قمم الإلهام ودروب التغيير | هايدي العسكري | TEDxKFU
20 Aug 2024 (6 months ago)

Heidi Al Asqalani's Background
- When she was younger, Heidi's father, Alaa Aldeen, worked in media and was known as "Abu Heidi" because he brought the cartoon "Heidi" to Saudi Arabia. (38s)
- Heidi Al Askari has 30 years of experience in various fields, including research, sports administration, tourism, and working with the Special Olympics. (14m16s)
Choosing to Make a Difference
- Heidi decided to prioritize making a positive impact on others, even if it meant not being famous. (1m49s)
The Kilimanjaro Expedition
- Heidi's middle daughter, Yasmine, at the age of 15, decided to go on an adventure trip to Fayoum, Egypt with her friend. (3m10s)
- Yasmine wanted to go on an adventure with a friend, and her mother suggested they all climb Mount Kilimanjaro together. (3m50s)
- A group of 25 women from Saudi Arabia climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in 2015 to raise awareness and support for a charity. (4m39s)
The Beauty and Challenges of Climbing Kilimanjaro
- The first day of climbing was the most difficult because it was a continuous ascent, but the scenery was beautiful. (5m28s)
- Kilimanjaro has varying terrain, with some areas being more challenging to navigate than others due to waterfalls and unpredictable weather conditions. (7m34s)
- The sunsets viewed from Kilimanjaro are described as breathtaking and capable of rejuvenating one's energy for the challenging climb ahead. (7m57s)
- Altitude sickness can begin to affect climbers at around 3000 meters, and the challenging terrain makes it impossible to turn back once the ascent has begun. (8m10s)
A Near-Death Experience and Life Lessons
- After a 12-hour climb, there were still 6 hours left to descend the mountain. During the descent, the speaker felt close to death and was unable to continue walking. (11m5s)
- The speaker gave two instructions in case of her death: her daughter should not be told the reason for her death and her body should not be moved from the mountain. (11m55s)
- The speaker believes that everyone has known peaks they want to climb and unknown peaks they experience in life. (13m12s)
- Each experience provided a unique challenge and taught her different skills, highlighting that reaching the summit is not the end but a part of the journey. (14m38s)
- Reaching the summit often brings isolation, requiring difficult decisions and an understanding that not everyone can comprehend the challenges faced at such heights. (16m2s)
The Importance of Support and Choosing Your Path
- To reach a peak in life, a supportive team is essential, just like a mountain climbing team needs people to carry supplies. (17m38s)
- When choosing a path, it's crucial to select supportive people who will be there during challenging times. (17m48s)
- Throughout life, there will be multiple peaks to climb, each with its own path and challenges. It's important to choose these peaks carefully and identify the purpose and the people who will help achieve them. (18m27s)