The Most Important Daily Habits For Health & Longevity - Dr Rhonda Patrick (4K)

28 Feb 2024 (12 months ago)
The Most Important Daily Habits For Health & Longevity - Dr Rhonda Patrick (4K)

Are Low Omega-3s Worse Than Smoking? (0s)

  • Low omega-3 levels (4% or less) have negative health effects comparable to smoking.
  • A high omega-3 index (8% or higher) can increase life expectancy by five years.
  • The average omega-3 index in the United States is significantly lower than in Japan, where people have a longer life expectancy.
  • Focusing on obtaining essential nutrients like omega-3s is more important for longevity than avoiding harmful substances like smoking.
  • Smoking increases the risk of heart disease more than cancer, even in small amounts.
  • Omega-3s protect against heart disease and lower inflammation, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Aiming for an omega-3 index of 8% or higher is optimal for health benefits.
  • Consuming 2 grams of omega-3 per day can effectively raise the omega-3 index from 4% to 8%.

How to Know What Omega-3 Supplements to Use (7m31s)

  • When choosing an omega-3 supplement, look for third-party testing results to ensure the concentration of EPA and DHA matches the label, and that the oxidation level is less than 10. Contaminants such as PCBs and mercury should also be measured and kept to a minimum.
  • Triglyceride form is generally more bioavailable than ethyl ester form, but ethyl ester form should be taken with a meal, preferably a high-fat meal, to improve absorption.
  • Two grams of omega-3 per day can raise the omega-3 index from low to high, but the amount needed may vary depending on the form of omega-3 (triglyceride vs. ethyl ester).
  • Wild Alaskan salmon is a good source of omega-3s with low levels of contaminants, but the exact amount needed per week to meet omega-3 requirements is not specified.
  • It takes 120 days for red blood cells to turn over, so it's important to wait that long before testing Omega-3 levels after changing your diet.
  • Supplementing with a high-quality, low-oxidation triglyceride version of Omega-3s is recommended, along with having fish meals twice per week.

The UK Are Banning Disposable Vapes (12m53s)

  • Disposable vapes' popularity among teenagers in schools raises concerns about nicotine dependency and health risks, especially with the introduction of fruity flavors.
  • While smoking rates have declined due to social stigma, countries like Italy, Spain, and France in mainland Europe still have high smoking prevalence.
  • Nicotine products like mints, pouches, and Zyn gain popularity as focus enhancers, but concerns exist about their negative effects on gums and the safety of unknown flavorings.
  • The speaker expresses interest in exploring the potential benefits and risks of new technologies, including screens, virtual reality, health technologies, and novel delivery mechanisms.
  • Ketone IQ is a pre-workout supplement that provides clean energy, mental clarity, and quick delivery of ketones without fasting or carb restriction, backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Discussing Forms of Intermittent Fasting (20m19s)

  • Time-restricted feeding (TRF) is a form of intermittent fasting that involves extending the period of not eating.
  • There are circadian reasons to eat within a certain time window and have a period of rest and fasting.
  • Insulin sensitivity is highest in the morning and lowest in the evening, so blood glucose levels will be higher with the same carbohydrate intake in the evening.
  • Skipping breakfast as a way to do TRF is not ideal because it can lead to muscle atrophy, especially if not doing resistance training.
  • Resistance training can mitigate the muscle loss associated with TRF.
  • Time-restricted feeding (skipping breakfast) does not limit gains from resistance training if sufficient protein is consumed.
  • The recommended daily intake of protein is 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight to prevent muscle loss, and 1.6 grams per kilogram for physically active individuals.
  • Older adults are less sensitive to amino acids and require a higher protein intake of 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight to maintain muscle mass.

