Xây Dựng Hình Ảnh | Ba Luc Ngo | TEDxAJC

15 Oct 2024 (6 days ago)
Xây Dựng Hình Ảnh | Ba Luc Ngo | TEDxAJC

Opening Remarks and Stage Discomfort

  • Greetings are extended to Thầy Oanh, all speakers, teachers, the organizing committee of TEDxAJC, and attendees of the event. (6s)
  • The speaker expresses feeling out of place on stage, preferring to be among the audience to engage more comfortably. (28s)
  • The format of the event requires the speaker to adapt to being on stage with a spotlight, which is a departure from their usual preference. (1m0s)
  • The speaker recalls participating in a similar event nearly ten years ago, emphasizing a lack of belonging to the stage environment. (1m22s)
  • Confidence is highest when the speaker can see the audience, suggesting a preference for interaction and visibility. (1m35s)
  • A request is made to the organizers to increase the lighting in the audience area to facilitate better interaction, provided it does not affect the recording quality. (1m52s)
  • The speaker feels more enthusiastic and engaged when able to see the audience, as acknowledged by the organizers. (2m17s)

The "Sao kê" Phenomenon and Superficiality

  • Two days ago, a trending topic on social media involved a creative adaptation of the song "Cô Gái Mở Đường," which humorously included the phrase "sao kê" in its lyrics. This adaptation gained significant attention online. (2m22s)
  • The phenomenon of "sao kê" has exposed the superficiality of many individuals, particularly celebrities and social media influencers such as TikTokers and streamers. This revelation has prompted widespread reflection on personal image and authenticity. (3m4s)
  • The discussion highlights the importance of building a personal brand or image, emphasizing that many people mistakenly equate superficial displays with genuine image-building. The recent public disclosure of financial statements, or "sao kê," has revealed the true nature of many public figures' activities. (4m2s)
  • The process of constructing a personal image or brand is complex and time-consuming, and recent events have underscored the need for authenticity and transparency in this endeavor. (4m50s)

Building a Personal Brand: Authenticity and Transparency

  • The speaker reflects on their personal journey, mentioning that they initially failed a university entrance exam, then pursued various careers including trading, working as a tax officer, and becoming a singer, before gaining recognition as a journalist. However, they are not known for groundbreaking articles but rather for their roles as a judge and expert in beauty and music competitions. (4m56s)
  • It is emphasized that success can be achieved without a university degree, as many people have their unique paths. The key to success is finding one's true self, following the right path, and maintaining passion without giving up. (5m51s)
  • Trần Huy Hoàng is mentioned as having faced more difficulties than many others to achieve his current status. The speaker encourages imagining the challenges faced in beauty contests, where attention is often on physical attributes, but now there is more focus on profiles. (6m31s)
  • The speaker recalls noticing a contestant in a national competition last year, who wore a dress and performed a dramatic spin, reminiscent of H'Hen Niê. This contestant caught the speaker's attention, similar to how they noticed Vũ Thu Phương. (7m11s)
  • There is a discussion about overcoming self-doubt related to appearance and starting points, highlighting the importance of building a strong personal image. (7m33s)
  • An example is given of someone who became well-known for their role as an interpreter for Tường San, illustrating a smart way to build an image, even if it was not the initial intention. (7m44s)
  • The narrative includes a personal story of overcoming challenges, such as not attending university and initially working in various jobs, to eventually judging national music competitions. (8m12s)

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Finding Success

  • In 2004, there was an observation of a music competition, Sao Mai, where the commentary by Vũ Dậu, musician Ngọc Châu, and singer Khánh Linh was particularly impressive, inspiring a desire to commentate similarly. (8m49s)
  • By 2007, the individual achieved the goal of being in a similar commentary position, having transitioned from a career in taxation to journalism in 2006, and was invited by VTV to join the judging panel for Sao Mai Điểm Hẹn. (9m18s)
  • In the described event, notable figures such as singer Mỹ Linh and musicians Nguyễn Cường and Lê Minh Sơn were present to judge a competition, which culminated in an awards ceremony attended by the arts council and the press. (9m51s)
  • The individual recounts their early career in journalism, noting that they were relatively unknown in the field, having worked professionally for less than a year at that time. (10m4s)
  • Prior to their journalism career, they spent over a decade working as a tax officer by day and performing as a singer by night, which provided them with unique insights into the experience of being a performer. (10m23s)
  • The individual worked in the tax department managing state-owned enterprises in Quảng Ninh, a region with significant industries such as coal, and was one of 22 tax officers in the department. (10m43s)
  • Performing in the evenings allowed them to understand the dynamics between a singer and the audience, learning how different emotions and conditions affected their performance and audience reactions. This experience later informed their ability to critique young singers. (11m12s)
  • Experienced individuals understand the importance of building an image with sincerity and genuine capability, rather than superficiality. (11m48s)

