Redefining Success: Empowering Lives, Service and Sacrifice | Sumedha Chithade | TEDxIBS Pune Women

25 Sep 2024 (19 days ago)
Redefining Success: Empowering Lives, Service and Sacrifice | Sumedha Chithade | TEDxIBS Pune Women

Sumedha Yogesh's Life and Values

  • For the past 24 years, Sumedha Yogesh has worked for the Armed Forces. (42s)
  • Sumedha Yogesh considers herself to be rich because she has good values and the opportunity to act on those values. (1m13s)

Inspiration and Guiding Forces

  • Vinayak Damodar Savarkar is a guiding force and inspiration in the speaker's life. (3m20s)
  • The speaker was deeply affected by the news of soldiers sacrificing their lives for the country. (2m57s)

Travel and Experiences

  • The speaker has traveled extensively, including to the Himalayas, and has spent years in challenging, high-altitude environments. (4m26s)
  • The speaker was confused by something they were reading and couldn't understand how there could be no oxygen in a place where people were working for 24 hours. (5m56s)

Disappointment with Current Ideals

  • The speaker, a teacher by profession, noticed a difference in the idols and ideals of the youngsters and students they interacted with, expressing disappointment and respect for the education, film industry, politics, and cricket, feeling that these fields don't exemplify the values that should be instilled. (6m13s)
  • The speaker questions why Param Vir Chakra, India's highest military decoration, is awarded for fighting enemies on land, air, and water, and why not recognize those who are still alive, leading them to gather living recipients in Pune to understand their life experiences and how they live for the nation. (6m40s)

Sumedha Chithade's Journey and Actions

  • Sumedha Chithade felt compelled to take action after witnessing someone struggling to breathe. (8m11s)
  • Chithade's definition of positive change involves witnessing a display of national pride in every aspect of life. (8m54s)

Inspiring Others and Sharing Experiences

  • Chithade decided to share her story and experiences to inspire others. (9m35s)
  • Chithade organized an event where 125,000 soldiers rode bikes to raise money for the nation. (11m7s)

Projects and Initiatives

  • Chithade describes a project where underprivileged individuals, including pilots, were brought together. (12m29s)
  • Chithade emphasizes the importance of supporting those who are working hard, regardless of their financial situation. (13m29s)

Personal Challenges and Commitment

  • Sumedha Chithade learned about a young girl from Bidar, Karnataka who was requesting donations for her dowry. (15m39s)
  • While her mother was in the ICU, Chithade continued to work, going to Mumbai for recordings and fulfilling her commitments. (17m30s)

Health and Well-being

  • Chithade's company was using German technology and she had the opportunity to visit a plant in Germany. (16m34s)
  • Sumedha Chithade was advised by a doctor to prioritize her health and well-being. (18m40s)

Resilience and Dedication

  • Despite facing personal challenges and the loss of her father, Chithade remained committed to her work, even attending a two-day session just five days after his passing. (19m29s)
  • Chithade's work has reached millions of people across India and internationally, impacting diverse communities and socioeconomic classes. (21m16s)

Defining Success and True Beauty

  • Sumedha Chithade believes that true beauty comes from within and that wealth should be defined by inner richness. (21m57s)
  • Chithade has been involved in service-oriented work for the past 24 years and aims to expand her efforts to impact millions of people. (22m31s)

Importance of Selfless Service

  • Chithade emphasizes the importance of selfless service to the nation, prioritizing the well-being of the country over personal ambitions and drawing inspiration from nature's teachings. (24m13s)
  • Sumedha Chithade believes that true success involves prioritizing the well-being of others and the nation. (26m6s)

Examples of Selflessness and Dedication

  • Chithade uses the example of soldiers in Jammu to illustrate the concept of selflessness and dedication to a greater cause. (24m54s)
  • She encourages individuals to maintain their integrity and avoid being solely driven by position, wealth, reputation, and fame. (26m42s)

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