How to Incorporate Time-Restricted Eating Into Daily Life (27m24s)

  • Time-restricted eating, by stopping meals three hours before bed, can improve sleep quality and enter a fasted state five hours later.
  • Caloric restriction is crucial for weight loss, and obese or overweight individuals can fast without significant muscle loss if they engage in resistance training and consume sufficient protein.
  • Eggs are a good source of protein, lutein, and choline, and pasture-raised eggs contain more lutein.
  • Consuming protein prior to working out is important for muscle synthesis, and the recommended daily protein intake is 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight.
  • Intermittent fasting can be beneficial, but it's important to frontload protein earlier in the day to prevent muscle loss.
  • A balanced diet should include a variety of foods rich in essential micronutrients, particularly leafy greens like spinach, which are high in magnesium, calcium, vitamin K, and folate.
  • Leafy greens, such as spinach, are often demonized for their oxalate content, but this is mostly unfounded, especially if you cook the greens or consume them with magnesium-rich foods.

How Important Are Leafy Greens? (42m7s)

  • Consume micronutrients like B vitamins, zinc, and iron from red meat, poultry, and grass-fed meat for a better omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid profile.
  • Manage calorie intake and expenditure to maintain energy balance and prevent weight gain.
  • Consider intermittent fasting as a natural way to restrict calorie intake and aid in weight management.
  • Prioritize whole foods, including both plants and meat, for optimal health and longevity.
  • Dr. Rhonda Patrick recommends a diverse, whole foods diet for overall well-being.
  • M-Ments offers NSF-certified supplements like FID doio grus and tonat Ali to increase testosterone levels and provides a rich source of Omega-3s.
  • M-Ments products come with a 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can use the code "modern wisdom" for a 20% discount at checkout.

The Biggest Movers for Cognitive Function (48m11s)

  • Regular vigorous exercise, such as high-intensity interval training or running, can improve cognitive function by increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and promoting neuroplasticity. It can also increase hippocampal volume, which is associated with learning and memory, and counteract age-related atrophy.
  • Micronutrient supplementation with a multivitamin containing magnesium, B vitamins, folate, and vitamin K can improve cognitive function in older adults and slow brain aging by about 2 years.
  • Blueberries, especially their anthocyanins, improve cognition, executive function, memory, processing speed, and motor coordination.
  • Dark chocolate, particularly cocoa polyphenols like kakin, can increase blood flow to the brain, improving cognition and executive function.
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin, found in egg yolks, kale, and other foods, are carotenoids that accumulate in the eyes and brain, protecting against macular degeneration and improving cognitive function.
  • Choline is important for brain function and fetal development.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, especially in doses of 2 grams or more per day, improve cognitive function.
  • Anthocyanins and catechins found in blueberries, dark chocolate, and other foods have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that promote brain health.

What Actually is Brain Fog? (1h0m27s)

  • Brain fog, a reduction in mental clarity, can be caused by consuming high glycemic index foods, which lead to a high postprandial glucose response.
  • Avoiding refined carbohydrates and opting for low glycemic index foods, as well as engaging in exercise snacks like short bursts of intense exercise before or after a meal, can help reduce brain fog.
  • Consuming protein or fat 10 to 30 minutes before carbohydrates can slow down the postprandial glucose response and reduce brain fog.
  • Prioritizing protein during an eating window can help reduce carb intake and increase satiety.
  • Eating a high sugar and high-fat meal can cause a more significant inflammatory response, leading to sleepiness, mental fog, and disrupted neurotransmission in the brain.
  • Minimizing inflammation can be achieved by avoiding processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of unhealthy fats, as well as engaging in regular exercise, getting adequate sleep, and managing stress.
  • Consuming a high-fat diet without sufficient fiber or protein can lead to intestinal permeability and trigger an immune response, diverting energy from the brain to the immune system and causing inflammation.
  • Smaller meals and regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, such as one gram with each meal as recommended by Dr. Rhonda Patrick, can help reduce the postprandial inflammatory response and promote the production of specialized resolving molecules that help resolve inflammation.

