Countdown to Destruction: Democracy in Transition | Dian Irawati | TEDxITS

12 Dec 2024 (2 months ago)
Countdown to Destruction: Democracy in Transition | Dian Irawati | TEDxITS

The Genesis of the Doomsday Clock Theory and its Implications for Democracy

  • The concept of the Doomsday Clock theory originated in 1947 at the University of Chicago, which declared that the world had seven minutes left before the apocalypse (32s).
  • Professor Michael Faraday and Professor Joselyine Bell embarked on a time travel journey to uncover when the Doomsday clock would strike 12, signaling the apocalypse (1m0s).
  • The scientists used an old time machine project that was previously abandoned by Professor Michael Faraday, which was restored for this critical mission (1m12s).
  • Professor Joselyine Bell had researched a clock that could count down to the end of the world and joined Professor Michael Faraday in 1998 to witness the chaos in Jakarta, which was caused by the country's economic downfall and President Suharto's impeachment (1m52s).
  • The Doomsday clock device showed that the time had shortened, and both scientists realized that democracy, a system where everyone has the power to shape their future, was being eroded by those in power who abused the trust placed by the people (2m16s).
  • The erosion of democracy leads to inequality and exploitation, and when the country is in chaos, it raises the question of who is to blame: the people in charge or the people who trusted them (2m53s).

The Importance of Opposition in a Democratic System

  • Ervina Dian Irawati, the co-founder of Kahula, a non-partisan and non-profit organization, discussed the importance of being opposition in a democratic system (3m41s).
  • Democracy is a system that answers the need to limit absolutism, which has been a problem since the time of European kingdoms, and it has undergone a long transformation (4m37s).
  • The need for limitations on absolute power is crucial because it can lead to brutal decisions that harm the people and even the nobility, and it is essential to have a check and balance system to ensure accountability (5m1s).
  • The check and balance system allows for the process of accountability, ensuring that the people's voices are heard and their needs are met (5m31s).
  • In a democratic system, having an opposition is necessary for a healthy discussion, just like in a romantic relationship where having a disagreement can lead to a better understanding of each other's perspectives (6m3s).
  • The goal of having a country is to create a fair and prosperous nation where everyone is equal and has opportunities, but the challenge lies in finding a way to achieve this goal that is morally and materially accountable (7m12s).
  • In a democratic system, the opposition plays a crucial role in ensuring that the government thinks carefully about its decisions and does not make hasty choices (8m48s).
  • An effective opposition process is essential to prevent the public from feeling cheated and to ensure that the government is held accountable for its actions (9m10s).

The Role and Effectiveness of Opposition in Indonesia

  • The opposition is often associated with the legislative branch, such as the DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat) and DPRD (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah), which are responsible for making laws (9m28s).
  • According to statistics from BPS (Badan Pusat Statistik), the number of demonstrations in Indonesia has been relatively stable from 2017 to 2021, with a peak in 2019 due to the reform movement against corruption (9m33s).
  • The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to a decrease in demonstrations, but the number of incidents classified as "rawan" (prone to anarchy) actually increased, suggesting that there is a need for an effective opposition mechanism to channel public dissent (10m7s).
  • An effective opposition mechanism is necessary to reduce the need for people to take to the streets to express their discontent, which can be costly and time-consuming (10m23s).
  • The importance of opposition is not just about reducing costs, but also about facilitating a constructive discussion between different parties and ensuring that the government is held accountable for its actions (10m39s).
  • In a democratic system, the government and opposition parties play crucial roles, with the government making decisions quickly, but the opposition acts as a "police" to ensure those decisions are well thought out (10m54s).
  • The opposition's role is essential in a democratic system, and in Indonesia, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) has been a consistent opposition party for the past 15 years (11m38s).
  • Despite being the only consistent opposition party, PKS's national vote share is not significant, but they have managed to increase their seats in the parliament from 40 to 50 (11m47s).
  • The problem with the opposition in Indonesia is that PKS is alone in its role, and an effective opposition requires multiple parties working together (12m19s).
  • The opposition's ineffectiveness is evident in their inability to influence revisions to laws and policies, with their opinions often being sought but not considered (12m32s).

Youth Engagement and the Future of Democracy in Indonesia

  • The younger generation is concerned about the current state of democracy in Indonesia, but they can make a difference by being aware of the issues and taking control of their own lives (13m3s).
  • Apathy is a significant problem in Indonesia, as people often feel overwhelmed by the amount of information and give up on trying to make a difference (13m53s).
  • However, being apathetic can lead to feelings of powerlessness and being a victim, so it's essential to take control of one's life and speak out (14m14s).
  • To deal with uncertainty, one should focus on aspects that can be controlled, such as personal actions and decisions, rather than trying to control others (14m31s).
  • Being a smart opposition requires more than just complaining; it requires being informed and taking action to hold the government accountable (14m58s).
  • Fortunately, the younger generation in Indonesia is progressive, with 71% of young people holding progressive views, according to a 2022 survey (15m18s).
  • This is a positive sign, as it indicates that the younger generation is critical of the government and willing to push for change (15m32s).
  • Between the ages of 17 and 29, 71% of people are progressive, but as they reach 30, they often lose this progressiveness due to the demands of family life, so it's essential to find ways to maintain this progressiveness (15m47s).
  • One way to do this is by seeking knowledge and information, as there is a lot of changing news that can make people feel powerless and frustrated (16m23s).
  • When building Kaula, the goal was to address this frustration by providing a platform for people to find information and make their own opinions, rather than relying on assumptions or following others (16m37s).
  • It's essential to find information by yourself, make your own opinion, and use the available information at your fingertips (17m4s).
  • Once you have found the information, discuss it with friends and engage in critical discussions, as criticism is essential for growth (17m29s).
  • Before criticizing others, it's crucial to learn how to be criticized and develop a critical and informed mindset (17m37s).
  • By doing so, you can form your own opinions and develop a critical and informed spirit (17m46s).
  • Even after going through this process, it's essential to acknowledge that there is still much to learn, but at least you can engage in discussions with others and express your standpoint (18m15s).
  • Being an opposition doesn't mean you have to agree with everything, but rather being objective and critical of the movement's goals (18m30s).
  • In the past 15 years, there has been a lack of effective opposition, and it's time to change this by being critical and taking action (18m52s).
  • With the new government, it's essential to step up and help them, as well as to monitor and participate in the government's activities (19m22s).
  • It's time to be critical and take action, as the youth are the foundation for the country's future (19m40s).

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