Scott Galloway | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von
29 Nov 2024 (3 months ago)

- Upcoming tour dates for 2025 have been announced, including stops in Toledo, Ohio; Rama, Ontario; Pittsburgh; Eugene, Oregon; Kenwick, Seattle, Washington; Victoria, BC; Belton, Texas; San Antonio; Durant, Oklahoma; Oxford, Mississippi; Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Tallahassee, Florida; and Rosemont, Illinois, as part of the return of the Rat tour (42s).
- A foundation is being started, with plans to use it to do more in the future, and appreciation is expressed for the support received from fans (1m3s).
- The guest, Scott Galloway, is a professor at NYU, host of the Prof G Markets podcast, and a marketing and business expert, with a focus on issues faced by young men in a changing world (1m55s).
- Scott Galloway's content has been well-received, with the host's staff being excited about the interview, and even the host's chief of staff wanting to attend the recording (2m19s).
The Importance of Realistic Conversations
- Scott Galloway mentions that he feels lucky to have an audience and that his biggest relationship is with his work, which he spends around 40 hours a week on (3m18s).
- Scott Galloway believes that young people need to have a realistic conversation with themselves about the trade-offs required to achieve success, noting that to be in the top 1% in terms of influence, spiritual reward, and financial success, one needs to be fully committed for 10-20 years (3m36s).
- Success often requires going all-in on work, which can come at the cost of relationships, fitness, and mental well-being, as experienced from age 25 to 45 (4m15s).
- Despite the potential negative consequences, the focus on work can be a manageable relationship with a clear return on investment, unlike other relationships that may be more emotionally challenging (5m11s).
- As professional success increases, so do the opportunities for mating, which is a cruel truth of capitalism, but this comes at the cost of relationships with family, oneself, and potentially even a higher power (5m46s).
- Having money can provide a disproportionate number of mating opportunities, but there are also significant trade-offs, such as the potential regret of not starting a family earlier (6m17s).
- One of the biggest regrets is not having more children, specifically a daughter, and not having enough time with the existing children due to work commitments (6m32s).
The Trade-Offs of Success
- The desire for wealth and success can take priority over having children, but this focus can ultimately be a means to an end in a capitalist society (7m22s).
- At 44 years old, there is still a desire to have more children, but this may not be a priority for everyone, and happiness is not solely dependent on having kids (7m8s).
- A person's kids can bring a sense of contentment and fulfillment, making them feel like they have enough, which is a rare feeling in life (7m56s).
- Growing up, the desire for more was a driving force, constantly seeking new and exciting experiences, people, and possessions (8m16s).
- However, being in the presence of kids can bring a sense of calm and satisfaction, making one feel like they have enough (8m27s).
- The speaker recalls fond memories of leaning against their dad on the couch, feeling safe and content, highlighting the importance of physical touch and closeness between parents and children (8m43s).
- The desire to be a provider and hunter-gatherer is a natural instinct for men, but it can also be an addiction, driving them to constantly strive for more (9m27s).
The Impact of Economic Viability on Relationships
- The speaker's motivation to succeed came from a specific moment when their single immigrant mother got sick, and they felt helpless and humiliated by their inability to take care of her (10m39s).
- This experience sparked a desire to get their act together and become a provider, not just for their mother but also for themselves and their future family (10m42s).
- The speaker's mother was a secretary who lived a modest life, and her illness highlighted the importance of financial security and being able to take care of loved ones (9m42s).
- The experience of being underinsured and unable to afford proper care for their mother was a wake-up call, emphasizing the need for financial stability and security (10m19s).
- Economic security was a primary motivator for personal growth, driven by the desire to take care of family and be attractive to a potential partner (10m53s).
- Observations of male friends with more resources, such as homes in Aspen and BMWs, showed that women were drawn to men with resources, which reflected discipline and character (11m2s).
- The desire for economic security and to be attractive to a potential mate motivated getting life together (11m31s).
The Role of Masculinity in Modern Society
- Women want to feel safe, and men who can provide for them are often seen as more attractive (11m44s).
- Being able to provide makes one feel especially capable, especially when other areas of life are uncertain (12m7s).
- Everyone needs a personal code, which can come from various sources such as spirituality, church, or organizations like AA (12m20s).
- AA is a powerful code that offers opportunities for self-improvement and helping others, making it a strong construct for personal growth (12m36s).
- There is a need to redefine masculinity as a positive code for young men, as many are not attached to traditional institutions like church or school (12m49s).
- Statistics show that many young men are not in relationships, and women are often dating older, more economically and emotionally viable men (13m3s).
- A modern form of masculinity could serve as a guiding light for young men, with possible core aspects including being a provider in a capitalist society (13m46s).
- Economic viability is a significant factor in how men are evaluated, and economic stress can have far-reaching effects on individuals and households (13m52s).