Career Progression and the Importance of Passion

  • The discussion highlights the significance of having a large network, such as 10,000 friends, but emphasizes the value of meaningful content that resonates emotionally. (12m4s)
  • The text mentions the categorization of celebrities in Vietnam, with distinctions such as A1, A2, and A3, and notes that top-tier artists can earn substantial amounts for performances. (12m29s)
  • In 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, a top-tier Vietnamese artist was paid 3 billion VND for a performance organized by a major event company. (13m2s)
  • There is a critique of public scrutiny regarding how much celebrities donate, suggesting that while such scrutiny is understandable, it overlooks the substantial income differences. (13m39s)
  • The speaker reflects on personal experiences of feeling disheartened by a monthly income of several million VND, contrasting it with the high earnings of top celebrities. (14m8s)
  • The speaker reflects on their past experience in singing, noting that despite their efforts, they did not achieve fame and eventually transitioned to journalism, writing articles for a modest fee. (14m16s)
  • They mention a female acquaintance who, over the course of a year, increased her performance fee significantly after releasing a successful music video, highlighting the rapid inflation in the entertainment industry. (14m42s)
  • The discussion emphasizes the importance of building a personal brand, especially in the current market economy, and suggests that success requires strategic development rather than sudden changes in career paths. (15m11s)
  • The speaker shares their own career progression in journalism, quickly advancing from a reporter to a deputy editor-in-chief within a few years, attributing their success to their abilities rather than networking or gifts. (15m24s)
  • They describe their recent role as a judge in a beauty pageant, where they went beyond their duties by training contestants, seeking sponsorships, and creating promotional materials, demonstrating their proactive approach and skills in design and marketing. (16m1s)
  • All applications used are professional and require payment, with some costing several hundred thousand to over a million per year. (16m51s)
  • It is important to work with dedication and capability, rather than focusing solely on salary. (17m8s)
  • New graduates often ask about salary during job interviews, which is their right, but it may not always be viewed positively by recruiters. (17m16s)
  • A former assistant, who was a second-year student at the time of hiring, was chosen from hundreds of CVs and is now very successful. (17m44s)
  • Success is linked to working with passion and ability, and not being afraid of hard work, rather than prioritizing salary. (18m15s)
  • Focusing solely on earning money can make it difficult to achieve long-term success, and frequent job changes may occur if the work is not suitable. (18m34s)
  • Changing careers can be beneficial if the current job does not align with personal interests, as demonstrated by a successful transition from tax to journalism. (18m55s)
  • The importance of having a sincere and passionate attitude in one's work is emphasized, as it leads to being recognized as competent and skilled. (19m12s)
  • Building a personal image that reflects one's true self is crucial for long-term success and recognition. (19m51s)

Honesty, Integrity, and Self-Awareness

  • The discussion highlights the issue of public figures being exposed for their faults and the difficulty of restoring their reputation. (20m5s)
  • Acknowledging and apologizing for mistakes openly is important, as everyone makes errors, and it is a part of personal growth. (20m44s)
  • Being honest with oneself is essential, as dishonesty can lead to future problems and exposure. (21m7s)
  • The discussion highlights the importance of being honest with oneself, even if no one else notices one's mistakes. It emphasizes that self-deception can be more damaging than the mistakes themselves. (21m22s)
  • It is noted that people may forgive small mistakes, but they are less likely to forgive attempts to cover them up. This is because deceit can erode trust more than the original error. (21m43s)
  • A quote from the internet is mentioned, stating that one should not fear evil people as much as those who pretend to be virtuous, because the latter can be more dangerous. (21m59s)
  • The importance of living sincerely, passionately, and with integrity is stressed, as these qualities lead to a more fulfilling life. (22m41s)

Self-Discovery and Finding the Right Path

  • The speaker encourages young people to embark on a journey of self-discovery by first answering the question, "Who am I?" This self-awareness is crucial for finding the right path in life. (23m9s)
  • Emphasizing the importance of working in a field that aligns with one's abilities and passions, combined with confidence and a lack of insecurity about one's starting point, is crucial for success. (23m38s)
  • Confidence is highlighted as a key factor, illustrated by the example of taking photos with taller beauty pageant contestants and receiving positive feedback on social media. (23m52s)
  • Success is more likely when individuals focus on finding their true selves and choosing the right path, with the flexibility to change if necessary. (24m20s)
  • When work aligns with one's abilities, it becomes enjoyable and fulfilling, as exemplified by the transition to journalism, which brought excitement and energy compared to a previous job in tax administration. (24m30s)
  • Finding one's true self, choosing the right path, and loving what one does are essential for achieving success. (25m2s)

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