El Poder Transformador del Arte haciendo lo que Amas | Carla Ortiz Oporto | TEDxUPDS Tarija

03 Oct 2024 (3 days ago)
El Poder Transformador del Arte haciendo lo que Amas  | Carla Ortiz Oporto | TEDxUPDS Tarija

The Power of Art and Personal Transformation

  • The power of art can change one's life and the world, as it is not just a form of expression but also a tool for healing and creating a better future (15s).
  • At the age of 15, a significant change was made by leaving home and family to pursue a dream of becoming an actress and making it to Hollywood (36s).
  • Upon achieving the dream, a deeper calling emerged to use the platform and talent to tell real-life stories, not just fiction (1m1s).
  • This calling led to a trip to Syria, where the opportunity arose to experience war, death, and destruction firsthand (1m16s).
  • The experience in Syria led to a shift from being in front of the camera to working behind it, using documentaries as a tool to feel the impact of telling real-life stories (1m33s).
  • Documenting the stories of people affected by war became a refuge and a way to denounce the atrocities of war, while also allowing for personal healing (1m57s).
  • During four years in Syria, numerous testimonies were collected, including that of a woman who showed the destruction of her home and the impact it had on her life (2m18s).
  • The woman's story and others like it gave life a deeper sense of purpose and showed that people can make their lives a work of art (2m54s).
  • An invitation is extended to everyone to make their lives a work of art, as seen in the example of a woman who opened a wedding dress shop in the midst of destruction in Syria (3m4s).
  • The woman's story is an inspiration, showing that one does not have to be an artist to make their life a work of art, and that stories like hers can be found in various places, including Palestine, Yemen, and North Korea (3m33s).
  • The experience of telling these stories was a form of resistance and a way to give voice to those who do not have one, presenting their suffering to the world (3m58s).
  • The power of art can help people heal and open their eyes to reality, inviting them to take action and create empathy, as seen in images that can evoke emotions and connections to personal experiences (4m18s).

From Hollywood to Syria: A Shift in Focus

  • Art serves as a witness to reality, showing the truth and encouraging transformation to create a better world, which can seem far away from one's current circumstances (4m42s).
  • In one's life, art forms like cinema, writing, and acting can become tools for change, helping to build bridges and create a deeper understanding of humanity (5m1s).
  • Social media can aid in this process by allowing people to see images and understand the human side of conflicts, such as those in Syria, Yemen, and Palestine, and helping to change one's perception of these issues (5m26s).
  • In Bolivia, art can be used to recover lost novels, historical memory, and cultural heritage, as seen in films like "Olvidados" that tell the stories of the country's people (6m2s).
  • A new project aims to change the perception of Bolivian artists by utilizing artisans, designers, and influential figures to promote the "Marca Bolivia" and celebrate the country's music and art (6m24s).
  • This project, led by Carla, involves creating a massive stage to showcase Bolivian artists and promote the country's culture, with the goal of inspiring excellence and generating change through art (6m58s).
  • The pursuit of excellence in art can be costly and glamorous, but it is necessary to provoke change and challenge the status quo, as art has done throughout history, from hieroglyphics to paintings (7m21s).
  • When art is used to challenge the status quo, it can create chaos, but this chaos is a precursor to change, and it is necessary to generate a new reality (7m53s).
  • By using art to challenge conventional norms and create chaos, people can inspire change and create a new reality, as seen in Carla's project to promote Bolivian art and culture (8m21s).
  • North Korea is a country about which much is said, but little is known, prompting a visit with a camera to verify the claims of imprisonment and filming restrictions (8m37s).
  • After visiting North Korea, images were captured of students walking in the streets, contradicting the notion that it is impossible to film or walk freely (8m54s).
  • The visit led to an exchange between North Korean students and US students, facilitated by a video presentation to the US parliament before the US president's visit to North Korea (9m22s).
  • This exchange demonstrates that art can facilitate reconciliation between different generations and create bridges for conversation (9m41s).

Art as Resistance and Healing in War-Torn Lands

  • The experience highlights the importance of humanizing sectors that are often dehumanized by propaganda and other interests (10m2s).
  • Engaging in unconventional activities can challenge established norms and prompt self-reflection, leading to personal growth and change (10m50s).
  • Embracing fear and taking risks can lead to success and the generation of seeds for dialogue and change (11m24s).
  • The journey of self-discovery and growth is not easy, requiring the willingness to reinvent oneself and take new paths (12m8s).
  • The speaker's personal journey involved transitioning from being a tennis player to an actress, model, and eventually a producer, facing numerous challenges and doubts along the way (12m27s).
  • The experience of leaving a successful career in Hollywood to pursue cultural management in Bolivia has been a transformative and challenging journey (12m52s).
  • To truly succeed, one must be willing to let go of their current version and be reborn, as this process allows for growth and transformation, and it's okay to make mistakes along the way (12m57s).
  • Being faithful to one's objectives and persevering through challenges will ultimately lead to triumph, as each time one "dies" and is reborn, they become stronger (13m13s).
  • The process of rebirth can be symbolic, and it's not always necessary to experience physical hardship, but rather to learn from past experiences and use them as a catalyst for growth (13m29s).
  • Every time one falls, they have the opportunity to rise stronger, and just like a seed that falls to the ground, it will eventually bear fruit (13m58s).
  • The true personal challenge is not being afraid to take risks and face the unknown, as it's often the unexpected that leads to growth and transformation (14m26s).
  • Using art as a means of self-expression and healing can be a powerful tool for transforming one's universe and the world around them (15m3s).
  • One's life can be seen as a work of art, and every step taken can be a part of that creation, regardless of whether it's appreciated by others or not (15m27s).
  • Embracing one's true self and using their career and life as a platform for personal growth and change can lead to a more fulfilling life and a better world (15m52s).
  • Understanding one's roots, values, and passions is essential for personal growth and self-awareness, and recognizing the diversity and individuality of others is crucial for building a stronger community (16m23s).

Bolivia: Recovering Cultural Heritage Through Art

  • The key to true victory in life is being willing to take risks and challenge the status quo, as this is what leads to real growth and transformation (16m52s).
  • True triumph is not about achieving success or victory, but rather about fulfilling one's objectives, which is a more important concept because it is a personal accomplishment that may not be recognized by others (17m11s).
  • The pursuit of one's objectives is driven by a personal reason that only the individual knows, and achieving that objective is a triumph in itself, regardless of external recognition (17m41s).
  • The driving force behind achieving one's objectives is a deep-seated energy that can be compared to the love of a mother who will stop at nothing to protect her child, and this energy is necessary to bring about positive change (18m9s).
  • Every setback or failure presents a new opportunity for growth and transformation, and sometimes it is necessary to reinvent oneself or take a risk and "fall" in order to give rise to a new opportunity (18m53s).
  • The speaker shares a personal anecdote about visiting a liberated town in Syria after it had been occupied by ISIS for 7 years, and witnessing the devastating effects of war and deshumanization (19m23s).
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of humanity and the need to help those who are suffering, and encourages the audience to be authors of a new chapter in history where creation and art can bring about positive change (22m11s).

Art, Chaos, and the Pursuit of Change

  • The speaker believes that art has the power to change the world and invites the audience to be a part of this transformation (22m31s).

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