- To be a well-rounded individual, one should strive to be a provider, protector, and procreator, with a focus on being economically viable, learning a trade or skill, and developing a savings habit (14m10s).
- A provider should be supportive of their partner, especially if they are better at managing finances, and prioritize economic stability (14m14s).
- With more women graduating from college and entering the workforce, men should focus on developing skills and being economically viable to be attractive partners (14m17s).
- A protector should prioritize safety and security, breaking up fights instead of starting them, and protecting their community and country (14m39s).
- Real men should absorb and add surplus value, creating more revenue for the government than they consume, and help people more than they require help (14m54s).
- Men should prioritize protection, especially for marginalized communities, and be willing to express vulnerability (15m17s).
- The desire to be a procreator often starts with physical attraction, and men should focus on developing skills to express physical desire while making their partners feel safe (16m2s).
- To be attractive to women, men should prioritize being in good shape, being a good person, and having their act together professionally (16m32s).
- A more aspirational model for masculinity should serve as a role model or code for young men, emphasizing the importance of being a provider, protector, and procreator (16m44s).
The Need for Positive Male Role Models
- Women have made significant strides in education, politics, and economics, and men should not get in the way of their progress (17m11s).
- The movie "A League of Their Own" is amazing, but it has a second-order effect where 50% of women say they want to date a guy shorter than them, which is likely underreported due to embarrassment (17m42s).
- Metaphorically, women are getting taller and men are getting shorter, with women now earning 50% more college degrees than men and making up 60% of the college-educated population (18m1s).
- One in three men under the age of 30 hasn't had sex in the last year, and in mating, women tend to mate socioeconomically horizontally and up, while men mate horizontally and down (18m15s).
- Three out of four women say economic viability is key to a mate, while only one in three men state that, leading to a shrinking pool of eligible men and less household formation and relationships (18m26s).
- When women don't have a romantic relationship, they tend to channel their energy into work, friends, and family, while men often come off the rails and become insecure, prone to conspiracy theories, and blaming others (18m43s).
- The skills required to maintain a healthy relationship are similar to those required to be professionally successful, making single men, especially young, broke, and single men, a potentially unstable and violent demographic (19m43s).
- Twice as many women under the age of 30 are in a relationship compared to men, and 3 million Millennial men have given up on dating altogether (20m6s).
- The lack of economic and romantic opportunities for young men can lead to unstable societies, and it's possible that the current societal trends are creating more of these unstable individuals (20m2s).
- The absence of a male role model in the home is a significant factor contributing to the problems faced by young people, particularly boys, who are more likely to be incarcerated, engage in self-harm, and experience depression without a male role model (20m58s).
- In single-parent homes, which are predominantly headed by mothers, girls tend to have the same college attendance rates, levels of self-harm, and depression as girls from two-parent homes, whereas boys are more likely to experience negative outcomes (22m15s).
- Boys are physically stronger but mentally and emotionally weaker than girls, maturing later and being more prone to violence and self-harm (22m50s).
- The lack of a male role model can lead to boys "coming off the tracks" and experiencing negative outcomes, highlighting the need for positive male role models in their lives (23m12s).
- Many young boys lack interaction with male role models, such as coaches or pastors, and may not have a positive male influence until they encounter a prison guard (23m32s).
- A potential solution involves promoting a positive definition of masculinity, which includes taking care of oneself, one's family, and community, and creating a sense of purpose and surplus value (23m47s).
- In society, one of the ultimate expressions of masculinity is taking an interest in the well-being of a boy who is not one's own, but unfortunately, this has been discouraged due to past instances of abuse in the Catholic church and other high-profile cases (24m23s).
- Many men with love to give feel they cannot get involved in a young boy's life due to fear of being judged or suspected of wrongdoing (24m54s).
- A survey of people in one's work and neighborhood would likely reveal single mothers or friends whose sons are struggling and in need of a positive male influence (25m4s).
- One does not have to be a perfect role model, just a virtuous person trying to live their life, to make a positive impact on a young boy's life (25m14s).
The Importance of Community and Support
- Having positive male role models in one's life can have a lasting impact, as evidenced by the story of a man who took the speaker horseback riding and remained involved in their life even after breaking up with the speaker's mother (25m18s).
- The speaker's mother's boyfriend also played a significant role in their life, teaching them about investing in the stock market and remaining a close friend even 46 years later (25m30s).
- The concept of planning trees for the shade of which one will never sit is seen as a true expression of manhood or being a good person, but specifically for men, it is about mentoring young men or boys (26m22s).
- There is a lack of male mentors, as evidenced by the fact that there are three times as many applicants for Big Sisters as there are for Big Brothers in New York (26m52s).
- Men have been discouraged from taking an interest in the lives of young boys due to fear of being suspected of wrongdoing, leading to a lack of male role models and mentors (27m3s).
