The Mental Health Doctor: Your Phone Screen & Sitting Is Destroying Your Brain!
17 Jan 2024 (1 year ago)

Intro (0s)
- 72% of people are struggling with stress.
- 70% have at least one feature of burnout.
- Mental health problems are on the rise.
- Stress is higher than ever.
- 60-80% of patient visits have a stress-related component.
- 60% of people with burnout had an inability to disconnect from work.
- 2/3 of parents have burnout.
- 330 million people go 2 weeks before speaking with anyone.
Is The World Getting More Stressed? (2m1s)
- Stress levels are unprecedented and affecting all industries and groups.
- Mental health, stress, and burnout are finally getting the recognition they deserve.
- 70% of people have at least one feature of burnout.
- 72% of people are struggling with stress.
- The past several years have been the most stressful of people's professional careers.
- People are experiencing a delayed stress reaction due to the recent events.
- The brain acts like a dam during acute stress, keeping emotions in check.
- When the acute stressor is over, psychological defenses come down, and emotions emerge.
- This delayed stress response is why people are not feeling the "Roaring 20s" as expected.
- Increased rates of mental health issues are being observed.
What Are the Signs of Being Burnt Out? (6m45s)
- Burnout symptoms include anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, stress-related disorders, and a general feeling of malaise or fatigue.
- Burnout is different from acute stress.
- Acute stress is managed by the prefrontal cortex, while chronic stress is governed by the amygdala.
- The amygdala triggers the fight or flight response, which is designed for acute threats.
- Modern-day stressors are chronic and keep the fight or flight response constantly activated.
- Burnout occurs when the brain doesn't get time to rest and recharge.
- Burnout symptoms have changed, with atypical features becoming more common.
- Atypical burnout includes an inability to disconnect from work, even if engaged and motivated.
- Addiction to work can be a sign of atypical burnout.
- Burnout is often unrecognized due to changing definitions and stigma.
- Two-thirds of parents experience burnout, and rates range from 60-70% in various sectors.
- Burnout matters because the brain and body need rest and recovery.
Work Addiction & Burnout Linked (13m56s)
- Burnout is not conducive to longevity and having a long life.
- Toxic resilience is productivity at all costs and a mind over matter mindset.
- True resilience is honoring boundaries, making space and time for rest, and focusing on self-compassion.
Toxic Resilience (16m23s)
- Resilience is our innate biological ability to adapt, recover, and grow in the face of life's challenges.
- Toxic resilience is a manifestation of hustle culture and is promoted by corporations and large companies.
- True resilience needs rest and recovery and is not meant to be toxic.
The 5 Resets to Deal with Stress (22m29s)
- Everyone has a "canary in the coal mine" or a physical manifestation of stress.
- It's important to pay attention to these physical symptoms and take action to manage stress.
- Stress can worsen existing medical conditions and cause new health problems.
Understanding If You Have Stress (27m51s)
- Stress can be difficult to admit, especially for those who associate stress with weakness.
- Stress manifests through physical symptoms and is a normal human experience, not a sign of inadequacy.
Stress and the Brain (34m28s)
- The HPA axis (hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands) is the main stress pathway in the brain and body.
- Chronic stress leads to the constant activation of the HPA axis and elevated levels of cortisol, causing various negative effects.
Is Stress Contagious? (40m46s)
- Stress is not contagious like a virus or microbe.
- However, emotions can be contagious, creating a toxic or positive environment.
- The heart's electromagnetic field may play a role in transmitting emotions between individuals, but more research is needed.
The Therapeutic Encounter (47m15s)
- The therapeutic encounter involves creating a healing experience during interactions with others.
- Healing and cure are distinct concepts, and the therapeutic encounter aims to provide a sense of healing rather than an immediate cure.
How to Have a Therapeutic Presence (35m10s)
- Therapeutic presence has been shown to have positive health outcomes, such as improved medication adherence, tighter glucose control, and decreased asthma flares.
- It's not about the amount of time spent with someone, but the quality of time and how you spend it.
- Some tips for creating a therapeutic presence include:
- Being at eye level with the person you're talking to.
- Mirroring their body language.
- Being authentic and vulnerable.
- Using your voice effectively.
Why You Should Stick to 2 Changes at a Time (43m6s)
- Our brains can only make two new changes at a time, even if they're positive changes.
- Positive life changes are also a stress to the brain and body because they require adaptation.
- Trying to make too many changes at once can lead to overwhelm and burnout.
- Instead, focus on making two small changes at a time and building them into your life over time.
- This will help you work with your biology of stress rather than against it and make change possible.
Your Stress Score and How to Improve It (48m29s)
- Stress can be managed by taking small, incremental steps.
- The first step is to identify what matters most to you.
- This can be done by using the acronym MOST: Motivating, Objective, Small, and Timely.
- Setting goals that are motivating, objective, small, and timely can help you get out of survival mode and back into prefrontal cortex thinking.
- A stress score can be used to assess your stress level and track your progress over time.
How Exercise Manages to Reduce Stress (53m50s)
- Exercise can help manage stress, even in small amounts.
- Walking for 20 minutes a day can have significant benefits for stress reduction and overall health.
- Exercise can help reduce anxiety and improve self-efficacy.
- Movement is an antidote to the negative effects of sitting.
