Los animales son maestros de vida | Zadrigman . | TEDxMorelia

07 Oct 2024 (7 days ago)
Los animales son maestros de vida | Zadrigman . | TEDxMorelia

Duque's early life and the impact of previous pets

  • It's beautiful to flourish and also beautiful is the path that leads us to do so, and at some point in our lives, we all have a life teacher who shares their wisdom or teaches us something beautiful, which can be a parent, mentor, or teacher, but in this case, the life teacher was a pet dog named Duque (42s).
  • Growing up surrounded by animals, as the grandfather loved animals and had horses, dogs, and cats that he would rescue, led to a strong affection for animals from a young age (49s).
  • The first encounter with a dog was at the age of 9, with a dog named Ticiano, which was chosen by the siblings, and this dog would receive them in a peculiar way, running and then standing on two legs and jumping as if dancing or celebrating (1m22s).
  • Unfortunately, Ticiano was hit by a family acquaintance, and despite efforts to save him, he passed away, leaving a strong impact and a painful memory of the experience with animals (1m43s).

Adopting Duque

  • Years later, in 2018, the opportunity to adopt a Siberian Husky dog with a distinctive mask and heterochromia, with one blue eye and one brown eye, arose through social media, and contact was made with the family to meet the dog (3m47s).
  • Duque, a dog, immediately formed a strong and genuine connection with a person upon their first meeting, surprising Duque's family with his affectionate behavior. (4m8s)

Duque's personality and impact on the owner

  • Duque provided emotional support during difficult times, often approaching and comforting the person when they were sad or crying, which led to activities like running together to lift spirits. (4m49s)
  • Duque was a peaceful and understanding dog, never aggressive, and he would listen and respond to commands, even in situations where other dogs might be aggressive. (5m41s)
  • Duque taught valuable lessons about compassion and acceptance, as he would approach and interact with street animals and people, encouraging his owner to do the same and highlighting the importance of loving all living beings equally. (6m3s)

Challenging times and the start of meditation

  • In late 2019, despite having Duque as a supportive companion, the person experienced challenging times and began practicing transcendental meditation, which provided significant personal insights. (7m25s)
  • Meditation and the company of Duque, a pet, taught the importance of connecting with nature and animals (7m47s).

The promise to help animals in need

  • In January 2020, a social media post about a dog that had been hanged in a public park led to a promise to take action and help animals in need (8m12s).
  • This promise marked the beginning of a journey to help those who needed it most, starting with rescuing animals with the help of Duque (8m52s).
  • Duque not only welcomed rescued animals but also donated blood to those in need, showcasing his selfless nature (9m11s).

Duque's illness and the struggle to save him

  • A nightmare about losing Duque led to concerns about his health, which became a reality two weeks later when Duque fell ill (9m26s).
  • Despite initial reassurance from the doctor that Duque only had a minor infection, his condition worsened, and a second visit to the veterinarian revealed a more severe issue (10m17s).
  • The veterinarian eventually informed that there was little that could be done, but there was a new medication that offered some hope, although it was very expensive (11m11s).
  • A pet owner was willing to spend a lot of money on their dog Duque's treatment, despite the high cost, because Duque had been with them through many occasions and they wanted to be there for him (11m19s).
  • The owner had a lot of faith and hope that the treatment would work, and they asked people on social media to join in prayer for Duque's recovery, seeking a miracle (11m37s).
  • As the days passed, Duque's condition worsened, and the owner's fellow animal rescuers suggested that it was time to let Duque go, as he had already donated blood and helped with rescues (12m20s).