- This fear has become so prevalent that even giving compliments to someone else's child can be seen as suspicious or potentially problematic (27m16s).
- A family friend was wrongly accused of a crime and went to jail for three years, highlighting the potential for false accusations and the importance of support systems (27m32s).
- Research shows that teenagers are more likely to listen to their uncles or other male figures in their lives than their fathers, especially around the age of 15 or 16 (27m57s).
- Small moments and gestures from others can have a significant impact on a person's life, such as a teacher taking the time to talk to a student after class or a family friend buying tickets to a sports game (28m25s).
- Having a supportive community or "tribe" is crucial for personal growth and development, which can be found through sports, clubs, or other group activities (29m2s).
- Joining a fraternity in college was a life-changing experience, providing a sense of belonging and support, and helping to facilitate graduation from UCLA (28m57s).
- Playing sports or being part of a team can create a sense of camaraderie and shared experience, which can be beneficial for personal growth and development (29m27s).
- Finding a supportive community or activity can be challenging for single mothers, but it's essential for providing a safe and nurturing environment for their children (30m10s).
- Having a supportive coach or mentor can make a significant difference in a person's life, providing guidance and support beyond just the activity or sport itself (30m22s).
- A role model in the community can have a significant impact on young people, and finding ways to create similar opportunities for kids is essential (30m30s).
The Value of Hard Work and Perseverance
- Implementing vocational programming in America can help address the issue of two-thirds of kids not attending college, and an apprentice culture can provide alternative paths for success (30m51s).
- The US has a low percentage of LinkedIn profiles listing "Apprentice" compared to the UK and Germany, highlighting the need for a stronger focus on trades jobs (31m5s).
- Registering boys for kindergarten a year later can help address the biological maturity gap between boys and girls (31m16s).
- Observations of a 14-year-old's Halloween party showed a noticeable difference in maturity between boys and girls, with some girls appearing more mature and acting older (31m30s).
- Colleges that do not grow their freshman seats at a rate faster than the population should lose their tax-free status, as they are no longer serving a public service (31m47s).
- Mandatory national service, similar to the system in Israel, can help reduce young adult depression and provide benefits such as physical fitness, skill-building, and lifelong friendships (31m56s).
- Investing spare change through apps like Acorns can be a valuable way to build wealth over time, and the app offers features such as diversified portfolios and a $20 bonus investment for new users (32m40s).
- Manscaped offers a performance package called the 5.0 Ultra to help men with their grooming needs, including the Weed Whacker 2.0 ear and nose hair trimmer, and the Lawnmower 5.0 Ultra, with a 20% discount and free shipping available using the code "theo" at (34m16s)
- There seems to be an attack on traditional masculinity, with some feeling that being a man is not welcome in certain environments, such as schools (35m31s)
- The Presidential Fitness awards were discontinued due to concerns about fat shaming, and there is a lack of support groups for men, particularly in academic and professional settings (35m54s)
- The far right and far left have different but equally unhelpful definitions of masculinity, with the far right promoting a coarse and cruel form of toughness, and the far left advising men to be more like women (36m27s)
- There is a need to re-embrace traditional masculine values such as physical strength, protection, and initiating relationships, which can have positive effects on mental health and attractiveness (36m44s)
- Men under the age of 30 should strive to be physically strong and confident, with a sense of security and self-assurance that comes from knowing they can protect themselves and others (37m16s)
- Encouraging children to interact with strangers and develop social skills can help build confidence and strength, as demonstrated by a personal anecdote about forcing kids to talk to strangers when leaving the house (37m41s)
The Impact of Social Media on Society
- The ability to initiate contact is key to finding a job, and it's not easy to email strangers or express interest while making someone feel safe, demonstrating excellence in various areas of life (37m56s).
- Men are struggling to demonstrate excellence and form relationships in today's society, as traditional areas like work, church, sports, and college are no longer the primary places for social interaction (38m12s).
- Misandry, or the hate of men, is a significant problem that is often overlooked, and it's essential to acknowledge and address this issue (38m32s).
- The concept of toxic masculinity is widely discussed, but there is no equivalent term for toxic femininity, and this imbalance can lead to a lack of empathy for men's struggles (38m42s).
- Men, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, are struggling with issues like homelessness, addiction, and mental health, and there is a lack of recognition and support for these problems (39m26s).
- Statistics show that men are disproportionately affected by homelessness, addiction, and suicide, with three out of four homeless individuals and three out of four addicts being men (39m38s).
- The historical advantage that men have had in society, particularly white heterosexual males, has led to a lack of empathy for men's current struggles, and it's essential to recognize that not all men have had the same advantages (39m51s).
