The Top 0.1% Of Ideas I've Stumbled Upon On The Internet
31 Aug 2024 (6 months ago)

Spotting high agency people (0s)
- High agency can be described as the person you would call if you were stuck in a third world prison and needed to escape. (53s)
- High agency people are action-oriented, resourceful, and tend to make their own decisions rather than waiting for instructions. (6m10s)
- Indicators of high agency include having unusual hobbies as a teenager, an immigrant mentality, and a willingness to share honest opinions even if they are critical. (7m49s)
The Kale phone vs the Cocaine phone (26m12s)
The obsessiveness of Lee Kuan Yew (31m37s)
- Lee Kuan Yew, the leader of Singapore, transformed the country from a developing nation to a global financial hub. (31m49s)
- He prioritized attracting talented immigrants and creating a welcoming environment, exemplified by his focus on the airport experience. (34m48s)
- Lee Kuan Yew believed air conditioning was crucial for economic success, enabling productivity during hot hours. (36m7s)
Life as a Midwit meme (37m34s)
- An example of the 'midwit meme' is obsessively optimizing sleep and becoming angry when a partner doesn't follow the same routine and falls asleep quickly. (37m48s)
- Over-analyzing decisions, like whether to move to a new city or quit a job, can lead to 'paralysis analysis' where no decision is made. (41m17s)
- Scheduling time to worry about a decision, instead of worrying constantly, can be an effective way to manage anxiety and allow for progress. (42m22s)
Work like a lion, not like a cow (43m22s)
- A founder of a successful electrolyte company implemented a 3-week-on, 1-week-off work schedule for himself and his leadership team. (43m54s)
- The founder attributes part of his success to taking time to assess, review, and plan during the off week, followed by a dedicated sprint during the 3 weeks on. (44m20s)
- This approach is compared to the work ethic of a lion, which strategically waits for the right opportunity and then expends maximum effort, as opposed to constantly grazing like a cow. (46m51s)
The Buffett Coin (51m52s)
- Warren Buffett's idea is to look around at the people you know and ask yourself who you would invest in if you could get 10% of their earnings for the rest of their life. (52m37s)
- By identifying the values and behaviors of the people you would invest in, you can gain insights into the qualities that contribute to success and try to emulate them in your own life. (52m48s)
- This thought experiment can be applied to various aspects of life, such as health, happiness, and finances, by considering who you would bet on in each area and analyzing their approach to similar situations. (53m28s)