The Keys to Improving Your Mood (1h14m8s)

  • Comfort eating high sugar foods after periods of low mood and inactivity can lead to inflammation, sleep disruption, and worsened mood.
  • Exercise is an effective way to improve mood and has comparable benefits to SSRI antidepressants.
  • Deliberate heat exposure, such as through sauna use, can be a non-pharmacological treatment to improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Sauna use may be a more accessible and convenient option for individuals who find it challenging to engage in strenuous exercise.
  • High-intensity exercise improves mood by increasing oxygen and nutrients to the brain, releasing endorphins, and optimizing neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
  • Sleep is important for mood regulation, but exercise may have a greater impact on overall health and longevity.
  • Regular sleep and wake patterns can significantly improve mood and overall well-being.
  • Time-restricted feeding may help mitigate the negative effects of shift work on metabolic outcomes.
  • Exercise is likely the most important factor in mitigating the negative effects of shift work on health.

An Ideal Cold & Heat Exposure Routine (1h32m32s)

  • Heat exposure, combined with exercise, can improve cardiovascular fitness, muscle gains, and sleep quality.
  • Regular sauna use, combined with exercise, is associated with a higher V2 Max compared to exercise alone.
  • Saunas have numerous health benefits, including reducing the risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease.
  • The optimal sauna temperature is around 174-175 degrees Fahrenheit, and the optimal duration is at least 20 minutes.
  • Infrared saunas require longer durations to achieve similar benefits.
  • Repeated sauna sessions with short breaks in between can lead to a significant increase in growth hormone levels.
  • Hot tubs and hot baths can also provide similar benefits to saunas, such as activating heat shock proteins and brain-derived neurotrophic factor.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce muscle atrophy by 50% and should be taken four weeks in advance to be effective.

The Physiological Response to Cold Exposure (1h49m18s)

  • Cold exposure can improve mood, motivation, focus, and energy production by activating heat shock proteins and norepinephrine release, and increasing mitochondrial biogenesis in muscle tissue.
  • Cold exposure can optimize neurotransmitter function, improving focus, tension, mood, and anxiety.
  • For full benefits, including mitochondrial biogenesis and browning of fat, aim for 15 minutes at 50°F, or 3 to 3.5 minutes at 50°F followed by a gradual decrease in temperature.
  • Cold exposure should not be done within 5 hours of hypertrophy training or within a couple of hours of going to sleep.
  • Cold exposure can help brown fat, which is a therapeutic target for improving metabolic health and treating type 2 diabetes.
  • Cold exposure, particularly around the wrists and clavicle area, can stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and promote the browning of fat.

How to Design an Exercise Routine (2h8m25s)

  • Dr. Rhonda Patrick emphasizes the importance of consistent physical activity for overall health and longevity.
  • Vigorous intensity exercise, where the heart rate reaches 80% of the maximum heart rate, is more beneficial for non-athletes who engage in less than 10 hours of endurance training per week.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) increases lactate production, which has positive effects on brain health, including increased neurotransmitters and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
  • Lactate acts as an energy source for the brain during physical activity and promotes neuroplasticity, cognitive function, and neuroprotection.
  • High-intensity vigorous exercise may be more beneficial for overall health and longevity compared to moderate-intensity exercise like zone 2 training.
  • Regular exercise, including both zone 2 and high-intensity vigorous exercise, provides numerous benefits for physical and mental well-being.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT), such as the Norwegian 4x4 protocol, can significantly improve VO2 max and overall fitness.
  • A two-year study involving untrained 50-year-olds showed that progressive maximal intensity exercise, combined with strength training and the Norwegian 4x4 protocol, led to improved cardiac structure and function, reduced cardiovascular disease risk, and enhanced exercise performance.
  • Resistance training combined with interval training is beneficial for heart health.

The Protocols to Improve VO2 Max (2h23m22s)

  • The Norwegian 4x4 protocol, which involves alternating four minutes of high-intensity exercise with three minutes of light recovery, repeated four times, is an effective method for improving V2 Max.
  • Vigorous exercise, such as running, cycling, and swimming, can also enhance V2 Max. Aim for 20 minutes of vigorous exercise at 75-80% of your maximum heart rate, with one to two sessions per week.
  • Regular exercise, even in short bursts, can significantly reduce cancer-related and cardiovascular-related mortality. Aim for 75-80% of your maximum heart rate for about 20 minutes daily.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT), with intervals of 30 seconds on and 15 seconds off, or 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off, can also be beneficial.
  • Even just 10 minutes of exercise daily can have positive effects on health and well-being, and the benefits extend to individuals who do not engage in regular leisure-time physical activity.