- The idea that men, particularly white males, are being attacked or shamed for their identity is a concern, and it's essential to create a safe space for men to discuss their issues without being labeled as racist or sexist (40m34s).
- The constant focus on past injustices and the shame associated with being white can be unfair and create a sense of embarrassment among white people, who did not choose their skin color (40m47s).
- It's essential to recognize that people from all backgrounds, including white people, deserve respect and empathy, and that it's not fair to shame or blame individuals for their identity (41m3s).
- The education system and business world are highly biased against men or boys, with 70 to 80% of primary school teachers being women who tend to naturally champion students who remind them of themselves (41m47s).
- The behaviors promoted in school, such as being organized and a pleaser, are more descriptive of girls, and there is a lack of male role models, particularly in kindergarten (41m55s).
- Male kindergarten teachers are scarce, with more female fighter pilots than male kindergarten teachers, and young men need male role models (42m1s).
- Boys are twice as likely to be suspended as girls for the same infraction, and a black boy is five times as likely to be suspended, contributing to issues like self-harm, depression, and lack of success in school (42m35s).
- The issues affecting young boys are even more acute among non-white boys, and the education system needs to address these biases (43m1s).
- The concept of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has evolved, and 60 years ago, affirmative action was necessary to address the lack of representation of black people in top universities (43m6s).
- However, today, 2/3 of Harvard's freshman class identifies as non-white, but 70% of those students come from dual-parent, upper-income homes, which is not true diversity (43m23s).
- Affirmative action should be based on economic need rather than race, as a white kid from Appalachia deserves the same opportunities as a non-white kid from a wealthy family (43m41s).
The Need for a Balanced Approach to Masculinity
- America has made significant progress in addressing social issues, and young people should acknowledge this progress rather than focusing on the negative (44m1s).
- Being born poor is a greater disadvantage than being born gay or non-white, and the focus should shift from identity politics to economics to provide more resources to those who need it most (44m20s).
- Creating a sense of masculinity is a personal and subjective process, and individuals get to decide what it means to them, as masculinity is a social construct (45m39s).
- Masculinity is not exclusive to people born as males, and some women can demonstrate wonderful masculinity, while some men can be more feminine and caring (45m45s).
- Young men can start creating their own sense of masculinity by getting involved in their community, taking care of themselves, and defining their own values and goals (45m0s).
- There is pressure on young men to conform to traditional masculine norms, but this pressure can be overwhelming and may lead to negative consequences (45m5s).
- Research suggests that women are attracted to men who possess certain qualities, including kindness, intellect, and a sense of humor (46m27s).
- Kindness is a key quality that women look for in a partner, including being nice to parents, treating strangers well, and thinking about others even when they're not present (46m29s).
- Intellect is also an important quality, as women want a partner who can make good decisions and provide for their family (46m41s).
- Humor is a way to communicate intellect and can be an attractive quality in a partner (46m58s).
- Traditional masculine norms can be limiting and may not be the only way to define masculinity, and individuals should feel free to create their own sense of masculinity (45m37s).
- A person had an encounter with a woman at a store, where they started talking and the woman pointed out the location of a hot bar, which led the person to move to the other side of the store, but the woman followed them, showing interest. (47m41s)
- The ability to signal resources is considered an attractive trait, as it shows discipline and a plan for the future, which can be demonstrated through various means, such as being in good physical shape or having a successful career. (48m4s)
- Confidence and kindness are also important qualities, as they can make a person more attractive to others, and signaling resources can be as simple as showing confidence in oneself. (48m35s)
- Brazilian jiu-jitsu classes are recommended for children, especially those of single mothers, as they provide a safe environment for kids to learn discipline, emotional intelligence, and physical skills. (49m23s)
The Importance of Economic Empowerment
- The importance of safety and care in relationships is highlighted, as seen in the dynamics of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, where participants can engage in intense physical activity while still showing empathy and concern for each other. (50m0s)
- The secret to success is attributed to a combination of factors, including being born in America, which provides more opportunities for success, and having the support of one's parents, who took risks to provide a better life for their children. (50m16s)
- The value of hard work, being a good person, and having agency in one's life is emphasized, as these qualities can contribute to achieving success in America, where opportunities are more abundant than in many other countries. (50m27s)
- Coming of age in the internet has led to a realization that success is not solely due to personal character and grit, but also involves factors outside of one's control (50m47s).
- Embracing failure is a key skill, as it allows individuals to endure rejection and learn from their mistakes, with the understanding that America tolerates failure and often gives people second chances (51m35s).
- Having started nine businesses, seven of which have failed, and experiencing rejection from women, has taught the importance of perseverance and not losing enthusiasm in the face of rejection (51m11s).
- Winston Churchill's quote about the willingness to fail and not losing enthusiasm is highlighted as a crucial aspect of success in America (52m21s).
