Meta Cognition - The Vestigial Weapon of the Mind for Growth | Dr. Purwa Rojindar | TEDxAIIMSRaipur
15 Jul 2024 (7 months ago)

- Metacognition is the ability to think about our own thoughts and thought patterns.
- Metacognition involves three levels:
- Metacognitive awareness: Being aware of our thinking and behavior patterns.
- Metacognitive experience: Realizing that we are being observed by our own minds and applying this awareness to improve ourselves.
- Metacognitive monitoring: Using our understanding of our own behavior to choose the best course of action.
- Metacognition can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development.
- Vedanta is a system of thought and philosophy that emphasizes achieving enlightenment through controlling the mind.
- The four key concepts of Vedanta for achieving a metacognitive lifestyle are:
- Antaran: Observing different aspects of the mind, including the intellect, ego, and subconscious mind.
- Saka: The metacognitive mind itself, which observes our patterns of behavior, feelings, and thoughts.
- Maya: The illusion of thoughts that can limit our potential.
- Gyan yoga: Attaining knowledge about different things and ultimately about oneself.
Metacognitive Thinking
- Metacognitive thinking is a superpower that can be developed by observing oneself, identifying patterns, and developing strategies to overcome obstacles.
- Procrastination is not a sign of laziness but rather a fear of stepping out of one's comfort zone.
- The quote by Mevlana Rumi emphasizes that God observes us from within, which aligns with the Vedanta concept of "ah brahmasmi" (I am Brahman).