The Risks of Staying Sedentary (2h30m55s)

  • Sedentary behavior, such as sitting at a desk for extended periods, is an independent risk factor for diseases like cancer.
  • Even individuals who engage in regular exercise can still be considered sedentary if they spend a significant portion of their day sitting.
  • Sedentarism can increase the risk of breast cancer in women, with a lifetime risk of one in eight.
  • Simple exercise snacks like bodyweight squats, high knees, chair squats, plank, and burpees can be incorporated throughout the day to break up sedentary time.
  • Exercise snacks can improve cognition, mood, and blood flow to the brain.
  • Exercise snacks are short bursts of physical activity that can be done throughout the day to break up sedentary time.
  • Examples of exercise snacks include bodyweight squats, high knees, chair squats, plank, and burpees.
  • Exercise snacks can be done at a desk or any convenient location.
  • Aim to do exercise snacks for 2-3 minutes every hour or two.
  • Exercise snacks can be timed around meals to manage the postprandial glucose response and improve cognitive function and mood.

Walking After a Meal (2h34m29s)

  • Post-meal vigorous intensity exercise, such as interval walking, is more effective in improving blood glucose levels compared to regular walking.
  • Building muscle mass through resistance training and adequate protein intake is essential for longevity, overall health, and preventing age-related muscle loss.
  • Resistance training should be incorporated into a weekly routine, with a minimum of two hours per week, focusing on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups.
  • Working with a coach can help prevent injuries and ensure proper form during resistance training.

At What Age Do You Stop Gaining Muscle Mass? (2h40m34s)

  • Muscle mass and strength decline with age, but resistance training can help counter this.
  • Lifting lighter weights with high volume and effort can be just as effective as lifting heavy weights for building muscle mass and strength.
  • The optimal rep range for hypertrophy is between 6 and 30 repetitions, with 1 to 3 reps in reserve.
  • Focus on tempo during weightlifting, with each rep lasting at least two seconds, especially during the eccentric (lowering) portion of the movement.
  • Incorporate exercises that stretch the muscles at the end range of motion.
  • Pause briefly at the bottom of each rep, especially during squats, to maximize muscle stretch and hypertrophy.
  • Train even when feeling tired, as physical activity can blunt the negative effects of sleep deprivation and reduce inflammation, leading to increased energy levels.
  • Exercise has anti-inflammatory effects that can counteract the stresses of daily life and improve overall well-being.
  • Adjust the intensity and duration of exercise when feeling tired to avoid injury and overexertion.

Refining the Story You Tell Yourself (2h51m9s)

  • To boost confidence and reinforce a positive self-image, focus on overcoming challenges, even small ones, and tell yourself a positive story about your accomplishments.
  • For exercise, prioritize vigorous intensity, VO2 max training for brain benefits, and resistance training.
  • To check progress without formal testing, use a 12-minute run or walk test on a flat surface and calculate VO2 max using the covered distance.
  • The Apple Watch can estimate VO2 max but may not be accurate due to factors like running hills.
  • The Airbike is an effective machine for achieving a high heart rate and engaging both arms and legs.
  • Hybrid training, combining different types of exercise, is gaining popularity and may offer advantages in certain tests like the 12-minute run test.
  • Dr. Rhonda Patrick recommends using a stationary bike for the Norwegian 4x4 Protocols to build VO2 Max.
  • Rhonda Patrick has a broad evidence base on fitness and health.
  • She created, a free guide with evidence-based protocols to maximize brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
  • The guide includes exercise protocols, sauna protocols, and polyphenol consumption (e.g., blueberries).
  • Rhonda's personal protocol is also included in the guide.
  • YouTube channel: Found My Fitness
  • Podcasts: interviews with experts and standalone videos discussing scientific topics (e.g., magnesium, vigorous exercise).
  • Podcast platforms: Apple Podcasts, Spotify.
  • Website:
  • Newsletter sign-up available on the website.

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