How to Quickly Learn Jiu-Jitsu | Feat. Josh Waitzkin and Marcelo Garcia | The Tim Ferriss Experiment
26 Jan 2024 (1 year ago)

- Tim Ferris is embarking on a 5-day challenge to learn Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ), with the objective of mastering the principles through one submission move.
- He seeks guidance from Josh Waitzkin, an international chess master and BJJ black belt, who will utilize high-level principles of chess to teach BJJ.
Learning Chess Principles
- Josh starts by teaching Tim basic chess principles, focusing on the end game instead of the openings.
- Tim learns about the power of empty space and how to exploit it in chess and BJJ.
- The principles of winning in chess (checkmate) parallel winning in BJJ (making the opponent tap out).
Learning the Guillotine Choke
- Tim learns the guillotine choke, a formidable submission move in BJJ, from Marcelo Garcia, a five-time BJJ world champion.
- Marcelo teaches Tim the proper technique to maximize leverage and forces Tim to refine his motion.
- Tim recognizes the importance of patience and mastering one finishing position instead of trying to learn multiple setups.
Testing and Improvement
- Tim has a before-test to establish his baseline skills and weaknesses.
- He rolls with John, a world champion in BJJ, and exposes his weaknesses in movement and transitions.
- Tim receives coaching from Marcelo on the guillotine, learning to wait for the right moment and apply pressure to force his opponent into making a mistake.
Applying Principles to Jiu-Jitsu and Chess
- Tim spars with various opponents, aiming to catch as many guillotine submissions as possible in 60 seconds.
- Maurice Ashley, a chess master, imparts tactical thinking lessons to Tim through chess games in Washington Square Park.
- Tim realizes the importance of fluidity, control, and applying pressure in both BJJ and chess.
Final Test
- Tim undergoes a final test where he is challenged to catch guillotine submissions in fast-paced transitions.
- Despite exhaustion, Tim successfully catches five submissions and shows significant progress.
Reflection and Further Learning
- Tim reflects on the intense week of training and the significant progress he has made in his BJJ skills.
- He encourages viewers to check out additional footage and interviews on his website and podcast for a more comprehensive understanding of the journey.