Saying goodbye to Duque

  • The owner, who was 23 years old at the time, found it difficult to let go of Duque, whom they referred to as the "love of my life" (12m31s).
  • Duque's condition continued to deteriorate, and he was no longer able to run and greet the owner when they came home from work (12m47s).
  • One night, the owner had a conversation with Duque, reminding him of their promises and projects, including a plan to help animals in a different way, and asked Duque not to leave them (13m11s).
  • The owner had a particularly difficult night, crying and holding Duque, and they prayed to God to help heal Duque, asking for a small sign to keep going (14m15s).
  • Unfortunately, Duque's condition did not improve, and the owner eventually had to say goodbye, taking Duque to the beach to be buried in a cabin they owned (14m52s).
  • Duque passed away on December 19, 2020, just before Christmas, and the owner had previously planned a photo shoot for Duque's upcoming third birthday (15m8s).
  • A pet owner recounts the last day of their dog Duque's life, where they decided to take him to the beach as a final gesture, buying him special food and accessories, and taking photos with him (15m20s).
  • Upon arriving at the beach, Duque surprisingly began to walk again after two to three weeks of being unable to do so, and the owner was emotional, hugging and talking to him (15m47s).
  • The owner told Duque that they would have one last run together, and after eating, they started walking, with the owner encouraging Duque to keep going (16m21s).
  • The owner then told Duque that he would run again in heaven, without suffering, and they shared a heartfelt goodbye, with the owner giving Duque a kiss on the forehead (16m46s).
  • The owner took Duque to the veterinarian, where they said their final goodbyes, and the owner held Duque as the doctor administered the euthanasia (17m10s).
  • The owner was in shock and didn't cry until they left the veterinarian's office and looked at Duque's lifeless body, remembering his beautiful eyes, which they compared to a sunset on the beach (17m34s).

The legacy of Duque and the birth of a new project

  • The owner buried Duque at a cabin and made a promise to him to start a movement to make people love, respect, and value animals more, as they bring love and teach many things to humans (18m26s).
  • The owner reflects on what Duque taught them, including how to love, be loyal, and live life to the fullest, as if every minute was the last (18m47s).
  • When people are stressed or angry, they sometimes take it out on their pets, but pets can teach humans about forgiveness, as they quickly forget and show love again (18m56s).
  • Humans often struggle to forgive family members, even after many years, and may regret it later in life when it's too late (19m14s).
  • After losing a pet named Duque, the owner was heartbroken but remembered that Duque didn't like seeing them cry, so they made a promise to only cry for a day and a half (19m28s).
  • On May 11, 2021, a new pet named Sad was born, and the owner moved to Morelia to start a new life, despite their father thinking they were crazy for dressing up as a superhero to help animals (19m50s).
  • The owner's goal was not to become famous but to make a difference and honor their late pet, Duque, by transforming their pain into motivation (20m30s).
  • The owner wants people to value their pets, give them love and care, and appreciate the time they have with them, as they may regret it later if they don't (20m51s).
  • People can make a difference by rescuing pets in need, taking photos and sharing them on social media, or simply showing love and care to their own pets (21m10s).
  • The owner believes that everyone is here to serve and help others, and by doing so, they can leave a positive mark on the world and set an example for future generations (21m42s).
  • The owner dresses up as a superhero for two reasons: to remain anonymous and to inspire children to love and care for animals, as kids often look up to superheroes as role models (21m56s).
  • The current project has been successful, with over 6 million followers across all social media platforms as of now (22m28s).
  • People often ask what could be asked for, and the response is that it would have been great to do this project earlier, but fear and concerns about being ridiculed held back (22m48s).
  • The most important thing in life is to help and serve, and having followers or fame is not as significant (23m7s).
  • If someone has a sick pet, they should not feel guilty and instead enjoy the remaining time with them, and if necessary, consider putting the pet to sleep (23m23s).
  • It is essential to listen to one's heart and do what feels right, and not feel guilty about any decisions made (23m37s).
  • All living beings come into our lives to teach us something, leave a message, and when they are gone, it is because they have completed their cycle and mission (23m45s).
  • The loss of a pet can lead to new opportunities and experiences, and it is essential to be grateful for the time spent with them (24m1s).
  • The project has helped thousands of dogs, and it is crucial to always love, care for, and respect animals (24m8s).

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