How Social Media Fuels Stress (58m1s)
- Popcorn brain is a biological phenomenon caused by overstimulation from excessive screen time.
- It is characterized by constant information seeking and difficulty disengaging from online activities.
- Popcorn brain is different from internet addiction, which is a diagnosable disorder that interferes with daily life.
- When feeling stressed, people are more prone to popcorn brain as a way to scan for danger.
- The goal is to decrease reliance on phones rather than limit social media use.
- Creating digital boundaries and reconsidering our relationship with technology can improve mental health and well-being.
The Relationship Between Food and Stress (1h3m34s)
- Emotional eating is a common response to stress.
- The amygdala, a part of the brain focused on survival, craves high-fat, high-sugar foods during stress.
- Stress eating should not be a reason for self-criticism.
- It takes 8 weeks to build a habit, and falling off the wagon is part of habit building.
- Small, consistent actions are more effective than drastic changes in reducing stress.
- A 15-minute walk can make a significant difference in stress biology.
- The Goldilocks principle: human productivity functions on a bell-shaped curve, with an optimal level of stress for peak productivity.
- Many people are currently to the right of the curve, experiencing high stress and low productivity.
The Importance of Taking Breaks (1h12m13s)
- Microsoft study showed that taking 10-minute breaks throughout the day can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase productivity.
- Breaks help manage stress and bring us back to a state of "just right stress," which is necessary for optimal productivity.
- Not all stress is bad; good stress (adaptive stress) is essential for growth and well-being, while bad stress (maladaptive stress) can be harmful.
- Breaks help with neural consolidation, the process of cementing new information into knowledge.
Your Gut Health Impacts Your Stress (1h18m16s)
- Gut health is closely linked to mental health.
- The gut microbiome, an ecosystem of healthy bacteria, plays a crucial role in regulating mood and other mental health aspects.
- The gut contains more serotonin receptors than the brain, highlighting its importance in mood regulation.
- Factors like sleep, diet, exercise, and stress reduction can positively impact gut health.
- Prebiotic and probiotic foods can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome.
Reset Your Stress by Resetting Your Brain (1h21m11s)
- Resetting the gut-brain connection can help manage stress.
- Various factors such as sleep, diet, exercise, and stress reduction contribute to gut health and overall well-being.
- Focusing on prebiotic and probiotic foods can support a healthy gut microbiome.
All the Stuff That Is Making You Stressed! (1h21m50s)
- To maximize anxiety and stress:
- Use your phone with high brightness and scroll through social media and news platforms.
- Watch graphic content of negative events late at night.
- Stay in bed or be sedentary, avoiding movement.
- Skimp on sleep as much as possible.
- Avoid spending time with others.
- Keep the TV on in your bedroom at full volume all night.
- Eat processed foods at irregular meal times, avoiding fruits, vegetables, and water.
Only 2% of the Population Can Actually Multitask (1h25m55s)
- Multitasking is a myth.
- Only 2% of human brains can effectively multitask.
- Multitasking decreases and weakens our prefrontal cortex.
- Multitasking makes us more stressed.
- The antidote to multitasking is monotasking.
- Monotasking is time blocking.
Breathing Technique to Reduce Stress (1h29m35s)
- Diaphragmatic breathing is the most effective breathing technique to reduce stress.
- Diaphragmatic breathing is belly breathing.
- To do diaphragmatic breathing, put one hand on your belly and breathe in deeply, expanding your belly.
- Exhale slowly through your mouth with pursed lips.
- Stop breathing is another effective breathing technique to reduce stress.
- To do stop breathing, simply stop whatever you're doing, breathe, and be present for 3 seconds.
The Science Behind Therapeutic Writing (1h35m40s)
- Therapeutic writing is writing about a traumatic event for 20-25 minutes a day for 4 consecutive days.
- Therapeutic writing has been shown to be effective for improving mood, sleep, anxiety, irritability, GPA, and Hospital admissions.
- Therapeutic writing helps with cognitive reframing, processing emotions, and expressing oneself.
Don’t Live in Autopilot, It’s Hurting You (1h39m13s)
- Autopilot living can lead to stress and regret, especially when sending messages or emails.
- The antidote to hustle culture is to "live a lifetime in a day" by incorporating six elements into each day: childhood, work, solitude, vacation, family, and retirement.
- This approach brings a sense of fulfillment and meaning to life.
Don’t Do This at Nighttime! (1h43m12s)
- Excessive phone use can lead to "popcorn brain" and "brain drain," even when the phone is nearby but not in use.
- To combat this, implement a media diet with time limits, geographical limits (keeping the phone away from the workstation and off the nightstand), and logistical limits (creating digital boundaries).
- Consuming graphic content, especially related to conflicts and disasters, can increase the risk of PTSD and other mental health conditions.
- It's important to be an informed citizen but also to set digital boundaries to protect mental health.
- Seek counseling and medical attention if experiencing difficulty sleeping or any signs of mood disorders, anxiety, depression, or thoughts of self-harm or harming others.
What Loneliness Is Doing to You (1h49m23s)
- Despite being hyperconnected, many people feel disconnected and lonely.
- Loneliness is a global pandemic, with 330 million people globally going two weeks without speaking to anyone.
- Loneliness has negative health effects, equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke by 30%, and shortening lifespan.