Dr. Kay Tye: The Biology of Social Interactions and Emotions
05 Feb 2024 (12 months ago)
Social Interaction and Mental Health
- Dr. K. Tai's research focuses on various aspects of social interaction, including loneliness and social hierarchies.
- Social media and online interactions can often leave us feeling deprived in specific ways despite extensive interaction with many individuals.
- The conversation delves into the role of social interactions in mental health, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and isolation.
- Social isolation has significant negative health consequences, including shortened lifespan, increased mood disorders, and higher morbidity and mortality rates for diseases like cancer and heart disease.
The Amygdala and Social Interactions
- The amygdala is involved in processing emotional valence and assigning importance to stimuli.
- The amygdala responds to novel stimuli, reward or punishment, not just fear and punishment.
- Social media platforms provide a constant stream of incoming input, which can activate the amygdala, but asynchronous interactions on social media may not provide the same level of social contact and bonding as in-person interactions.
Social Homeostasis
- Dr. Tai also identified a phenomenon called "social homeostasis," which is our sense of having enough, not enough, or just enough social interaction.
- Social homeostasis is the brain's ability to maintain a balance between social interaction and solitude.
- The quality and quantity of social contact matter, with both too little and too much contact being detrimental.
Empathy and Social Interactions
- Empathy is a natural response to seeing others experience discomfort or pain, and it is important for healthy social interactions.
- Empathy is the ability to understand and take on another animal's emotion.
- Empathy may be influenced by whether someone is viewed as an ally or an adversary.
- People who are isolated or feel like they are in competition with others may have reduced empathy.
Social Rank and Social Interactions
- The speaker explores the role of social rank in human behavior and its evolutionary significance, noting its presence in various social contexts.
- They emphasize the need to understand how social rank is organized in the brain and how individuals perceive their own social ranking.