- Engaging in activities like Jiu-Jitsu and sports can teach individuals how to lose and show up the next day, promoting resilience and a growth mindset (52m31s).
- Parents should put their children in environments where they can experience rejection and learn to move through it without losing enthusiasm (52m39s).
- Rejection can become easier to handle the more one experiences it, and recognizing the impermanence of life and relationships can be empowering and encourage individuals to take risks and make the most of their time (53m22s).
- Having a perspective on the universe and human existence can help individuals put their worries into perspective and be more willing to take risks and seize opportunities (53m49s).
- Recognizing one's own mortality can be liberating, allowing individuals to be more open and honest with others, as it puts things into perspective and makes one realize that everyone will eventually be dead, making embarrassment and fear less significant (54m13s).
- This mindset can help people overcome their fears and be more willing to take risks, such as approaching someone they're interested in, even if it means facing rejection (54m23s).
- Men often struggle with feelings of intimidation and inadequacy, which can be exacerbated by societal expectations and the ease of accessing pornography (55m7s).
- Pornography can be a low-risk way for men to interact with women, but it can also devalue women and lead to unrealistic expectations about sex and relationships (55m36s).
- Excessive consumption of pornography can lead to a decrease in one's sex drive and make it more difficult to form meaningful connections with others (56m12s).
- The widespread availability of pornography and other digital distractions can contribute to a bias against men, making it more challenging for them to form genuine relationships and connections (56m24s).
- The most successful companies in the world are often working to create algorithms that provide men with a false sense of connection and community, which can further exacerbate the problem (56m40s).
The Value of Finding a Fulfilling Career
- Having friends and forming meaningful relationships can be difficult, but it's an important part of personal growth and development (57m2s).
- Parents often overprotect their children, which can prevent them from learning important life skills and developing resilience (57m18s).
- Tech companies have created an environment where people, especially young men, don't need to go through the traditional struggles of finding a job, establishing a romantic relationship, or socializing with friends, as they can find alternative forms of connection and entertainment online through platforms like Reddit, Discord, and dating apps, as well as engage in activities like trading crypto or stocks on Coinbase or Robin Hood (57m25s).
- The widespread availability of online content, including porn, has also reduced the incentive for young men to engage in traditional social interactions, with some even preferring the convenience and control of online relationships over real-life ones (57m54s).
- However, it's essential to convince young men that while online interactions may be convenient, they are ultimately unfulfilling and can lead to depression and loneliness in the long run, emphasizing that real-life relationships and experiences are worth the effort and risk (58m46s).
- There is a growing sentiment that the current societal landscape is overly feminized, and some people are seeking a return to more traditional masculine values, although this is not necessarily a bad thing, and a balance between the two is desirable (59m1s).
- The recent election results have been described as the "testosterone election," with men, particularly those under 30, performing poorly, and the data suggests that for the first time in the nation's history, people at 30 are not doing as well as their parents were at the same age, leading to feelings of failure and disillusionment (1h0m21s).
- This shift in societal trends and economic realities has led to a re-evaluation of what is expected from the government and what individuals can do to govern themselves, with some arguing that changes in laws and policies are needed to address these issues (59m36s).
- The election results have also sparked discussions about the need for a more balanced approach to masculinity and the importance of recognizing the value of traditional social interactions and relationships in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling life (59m10s).
- The current state of society is creating rage and shame in households, particularly among men under 30 who are struggling financially, with the average 70-year-old being 72% wealthier than they were 40 years ago, while the average person under 40 is 24% less wealthy (1h0m54s).
- Young people are constantly reminded of their failures through social media notifications, with an average of 210 notifications per day, making them feel like they're not meeting expectations (1h1m5s).
- Despite the economy being reported as good, with crypto and the stock market performing well, many individuals are struggling to afford basic needs like rent (1h1m17s).
- The speaker expresses skepticism towards cryptocurrency, calling it a pyramid scheme, and shares a personal experience of losing $2,000 in Bitcoin (1h1m33s).
- When people's children are not doing well, they tend to seek disruption and chaos rather than change, which can lead to a desire for "male energy" and a rejection of traditional politics (1h2m7s).
- Donald Trump successfully positioned himself by embracing masculine interests like cars, rockets, and UFC fights, and leveraged podcasting as a medium to reach young men (1h2m23s).
- Trump's strategy of going on popular podcasts, including Joe Rogan's, allowed him to tap into the "testosterone storm" of young male listeners, with Rogan's podcast averaging 40 million views on YouTube and 15 million downloads, mostly from 34-year-old males (1h3m41s).
- The media landscape has shifted, with podcasting becoming a primary source of information and entertainment for young men, and Trump's strategy of targeting this demographic was effective (1h4m14s).
- The contrast between MSNBC's average viewer age of 70 and Joe Rogan's average listener age of 34 highlights the changing media landscape and the importance of podcasting in reaching younger audiences (1h3m34s).
