Exercise Scientist’s Masterclass On Building Muscle - Dr Mike Israetel (4K)

12 Feb 2024 (1 year ago)
Exercise Scientist’s Masterclass On Building Muscle - Dr Mike Israetel (4K)

Biggest Mistakes of Training for Muscle Growth (57s)

  • Lack of consistency is the biggest mistake people make when training for muscle growth.
  • Consistency is important, but it's not the only factor.
  • If you're going to be consistent, you might as well do it well.
  • Optimizing on the margins is important when you're committing a lot of time to something.

Which Exercises You Need to Do (3m47s)

  • To build muscle, choose exercises that target the desired muscle group.
  • Proxies for stimulus, such as tension, burn, pump, and perturbation, can indicate whether an exercise is effectively stimulating the target muscle.
  • Perturbation, weakness, soreness, and individual response can be used to assess the effectiveness of an exercise.
  • If an exercise causes muscle cramps or weakness during or after a workout, it likely stimulated the targeted muscles.
  • If an exercise significantly reduces your strength in subsequent sets or even basic movements like push-ups, it effectively fatigued the targeted muscles.
  • Persistent soreness or weakness for hours or days after an exercise indicates that the targeted muscles were stimulated.

The Stimulus to Fatigue Ratio (10m3s)

  • The stimulus to fatigue ratio is a way to measure the effectiveness of an exercise in building muscle.
  • Fatigue can be categorized into joint and connective tissue fatigue, axial fatigue, and systemic fatigue.
  • Joint and connective tissue fatigue should be minimized, while axial and systemic fatigue can be beneficial for building muscle.
  • The desire to train is a good indicator of systemic fatigue.
  • The stimulus to fatigue ratio is a cost-benefit analysis of an exercise in terms of muscle building.

If Mike Could Only Keep 10 Exercises (13m4s)

  • Dr. Mike Israetel, an exercise scientist, recommends 10 exercises for effective muscle building.
  • The exercises target different muscle groups:
    • High bar squats for quadriceps, adductors, and glutes.
    • Overhead barbell press for midline bracing and overall strength.
    • Barbell skull crushers for triceps development.
    • Overhand chin-ups for back muscles.
    • Barbell bent rows from a deficit for hamstrings, spinal erectors, and glutes.
    • Stiff-legged deadlifts for hamstrings.
    • Cambered bar bench press for chest development.
    • Incline cambered bar bench press for further chest development.
  • Dr. Israetel suggests a full-body workout routine with these exercises, emphasizing personal motivation and enjoyment.

Worst Stimulus to Fatigue Exercises (21m2s)

  • When choosing exercises for muscle building, the stimulus to fatigue ratio (SFR) is an important consideration.
  • Exercises that target multiple muscles or have a limited range of motion may have a lower SFR for a specific muscle compared to exercises that target a single muscle or allow for a deep stretch of the target muscle.
  • Personal preferences and staleness should also be considered when selecting exercises, as there is no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise selection.
  • Partial range of motion exercises that are not in a lengthened and deep stretch position, rack pulls, and exercises that are primarily done to impress others are not ideal for hypertrophy.

The Importance of Good Technique (25m27s)

  • Proper technique focuses on targeting specific muscles based on biomechanics and should prioritize stability to maximize force production.
  • Stability is crucial for muscle growth, and controlling the eccentric phase of a lift can further enhance growth and reduce injury risk.
  • Full range of motion is generally beneficial for muscle growth, but deep stretching during resistance training can lead to 5-10% more muscle growth compared to partial range of motion exercises.
  • While partial range of motion exercises can still build muscle, deep stretching is more efficient and effective for maximizing muscle growth.

Using Tempo in Training (34m30s)

  • Focusing on the stimulus to fatigue ratio and using controlled eccentric and deep stretch techniques can reduce the risk of injury.
  • Stable exercises are less injurious than unstable exercises.
  • Repetition consistency is important for injury prevention and targeting the desired muscle.
  • Controlling the eccentric phase of an exercise allows for better mind-muscle connection and technique regulation, potentially reducing injury risk.
  • Focusing on tempo becomes more important as individuals age, as it allows for reduced weight usage and lower injury risk.
  • Injuries can have long-term consequences, making injury prevention crucial at any age.
  • Prioritizing tempo in training can provide benefits with minimal downsides.
  • Proper form and technique are essential to avoid injuries and maintain long-term physical well-being, especially as individuals age.
  • Gaining muscle is important for people of all ages, including older individuals, and the benefits outweigh the risks.

Pausing During Reps (43m23s)

  • Isometrics in a stretched position are hypertrophic, but not in a contracted position.
  • Pausing at the contracted position (e.g., squeezing at the top of a cable fly) is not essential and may be a downside as it takes away energy that could be put into the eccentric phase.
  • Pausing at the stretched position (e.g., bottom of a squat) reduces the risk of injury, as it is the most dangerous time for muscular injury.
  • Pausing at the stretched position allows for more time under tension in the lengthened position, which may be more hypertrophic.
  • Pausing at the stretched position requires less weight on the bar, which can be beneficial for certain individuals.
  • Warming up is important to reduce the risk of injury.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach to warming up, as the best warm-up will vary depending on the individual and the activity.
  • A good warm-up should gradually increase the heart rate and body temperature, and should include dynamic stretches that mimic the movements of the activity being performed.

