Lightning in the Dark | Zhongyao Sun | TEDxKeystone Academy BJ

04 Oct 2024 (2 days ago)
Lightning in the Dark | Zhongyao Sun | TEDxKeystone Academy BJ

The Internet and Social Fragmentation

  • The final speaker of the day is Mr. Sy, who will be discussing the topic "Lightning in the Dark" and exploring three main issues: the internet, philosophy, and greatness, with the goal of fostering a discussion rather than a lecture (43s).
  • The world is experiencing social fragmentation, with people having extremely opposing views on the internet, and this can lead to conflicts and the loss of friends, as seen in issues like the Israel-Palestine conflict and the war between Russia and Ukraine (1m18s).
  • Bipartisanship is also a significant issue, particularly in the United States, where people are often divided into two opposing groups, and extremist movements and political correctness can further exacerbate these divisions (2m6s).

The Internet's Negative and Positive Effects

  • The internet can evoke negative feelings, such as frustration and anger, when people encounter views that are opposite to their own, and this can lead to a sense of moral high ground, where individuals believe they are correct and others are wrong (3m17s).
  • However, the internet can also have positive effects, such as providing a sense of community and connection, and catering to individual needs and interests through personalized recommendations (4m52s).

Broadening Perspectives and Information Bubbles

  • The speaker aims to explore how people can broaden their views and see things from different perspectives, rather than focusing on correctness or trying to prove others wrong (3m55s).
  • The concept of information bubbles exists, where the internet feeds users what they want to see, creating a notion that many people share their views, and this is not unique to any particular group or culture (5m30s).
  • Algorithms used by platforms and apps are designed to keep users engaged, often by exposing them to content that evokes strong emotions, with anger being the strongest emotion that keeps users engaged for longer periods (6m36s).

Algorithms and User Engagement

  • These algorithms can expose users to drastically different views, prompting them to comment and engage in discussions, which can lead to increased time spent on the platform (7m5s).
  • Being aware of these algorithms is valuable, regardless of whether one is right or wrong, as it allows users to understand why they are being exposed to certain content (7m25s).
  • Online interactions can lead to judging others based on a single comment, which is not a reasonable thing to do, and can create a sense of fragmentation and polarization (8m8s).
  • The internet can exaggerate the fragmentation of the world, making it seem more fractured than it is in reality, and users should be aware of this distortion (8m37s).

The Human Brain and Online Interactions

  • The human brain is not equipped to handle the exposure to different views that the internet provides, as it has evolved in community and real-life interactions over tens of thousands of years (9m13s).

Understanding Greatness Through Philosophy

  • Philosophy cannot be learned or taught, but rather it is something that one must experience, and going through difficult times can help individuals understand greatness (10m23s).
  • A quote from Mr. Mustach, "The tree that would grow to have must send its roots to hell," suggests that one must experience darkness to truly understand greatness (10m54s).
  • To reach true height and light, one must struggle and face the darkness and evil that exists in life, which is inherent in life itself and can be seen in examples such as wars and underdevelopment in many parts of the world (11m3s).

The Necessity of Darkness in Achieving Greatness

  • Being aware of the bad things in life is necessary to have a stable view of the world and to reach inner peace, but it does not mean encouraging or doing those bad things (11m50s).
  • To be complete, one does not have to experience the bad things, but being aware of them is necessary, and this awareness can come from questioning one's own conscience and having self-dialogues (12m38s).
  • Conquering fears and self-doubt can make one stronger, and it is said that what does not kill us makes us stronger, and nothing happens to anyone that they are not fitted by nature to bear (14m10s).
  • Everything, even negative things, can be seen as an opportunity for growth, and understanding opposing views and being able to stomach opposition is a key aspect of this (14m32s).

Greatness as a Choice and the Impact of Individuals

  • Greatness is a choice that requires an insurmountable amount of work, and looking beyond one's time is a commonality among all great individuals, as seen in examples such as Einstein and Van Gogh (16m0s).
  • Great individuals look beyond their time, and their work may not be appreciated during their lifetime, but it can be appreciated later, as seen in the examples of Einstein and Van Gogh (16m8s).
  • Great people often look beyond their time, which is why Elon Musk is appreciated for helping the species and looking beyond current differences (17m11s).
  • The impact of an individual can be compared to the effect of a flashlight in different conditions - it has little effect in bright sunlight but can be blinding in the dark, illustrating that life means less when there is more life, and it's easier to shine when there are people around (17m44s).
  • However, it's during difficult times, such as when facing opposing views, self-doubt, and pressure, that shining becomes more meaningful and significant (18m37s).

Overcoming Darkness and Pressure

  • Greatness is a choice, and being left in the dark is also a choice - no one can keep an individual in the dark if they don't want to be there (18m59s).
  • Everyone faces pressure, especially during sleepless nights, which can be crushing, and life can sometimes appear desolate and devoid of life (19m20s).
  • But even in darkness, there is hope - just as the roots of a tree must go deep into the dark to reach height and light, individuals can find strength in their struggles (20m15s).
  • The darkness is not for the weak-minded, but for the brave, and it's a necessary part of growth and reaching new heights (20m29s).

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