AI and Sustainability | Chhavi Rajawat | TEDxCUHP | Chhavi Rajawat | TEDxChitkaraUniversityHP

18 Oct 2024 (4 months ago)
AI and Sustainability | Chhavi Rajawat | TEDxCUHP  | Chhavi Rajawat | TEDxChitkaraUniversityHP

Introduction and Background

  • Everyone is a leader in their own right, regardless of age or stage of life, and it's about taking responsibility for one's talents and abilities (17s).
  • The importance of leadership is not limited to a specific title or position, but rather it's about recognizing one's strengths and using them to make a positive impact (43s).
  • The speaker comes from a humble background from a small town called Jaur, where they spent a lot of time in the village during vacations and learned from their grandfather and great grandmother (1m17s).
  • The speaker grew up in a holistic and inclusive environment, where everyone came together to help those in need, and this sense of community is something that is missing in today's society (3m1s).

Importance of Education and Openness

  • The speaker believes that education, exposure, and knowledge are essential for bringing about innovation and positive change, but it's also important to keep an open mind and be willing to learn throughout one's life (4m29s).
  • The speaker values curiosity and a willingness to learn, which they believe is essential for personal growth and development, and they find joy in learning from people from all walks of life (4m52s).

Shared Humanity and Common Goals

  • The speaker believes that as human beings, we are all the same, with similar dreams and aspirations, regardless of where we live or our background, and that we should strive to be inclusive and respectful of one another (5m57s).
  • The speaker notes that the common thread that unites us is our desire for a better life, and that we all use various modes of transportation as tools to make our lives easier, whether it's a car, bike, or bicycle (6m18s).

Self-Belief and Intuition

  • Understanding one's values and intuition is crucial for personal growth and decision-making, as it helps individuals stay true to themselves and make choices that align with their goals and aspirations (6m52s).
  • Believing in oneself and having self-awareness are essential for success, and it's vital to listen to one's intuition, which often sends important messages that can guide decision-making (7m35s).
  • Nurturing intuition and believing in oneself can help individuals navigate life's challenges and make better choices, leading to a more fulfilling and joyful life (8m42s).

Personal Goals and Values

  • Setting personal goals and working towards achieving them is vital, rather than doing something solely to appease others, as this can lead to a more transformative and prominent output (9m47s).
  • Having a clear understanding of one's values and goals can help individuals make choices that align with their aspirations, leading to a more purposeful and enjoyable life (9m30s).

Journey into Politics

  • The importance of following one's passion and making choices that align with personal values is highlighted through the story of the speaker, who pursued their passion for horse riding and eventually became involved in local politics (11m6s).
  • The speaker's journey, which included pursuing an MBA and working in the corporate sector, ultimately led them to return to their hometown and become involved in local politics, highlighting the importance of being open to new opportunities and challenges (10m25s).
  • The speaker's decision to become involved in local politics was influenced by the residents of their village, who saw them as a suitable candidate for the reserved seat for women, and this experience highlights the importance of community and the impact that individuals can have on their communities (11m31s).

Transparency and Accountability in Office

  • After being elected, an announcement was made to the public that anyone can visit the office to demand information on funds and projects, promoting transparency and accountability (12m48s).

Openness and Vulnerability

  • The approach of being open, respectful, and authentic helped in changing mindsets and working with village residents, as it allowed people to open up and share their thoughts (13m59s).
  • Being vulnerable and sensitive is often perceived as a sign of weakness, but it's essential to be willing to share vulnerabilities and ask for help when needed (15m0s).
  • It's crucial to learn humility, be grounded, and shed ego, as having a sense of entitlement or superiority complex can hinder progress (15m43s).

Technology and Youth Potential

  • Despite the challenges, technology is seen as a solution to many problems, and the younger generation's access to technology can make a significant impact in the rural sector and across the country (16m45s).
  • Local wisdom and the energy of the younger generation can come together to drive growth and progress in the country (17m27s).

The Village of Soda and its Water Crisis

  • The village of Soda, where the serpent is located, suffered from the worst drought in 13 to 14 years, resulting in undrinkable groundwater and a severe lack of water for agriculture (17m41s).
  • The villagers lacked proper education and skill sets, making it difficult for them to migrate to a better place, such as the closest city, Jodhpur, and find jobs or afford shelter (18m26s).
  • Water was critical for the village's survival, and the existing funding was not enough to desilt the large reservoir, which was the village's lifeline (19m2s).
  • The government did not have a scheme to provide funding for desilting the reservoir, and corporate social responsibility funding was not available due to the lack of industries in the district (19m17s).

Community Effort and Support

  • The villagers came together to manually desilt the reservoir, providing voluntary service to ensure that rainwater could be harvested and safer drinking water made available (20m11s).
  • The villagers' efforts were supported by the serpent's parents and friends, who helped raise 10 lakhs of rupees in 4 days, and a young entrepreneur from Delhi who sent a check of 50,000 Rupees without doing any due diligence (20m59s).

Trust and Untapped Potential

  • The experience taught the importance of trusting in the goodness of people and being open to trusting others unless they cross boundaries (21m41s).
  • The potential of the country is immense, but a lot of it remains untapped, especially in rural areas (22m20s).

Shared Responsibility and Compassion

  • It is unfair to say that the responsibility of tapping this potential lies with a specific sector, such as the government (22m37s).
  • As human beings, people should inculcate compassion and empathy, which can drive individuals to make a positive impact (22m49s).
  • Everyone's dreams and aspirations could be the dreams of someone else, and contributing to help fellow citizens is essential (23m3s).

Unity and Collective Action

  • Coming together as one nation and one planet is crucial, as people coexist, breathe the same air, and drink the same water (23m19s).
  • Shedding factions and facades is necessary to move forward, grow, and create a better nation and planet (23m36s).

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