The Dangers of Big Tech and Social Media
- The Democratic party has become alienating to its former supporters, including those who were fans of Bernie Sanders, and the current state of politics is bizarre (1h4m27s).
- There's a need for men to feel comfortable being themselves without judgment, and the current societal expectations can make them feel like they need to "check their masculinity" in certain situations (1h4m45s).
- Social media has a profoundly negative impact on young men, with research showing a 60% increase in self-harm, eating disorders, and anxiety among those who spend too much time on social media (1h5m23s).
- Social media has become a toxic environment, especially for young men, as it creates a sense of perpetual high school where they can't escape the pressures and anxieties of adolescence (1h6m22s).
- Online dating has become a "win or take most" environment, where a small percentage of men receive a disproportionate amount of attention from women, leading to a lack of opportunities for long-term relationships for the majority of men (1h7m24s).
- This phenomenon is referred to as "Porsche polygamy," where the top 10% of men can engage in short-term relationships with multiple women, but this doesn't encourage long-term, good behavior (1h7m47s).
- Social media is particularly damaging to teenage girls, who are more likely to be bullied relationally, and to young men, who are more likely to experience anxiety and other negative effects (1h6m15s).
- The digitization of sectors, such as online shopping and online dating, creates an environment where a small percentage of players can dominate the market, leading to negative consequences for the majority (1h6m47s).
- Research by Jonathan Haidt, a colleague at NYU, has shown the negative effects of social media on young people, including increased anxiety, self-harm, and eating disorders (1h5m9s).
- In the past, people typically met their partners through social institutions like church, temple, or high school, where men had opportunities to demonstrate their excellence and attract a partner (1h7m53s).
- Many married couples who have been together for over 30 years report that the man was initially more interested in the relationship, but the woman eventually became attracted to his qualities and accomplishments (1h8m10s).
- With the rise of online dating, men are no longer able to demonstrate their excellence in the same way, and instead, they often face rejection and ghosting, which can lead to feelings of frustration and anger (1h8m23s).
- On dating apps like Tinder, a man of average attractiveness may need to swipe right hundreds of times to get a single match, and even then, many of those matches may not lead to actual dates (1h8m26s).
- This can lead to a sense of rejection and low self-esteem, making men more prone to misogynistic content, conspiracy theories, and other negative behaviors (1h8m49s).
- Online dating has been particularly challenging for young men, who may struggle to find meaningful connections and relationships in a digital environment (1h9m6s).
- Some people prefer not to use online dating apps, citing concerns about rejection and the lack of personal interaction (1h9m12s).
- Meeting people in real life can be more challenging, but it also allows for more meaningful connections and a sense of accomplishment when relationships are formed (1h9m42s).
The Importance of Relationships and Family
- Shopify is a global commerce platform that helps businesses sell products online and in-person, from the initial launch to large-scale operations (1h10m15s).
- Shopify offers a $1 per month trial period and can be used to sell a wide range of products, from scented soap to outdoor outfits (1h10m53s).
- Blue Chew is a supplement that can help men improve their performance and confidence, and it is available for purchase online (1h11m26s).
- Blue Chew is an online service that delivers the same active ingredients as Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra in a chewable form at a lower cost, and it offers a free trial for a month with a promo code "Theo" at checkout, with only $5 shipping (1h11m41s).
- To prevent single mothers from raising young men alone, it's essential for young couples to have a stable relationship, and this can be achieved by providing economic opportunities and support, as 70% of divorce filings are initiated by women, often due to the man's reduced economic viability (1h12m48s).
- Women still view men primarily as providers, and when a man experiences a mental breakdown, loss of business, or bankruptcy, it can lead to divorce, and men are four times more likely to commit suicide after divorce (1h13m36s).
- Two years after divorce, a man is eight times more likely to lose his role in his church and primary relationship, and one out of three men has no contact with their children after six years of divorce (1h13m45s).
- To address these issues, it's suggested to "level up" young people economically by restoring the child tax credit, building more housing, and implementing a national nuclear energy project to create good-paying jobs for young men (1h14m10s).
- A national nuclear energy project would provide a massive number of jobs and help address the energy choke point in the economy, as nuclear energy is considered the cleanest form of energy (1h14m46s).
- The American middle class is considered an accident in history, as it is not normal to have a middle class in the way it formed in America, with 7 million men returning from World War II and being leveled up economically through various programs such as the GI Bill, FHA, and subsidized home loans (1h15m25s).
- These programs led to a surge in household formations, the baby boom, and the creation of millions of American households that valued giving opportunities to others, including women, non-whites, and eventually gay people, resulting in a more loving and generous society (1h15m56s).
- The current challenge is to level up young men economically, with potential solutions including national service, job programs, and apprenticeships (1h16m18s).
