Poesia performativa | Davide Volpe | TEDxPolicoro
11 Nov 2024 (2 months ago)
Dostoevsky and the Challenge of Writing
- In the book "Ania, la segretaria di Dostoevsky", the protagonist Ania reports a speech by the great Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky, where he compares the act of writing to the most powerful events in nature, which are indifferent to human fate (26s).
- This speech had a great impact due to its ability to capture and convey the pathos and love of a writer for their art and writing (52s).
- The context of this speech is Russia in 1867, where Dostoevsky was forced to sign a terrible agreement with his publisher, Stelli, due to his financial difficulties (1m17s).
- Dostoevsky needed 3000 rubles, a significant amount that recurs in his literature, particularly in his last novel, "The Brothers Karamazov" (1m56s).
- The agreement stated that if Dostoevsky failed to deliver a completely new manuscript to his publisher within a very short time, he would have to cede all rights to his previous and future works for the next 9 years (3m29s).
- Despite being on the verge of 50 and already a great Russian writer, Dostoevsky accepted the challenge, partly because he liked challenges, needed the money to pay off his debt, and trusted his creative abilities (3m57s).
- Dostoevsky spent the first month of the two-month deadline finishing his novel "Crime and Punishment", which he held dear, leaving him with less than 30 days to write a new manuscript (4m27s).
Dostoevsky's Life and Struggles
- Dostoevsky's life was marked by difficulties, including being sentenced to death, later commuted to exile in Siberia, and experiencing the loss of his mother, father, and first wife (2m41s).
Ania, the Stenographer
- Fyodor Dostoevsky was tasked with writing a novel in a month, and to speed up the process, he hired a stenographer, a 17-year-old girl named Ania, who was recommended by the staff at the St. Petersburg Institute (5m3s).
- Ania was a promising young stenographer who had grown up with books and was familiar with Dostoevsky's work, as her father was a huge fan of his literature (5m23s).
- Ania was initially excited to work with Dostoevsky but soon found the task overwhelming, as Dostoevsky was a perfectionist who insisted on rewriting and editing his work multiple times (6m5s).
Dostoevsky's Philosophy of Writing
- After a few days, Ania began to feel exhausted, and Dostoevsky told her that his demands were not personal but rather driven by the writing process itself, which required him to work tirelessly to produce quality work (6m42s).
- Dostoevsky believed that writing was not just a personal expression but a force that dictated its own pace and demands, regardless of human limitations or fatigue (6m53s).
- He compared the writing process to a natural phenomenon, such as a hurricane, which cannot be controlled or negotiated with, and must be accepted and surrendered to (7m31s).
- Dostoevsky's approach to writing was all-consuming, and he believed that one must accept the challenges and demands of the writing process in order to produce something of value (8m0s).
- For Dostoevsky, writing and life were intertwined, and he saw his work as a reflection of his own existence (8m31s).
The Speaker's Journey and Early Success
- The speaker, who is sharing this anecdote, reflects on their own experiences and how they have come to understand the value of hard work and dedication in their own pursuits (8m51s).
- The speaker shares their own story of working multiple jobs, including as a waiter, vendor, and PR representative, before pursuing their dream of becoming a personal trainer (9m3s).
- The speaker's journey was marked by a desire to work in a field they were passionate about, and they eventually achieved their goal after years of hard work and perseverance (9m29s).
- After working for approximately 2.5 years, success came in the form of clients from all over Italy, writing parts of a bestselling fitness book, creating a video course, and having a regular column on a Swiss radio station, all of which exceeded expectations at the age of 25 (9m51s).
Introspection and a New Path
- Despite apparent success, there was a lack of fulfillment and happiness, leading to a moment of introspection during a vacation with a friend, where the realization of emptiness and the need for self-reflection became apparent (10m53s).
- This introspection led to the discovery of an inner voice that spoke in poetic terms, which changed life's perspective and created a strong desire to read and write, ultimately leading to a reduction in work time dedicated to clients (12m22s).
- The need to express this newfound creativity continued to grow, eventually leading to a complete shift in focus, resulting in zero clients and zero income, but also a deeper understanding of life (13m32s).
Facing the Unknown and Finding Freedom
- The experience of hitting rock bottom, or "zero," revealed two possible paths: giving in to fear or facing it head-on, with the latter being the chosen approach, inspired by the words of poet Livia Candiani, who emphasized the importance of navigating through uncertainty to achieve freedom (14m8s).
- The decision to face the unknown and push through the challenges ultimately led to a greater understanding of the importance of freedom and the need to take risks to achieve it (14m28s).
- Upon leaving a forest, one experiences a sense of freedom that is invaluable, and this feeling led to the realization that having no money but many written poems and texts could be a starting point for something new (14m37s).
Poetry Slam and a Move to Rome
- The decision was made to experiment with these writings, which led to participating in poetry slam competitions, a concept that was previously unfamiliar but eventually became a significant part of the journey (14m58s).
- The experience of attending these competitions took place in Caserta, the hometown, but soon after, the decision was made to move to Rome to delve deeper into this newfound passion, rather than moving abroad to expand business horizons (15m11s).
Meeting Giuliano Logos and a Turning Point
- The year of this decision coincided with Giuliano Logos becoming the first Italian to win the world championship in poetry slam, an event celebrated at Villa Medici in Rome, where the two met (15m37s).
- At this event, an unexpected opportunity arose to perform on stage, despite initial hesitation and lack of experience, which marked the beginning of a new path (16m18s).
A Moment of Raw Expression
- The performance was an improvisation, with no prior preparation, and it led to a moment of raw expression, as seen in the poem recited, which touches on themes of freedom, fear, and the search for meaning (16m42s).
- The poem expresses a sense of desperation and frustration, with the speaker feeling trapped and unable to find a way out, but also refusing to give up and searching for a sense of dignity and transformation (18m1s).
- The poem concludes with a message of hope and solidarity, offering a collective hug to those who feel lost and alone, and a rejection of the pressure to conform to societal norms (18m45s).
Recognition and New Beginnings
- The moment of dignity came when the French audience jumped from their seats in amazement, and Giuliano, who was not present, would have been proud, marking a turning point in life that led to being involved in artistic projects and performances (19m23s).
- This involvement led to becoming part of Italy's most important collective of performance poetry, which included two world champions, and performing shows across Italy (19m47s).
- This experience led to meeting and confronting idols, writing a first screenplay for a renowned Italian director, and creating a first poetry and music album (20m12s).
- The experience of performance poetry changed life, making the interiority assume the form of exteriority, and finding a balance between inner and outer life, which is believed to be the key to happiness (20m47s).
- The importance of embracing one's true self and not being afraid to make an internal revolution is emphasized, as it can lead to finding one's true path and destiny (21m29s).
The Power of Poetry and Beauty
- The book that inspired this journey is "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky, and the iconic phrase "beauty will save the world" is referenced, with the hope that poetry can have a similar impact on others (22m10s).
- The ultimate wish is for everyone to find their own poetry and inner beauty, which can bring happiness and fulfillment (22m27s).