The Ideal Way to Warmup (46m38s)

  • A general warm-up is not necessary if a specific warm-up, such as the 1284 system, is done.
  • The 1284 system involves starting with a lighter weight and gradually increasing the weight while decreasing the repetitions.
  • For strength building, sets of 3-6 repetitions are recommended, while for hypertrophy, sets of 5-35 repetitions are effective.
  • The optimal rep range for muscle growth is between 5 and 30 repetitions.
  • Experiment with different rep ranges to find what works best for you.
  • Vary your rep ranges within several months to promote growth and prevent overuse injuries.
  • Choose a weight that allows you to lift with good technique between 5 and 30 times in one set.
  • While lifting heavy is important for muscle growth, it's not the only factor. Light high-rep training can also be effective if taken close to failure.

Should You Train to Failure? (57m19s)

  • Training to failure generates more fatigue and may lead to slightly greater muscle growth compared to stopping a few reps shy of failure.
  • Training close to failure but not to failure allows for more volume and better recovery, leading to great hypertrophy results.
  • Gradually increasing weight or reps over time (progressive overload) helps you reach failure and learn your true strength.
  • The optimal number of sets per muscle group per session is between 5 and 8, with a total of 10-15 sets per muscle group per week.
  • Adjust the number of sets week over week for any given muscle group based on your recovery status, aiming to recover just in time for the next workout.

How Long You Should Rest Between Sets (1h6m16s)

  • Rest between sets should be based on muscle recovery, not a fixed time interval.
  • The four factors to consider when determining rest time are:
    • Cardiovascular system recovery (normal breathing).
    • Neural strength (feeling ready to push close to failure).
    • Synergists (supporting muscles) no longer being a limiting factor.
    • Target muscle having enough recovery for at least five more repetitions.
  • Some exercises, like calf raises, may require shorter rest periods due to minimal cardiovascular and neural demands.
  • If a muscle has recovered and you feel ready to go, perform another set.
  • If you need more stimulus, add more sets instead of resting longer.

How Impactful is Session Length? (1h12m35s)

  • After about 2 hours of consistent hard training, systemic fatigue becomes so high that recruiting individual muscle fibers becomes difficult, resulting in minimal gains.
  • Cutting off the session and getting rest is more beneficial than continuing for longer durations.
  • Some people can train up to two hours with good performance, especially with an intra-workout drink for fuel.
  • The optimal session length for most people is between 45 minutes and an hour and a half.
  • Workouts shorter than 45 minutes can be effective but may require more technical efficiency.
  • Going much longer than an hour and a half is not recommended unless there is still a lot of energy to keep going.

The Optimal Frequency of Training (1h16m25s)

  • Training frequency for a muscle group can range from 2 to 4 times per week, with 2 being suitable for many people and 3-4 being more appropriate for specialization phases or individuals with rapid recovery.
  • The total number of gym sessions per week depends on individual goals:
    • For general health and fitness, 2 full-body weight training sessions per week can provide significant benefits.
    • For serious efforts at changing body composition, 3 to 5 gym sessions per week, each lasting around 1 to 1.5 hours, are recommended.
  • While increasing gym sessions beyond 4 or 5 per week may yield diminishing returns for non-professional bodybuilders, individual responses can vary.
  • When troubleshooting a client's lack of muscle growth, it's important to ask a series of questions to identify the root cause, including non-training-related factors such as sleep habits and diet.

Weight Progression Over Time (1h20m54s)

  • Progressive overload, achieved by gradually increasing weight or repetitions, is crucial for building muscle.
  • Tracking workouts ensures consistent progression and reveals if you've been training hard enough.
  • Periodization involves adding load or repetitions until you can't hit the same personal record (PR) in two consecutive sessions.
  • When you can't match old rep PRs, deload by reducing load, reps, and sets by half for a recovery half week.
  • A Deload (DLo) week is necessary when multiple muscles reach a breaking point, causing systemic fatigue and decreased performance.
  • During a DLo week, reduce training volume and intensity by half for a week to allow recovery.
  • The duration of progression cycles before needing a DLo week varies based on training intensity and frequency, ranging from a year for beginners to every 4-8 weeks for advanced lifters.

The Science of Training Splits (1h31m26s)

  • The best workout split allows you to train each muscle group hard and recover adequately between sessions.
  • All muscle groups should be trained within each session, and muscle groups should be spread evenly or in a way that allows for recovery between sessions.
  • When designing a training split, consider the recovery time needed for each muscle group and reduce the volume of each session if a muscle group is trained multiple times per week.
  • The most important factors to consider when choosing a training modality are training sufficiently close to failure, training in a proper repetition range, and following the four-factor rest model.

Advice to People Not Seeing Progress (1h39m7s)

  • To gain muscle, consistently eat enough calories and track your repetition strength over time.
  • Ensure you're consuming enough nutrients to support muscle growth.
  • Prioritize nutrition and make time for meals, even with a busy schedule or stress.
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Is Motivation Scientifically Reliable? (1h45m15s)

  • Motivation, which includes inspiration, motivation, habit, willpower, and passion, is essential for going to the gym.
  • To increase motivation, set clear and achievable goals, surround yourself with positive influences, make the gym easily accessible, and choose exercises you enjoy.
  • Consistency is key, so develop a habit of going to the gym regularly, even for short workouts.
  • Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you become more comfortable and experienced.
  • Ensure progressive overload by increasing weights or reps to promote muscle growth.
  • Assess your recovery status and adjust training intensity accordingly.
  • Prioritize sleep (6-9 hours per night) and ensure adequate nutrition to support muscle growth and recovery.
  • Follow a well-structured training program that includes progressive overload, proper recovery, and sufficient sleep.
  • Muscle building requires a combination of progressive overload, adequate nutrition, and sufficient rest.

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