- National service could involve mandatory service after high school, with options including the armed services, senior care, or other forms of community service (1h16m30s).
- This service would help young people feel a sense of attraction to their country, contribution, and connection to their community, much like previous generations felt when they built or contributed to their neighborhoods (1h17m0s).
- The greatest legislation in American history, particularly in the 1950s and 1960s, was passed by a productive Congress that got along despite party differences, largely due to the fact that many lawmakers had served in the same uniform (1h17m17s).
- A massive leveling up of young people economically is needed, with potential solutions inspired by Portugal's decision to offer no taxes to people aged 20-30, which has helped retain young talent (1h17m43s).
- This approach may not be costly, as most people in this age group do not earn much, and could help shift the focus of government spending from seniors to more productive investments in education and R&D (1h17m57s).
The Need for Personal Growth and Development
- The current political system prioritizes the interests of older voters, who tend to vote for more money for themselves, such as the $120 billion cost of living adjustment increase for Social Security (1h18m15s).
- The Inflation Reduction Act should focus on economically uplifting young people, who have fallen behind, to make them more attractive and increase the likelihood of them having kids and buying homes (1h18m27s).
- years ago, 60% of 30-year-olds had a kid, but now it's 27%, and the average age of a home buyer has increased from 36 to 54 (1h18m41s).
- People are not buying homes and having kids because they cannot afford to, not because they don't want to (1h18m52s).
- A massive lift-up of young people is needed, and current policies are a thinly veiled transfer of wealth from younger generations to older ones (1h19m7s).
- The COVID-19 stimulus package of $6 trillion mostly benefited the stock market and housing prices, which is great for those who own stocks and homes, but not for younger people who do not (1h19m16s).
- The current deficit spending is reckless and will burden younger generations with debt, and economic responsibility is needed to transfer wealth back to them (1h19m51s).
- Young men have fallen furthest and fastest and need to be made more economically viable to form households (1h20m11s).
- Society is not doing its best to support young men, and there is a bias against them, with the Democratic National Committee's website listing 16 demographic groups they serve, excluding young men (1h20m53s).
- Young men are four times as likely to kill themselves, three times as likely to be addicted, and 12 times as likely to be incarcerated, and a more productive conversation is needed to address these issues (1h21m41s).
- Empathy is not a zero-sum game, and addressing the issues of young men does not have to come at the expense of other special interest groups (1h21m54s).
- Empathy for men is not going to hurt women, and women in the United States are not going to flourish if men are flailing, which they are, due to a lack of empathy for them (1h22m26s).
- The groups that swung most towards Trump in the election were people under 30 and 45-64 year old women, or mothers, indicating that young people and mothers are not doing well (1h23m11s).
- Mothers are leading the charge in discussing the topic of men's issues, with many expressing concerns about their sons who are not doing well, such as vaping and playing video games in the basement (1h22m52s).
The Importance of Empathy and Understanding
- The idea that people should "follow their passion" is not practical, as it is often a luxury of the rich, and instead, people should focus on finding what they are really good at, which may not be the same as their hobbies or passions (1h24m47s).
- Many "passion fields" are not good industries to enter because there are too many people going into them, such as acting, where 83% of the SAG-AFTRA union members do not make a living wage (1h25m26s).
- RFK Jr is seen as a rogue figure who has been labeled by the media, but he has some good ideas, such as his views on the environment (1h23m50s).
- Vaccines are considered one of the best things to happen in modern society, and they have been instrumental in preventing the spread of diseases (1h24m22s).
- Many people pursue careers in industries with low return on investment, such as the arts, sports, or entertainment, due to their romantic or sexy nature, but these industries often have low employment rates (1h25m45s).
- It's essential to find a job that you're instinctively good at and have an affinity for, which could lead to being in the top 10% or 1% in that field, and has a 90% plus employment rate (1h25m50s).
- A person who is good at their job, even in a less glamorous field, can earn a high income, such as the soapstone expert who makes 1.8 million pounds a year (1h26m12s).
- The best tax attorneys, for example, can fly private and have a larger selection of partners, showing that success in a less exciting field can lead to a better life (1h26m26s).
- Industries that are considered boring, such as tax law or welding, can provide a high income and job security, allowing individuals to pursue their passions on the side (1h26m40s).
- Having a job with a 90% plus employment rate means that there is a high likelihood of getting hired and being successful in that field, such as tax law (1h27m5s).
- In contrast, industries like basketball, DJing, art, modeling, sports, or owning a club or restaurant have a high unemployment rate, likely around 90%, due to too many people pursuing too few jobs (1h27m18s).
- To succeed in a competitive field, it's essential to receive early signals that you're in the top 1%, and if not, it's crucial to reassess and find a more secure career path (1h27m30s).
