To minimize blue light exposure, he uses blue light-blocking glasses and avoids screen time before bed.
  • Johnson incorporates red and near-infrared light therapy three times a week for 12 minutes.
  • He follows a strict diet, avoiding processed foods, sugar, and soda, and focuses on a plant-based diet with limited animal products.
  • Johnson's longevity protocol aims to extend his lifespan to 120+ years, prioritizing time efficiency and measuring various health markers, including antioxidant capacity and oxidative stress.
  • He acknowledges the complexity of health and wellness and the lack of consensus among experts, emphasizing the importance of identifying and tracking key markers with evidence-based support for longevity.
  • Some basic markers he monitors include sleep quality, heart rate variability, and blood glucose levels.

Biomarkers (21m35s)

  • Excessive inflammation is considered bad, while low inflammation is considered good.
  • Blood glucose levels should be monitored and kept within a healthy range.
  • Cholesterol levels are debatable, with no clear consensus on what is considered healthy.
  • Basic biochemistry of the body, such as white blood cell and red blood cell counts, are important indicators of health.

Bryan Johnson’s Daily Diet and Longevity Protocol (0s)

  • Bryan Johnson shares his daily diet and longevity protocol, which has helped him achieve top percentiles in various health markers.
  • He emphasizes that his approach is not necessarily the best or the only way to achieve health and wellness, but it provides a starting point for individuals to improve their health.
  • The first step in his journey was to adopt a holistic approach to health, considering all aspects of his lifestyle, including diet, exercise, and mental well-being.

Biological Age (24m12s)

  • Sleep onset (time it takes to fall asleep) and wake after sleep onset (how much you're up for the night) are age markers.
  • Ideal sleep onset is under 4 minutes and wake after sleep onset should be under 30 minutes.
  • As people age, their sleep duration tends to decrease.
  • The pineal gland helps with melatonin and sleep, but it can calcify over time, leading to decreased sleep quality.
  • There's a theory that ultrasound can be used to decalcify the pineal gland and improve sleep.
  • As biological systems age, it becomes harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Competing systems, such as an enlarged prostate, can further disrupt sleep.
  • The calcification of the pineal gland may be accelerated by stress or neuroinflammation.
  • Technology allows us to measure body parts and their functions with greater precision, leading to more targeted and effective health interventions.
  • Used to take 111 supplements a day.

Supplements (28m24s)

  • Bryan Johnson's daily diet and longevity protocol aim to extend his lifespan to 120+ years.
  • He reduced his supplement intake from over 40 to 42 and now manufactures his own food and supplements.
  • Extra virgin olive oil (EVO) is a crucial component of his diet, offering benefits such as reduced oxidative stress, LDL cholesterol, and blood glucose.
  • Johnson practices intermittent fasting, stopping eating around 11:00 a.m. and maintaining a low carbohydrate intake while preserving lean body mass.
  • He produces between half and one millimole of ketones by the end of the day, even during intense training, and believes metabolic instability occurs when people constantly fuel their bodies without allowing ketone production.
  • Ketones provide anti-inflammatory and cardiometabolic protective benefits.
  • Johnson remains open to learning and measuring his ketone levels to optimize his longevity protocol.

Where to Find More of Bryan's Content (34m38s)

  • Bryan Johnson's products and the Olive Oil Blueprint can be found on his website:
  • His protocol is also available for free on his website.

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