My Dream Closet | Veronika Kranasari | TEDxITB

19 Sep 2024 (5 months ago)
My Dream Closet | Veronika Kranasari | TEDxITB

The Influence of the Fashion Industry

  • Veronika Kranasari believes that the fashion industry has a significant impact on shaping perspectives and influencing people to believe they need more than what is necessary in terms of clothing and possessions. (58s)
  • Veronika Kranasari worked as a model and experienced firsthand the industry's influence in promoting products and creating a sense of inadequacy among consumers. (2m43s)

The Desire for a Large Closet

  • Veronika Kranasari states that before she learned about the negative impacts of the fashion industry, she, like many others, desired a large closet like the one featured in the film The Devil Wears Prada. (25s)

Clothing Ownership Statistics

  • An unnamed woman documented only owning 53 items in her lifetime, including her apron and undergarments. (8m7s)
  • Americans and the British can own 100 to 200 items of clothing, but many are left unworn. (8m41s)

The Cost of Fast Fashion

  • Fast fashion is inexpensive in some countries because of exploitative labor practices and environmental harm. (9m26s)

Veronika Kranasari's Sustainable Practices

  • Veronika Kranasari surrounds herself, both online and offline, with people who share her values, particularly those interested in sustainability. (15m11s)
  • Veronika Kranasari believes that rather than discarding damaged items, they should be repaired, citing her preference for repairing old shoes due to their sentimental value. (17m12s)
  • Veronika Kranasari practices and advocates for sustainable fashion choices, including renting clothes, participating in clothing swaps, and reselling or repurposing unwanted items. (17m35s)

Mindful Consumption

  • When deciding whether to buy an item of clothing, one should consider if they will wear it more than twice and if it aligns with their personal style. (21m7s)
  • People should be mindful of where they spend their money and consider if the brand's values align with their own. (21m29s)
  • Before buying from a brand, especially an expensive one, research should be done to ensure their values, such as employee treatment and environmental impact, align with the consumer's. (22m56s)

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