- As people get older, their passions often shift to taking care of their families and enjoying life's luxuries, rather than solely pursuing a specific career dream (1h27m39s).
The Value of Hard Work and Resilience
- Being in the top 10% of your field can provide a comfortable life, allowing you to enjoy experiences like attending Wimbledon, rather than needing to be a top player like Roger Federer or Rafael Nadal (1h28m11s).
- Ultimately, finding a career that you're great at and can make a good income from will lead to a better relationship with your family and a more enjoyable life (1h28m19s).
- A young person's job is to find something they can be great at, which pays well and has a high employment rate, as this can lead to passion and economic relevance, regardless of how boring it may sound at first (1h28m40s).
- Mastery and artisanship in a particular field can make someone passionate about it, even if it initially seemed uninteresting (1h29m3s).
- The concept of the "four horsemen" refers to the powerful collaboration of media companies, specifically Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook, which can be seen as a threat due to their immense power and influence (1h29m24s).
- Breaking up these companies may be necessary, as they have become too powerful and can "weaponize" government, with 40 Congressional hearings on child safety resulting in zero laws passed (1h29m45s).
- Competition is a great way to bring down costs and handle inflation, but monopolies are forming in areas like search, social media, e-commerce, and AI, with companies like Google, Meta, and Nvidia controlling large shares of the market (1h30m13s).
- Some countries, like Australia, are considering banning kids under 16 from social media, which is seen as a positive step in protecting children from addictive apps and potential harm (1h30m41s).
- Children under 14 should not have smartphones, and those under 16 should not be on social media apps, as they can be exposed to harmful content and contacted by adults without parental supervision (1h31m14s).
- Social media platforms, such as Instagram, can be seen as places of perversion, encouraging young girls to sexualize themselves and be evaluated by peers and strangers, highlighting the need for stricter regulations and protections (1h31m57s).
- Social media platforms like Instagram allow users' peers and strangers to comment and contact them, which can be problematic, and it's surprising that such platforms are allowed to operate with minimal regulation (1h32m26s).
- The government has failed to address the issues surrounding big tech companies, which have concentrated power, monopolized the market, and weaponized elections, leading to the spread of misinformation (1h33m5s).
- The concentration of power in big tech companies will likely be regretted in the future, particularly in terms of the impact on children, who are vulnerable to device addiction, bullying, and other negative effects (1h33m20s).
The Need for a Balanced Approach to Life
- Device addiction is a significant problem, with 24% of teens qualifying as addicts, and it's surprising that social media companies are not held to the same standards as other industries, such as the age-gating of pornography or the regulation of addictive substances (1h33m45s).
- Big tech companies, such as Amazon, have a significant influence on the government through lobbying, with more full-time lobbyists than there are US senators, which has led to a lack of effective regulation (1h34m23s).
- The government has been overrun by money and has failed to pass laws that address the issues surrounding big tech companies, which have taken advantage of the situation to further their interests (1h34m31s).
- One of the most important choices in life is who to marry, and it's essential to find someone with high character and to be willing to endure rejection to find the right partner (1h35m0s).
- Having a partner and children can bring joy and fulfillment to life, and it's essential to prioritize these relationships over other aspects of life, such as career success or wealth (1h35m40s).
- Having kids can bring a tremendous amount of stress, but it can also give people a sense of real purpose and meaning in life, which is what the economy is supposed to provide, especially for young people and men (1h36m24s).
- The system and environment are not set up to help young men, so they should not feel ashamed of themselves if they are not doing well (1h37m19s).
- To improve their lives, young men should focus on being good people, getting in shape, making money, and developing a savings muscle (1h37m56s).
- Approaching strange women and expressing romantic interest while making them feel safe is a key skill for finding a great partner and can also be beneficial in a work setting (1h38m24s).
- Young men should not be afraid to take risks, work hard, and show up every day, as these actions can help them develop a sense of purpose and direction (1h38m8s).
- Being a protector, provider, and procreator are important roles for men, and they should strive to embody these qualities (1h38m35s).
- Scott Galloway is seen as a role model for young men, bringing a different vibe and being earnest about his own journey and experiences (1h39m6s).
- Life is moving quickly, and it's essential to take control and make the most of it by working hard and grabbing opportunities (1h39m27s).
- The importance of hard work is a lesson learned from a parent, specifically a mom, who taught that one's actions are within their control (1h39m39s).
- The rest of life's challenges will be figured out along the way, and it's crucial to focus on what can be controlled (1h39m45s).
- Appreciation is expressed for the opportunity to learn and think about life's challenges together (1h39m50s).
- A state of relaxation and calmness is described, with a sense of floating and falling like leaves (1h39m54s).
- A personal reflection is shared, with a sense of anticipation and expectation for the future, and a willingness to share a part of oneself when the time is right (1h40m4s).