Xây Dựng Một Bản Sắc Người Việt Nam | Ngoc Oanh Nguyen | TEDxAJC

15 Oct 2024 (6 days ago)
Xây Dựng Một Bản Sắc Người Việt Nam | Ngoc Oanh Nguyen | TEDxAJC

Introduction and Audience Engagement

  • The speaker expresses nervousness about speaking after two previous speakers and notes the diverse audience, primarily composed of students from the Academy of Journalism and Communication. (21s)
  • The speaker humorously mentions being blinded by stage lights and asks the audience to raise their hands if they are students from various institutions, highlighting the presence of students from the Diplomatic Academy and other schools. (54s)

Personal Anecdote: A Teacher's Choice

  • The speaker shares a personal story about visiting a girlfriend's house on a bicycle and being chosen by her father over wealthier suitors because he was a teacher, emphasizing the respect for the teaching profession. (1m55s)
  • A teacher reflects on the lifelong aspiration of being an educator and how this inspiration has been passed down to his son, who also became a teacher. The son humorously considers that being a teacher might make it easier to find a spouse due to the respect associated with the profession. (2m37s)

Discussion on Unusual Birthday Party Practice

  • A discussion arises from a post on a website about the unusual practice of asking guests to contribute money when invited to a birthday party. The post highlights that many people find it amusing and unusual, as traditionally, guests are not expected to pay when invited to such events. (3m27s)
  • The practice of asking guests to contribute financially is compared to customs in other countries, such as Sweden, where it is common to include a note in invitations asking guests to contribute to the cost of the meal. This is seen as a way to maintain transparency and clarity in social interactions. (4m11s)
  • The Swedish approach to social events emphasizes transparency, where guests are informed about the costs involved and are expected to contribute, which is considered important in Swedish culture. (4m50s)

Cultural Comparison: Financial Transparency in Social Events

  • In some cultures, relationships are formed without economic dependency, where individuals pay for their own expenses, such as meals, to maintain independence. This is observed when foreigners visit Vietnam and engage in relationships where each person pays for their own meal. (5m1s)
  • Working with non-governmental organizations often involves adapting to cultural practices where expenses are shared equally, emphasizing genuine emotional connections rather than financial dependency. (5m25s)

Cultural Differences in Relationships and Expenses

  • Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings, as seen when Vietnamese individuals question restrictions imposed by foreign companies, such as prohibiting food in factories to prevent damage from pests. (5m49s)
  • It is important for Vietnamese people, especially those studying international relations or working with international organizations, to become accustomed to different cultural practices, from sharing meals to understanding workplace regulations. (6m5s)
  • The discussion highlights the cultural differences between Vietnam and the world, emphasizing the need for mutual understanding through communication. (6m56s)

Personal Trip to Cuba and Hemingway's House

  • A personal story is shared about a recent trip to Cuba, which included attending a scientific conference and visiting the house of the famous American author Ernest Hemingway. (7m31s)
  • Ernest Hemingway lived in Cuba for nearly 20 years and is known for winning the Nobel Prize in 1954 for his work "The Old Man and the Sea" and "A Farewell to Arms." (8m6s)
  • Despite having limited time before a flight, a visit was made to Hemingway's house using a local vehicle, highlighting the admiration for Hemingway's life and work. (8m23s)
  • Hemingway lived in Cuba from 1940 to 1960 before returning to the United States, where he suffered from severe depression and eventually committed suicide. (8m54s)
  • The experience shared involves reading stories and understanding an author, which includes visiting their home to gain deeper insights into their life and famous sayings, such as Hemingway's advice to live life before writing about it. (9m14s)

Life Experiences and Self-Expression through Writing

  • The discussion emphasizes the importance of life experiences and self-expression through writing, even if one lacks extensive life experiences. It encourages students to reflect on and write about their thoughts and experiences. (9m43s)

International Integration and English Proficiency

  • The narrative highlights the significance of international integration for Vietnamese people, suggesting that preparation includes mastering English, as demonstrated by proficient English speakers. This is crucial for students in international programs who need to excel in both language and their specialized fields. (10m31s)
  • The goal is not only to speak English well but also to effectively communicate various topics in English, which is advised as a key objective for students. (11m2s)

Personal Journey into Journalism

  • The speaker shares a personal story about starting their career, relating it to the current experiences of the students. (11m14s)
  • The speaker initially studied to become a literature teacher, not a journalist, but was recruited into journalism at the age of 21. They were given a trial period where they had to prove their ability to write articles, with the risk of being dismissed if unsuccessful. (11m24s)
  • During the first three months, the speaker was stationed in a mountainous district, where they worked hard to write articles and eventually succeeded. This experience taught them the importance of effort and determination, likening it to being thrown into the sea and needing to swim to survive. (12m7s)
  • The speaker learned that when faced with challenges, one should not only survive but also thrive, symbolized by the metaphor of surfacing with a fish in one's mouth. They eventually became successful in journalism, winning awards, and now serve as a judge for journalism competitions. (12m29s)

Global Presence of Vietnamese Individuals

  • The speaker reflects on their recent trip to Cuba and an experience at a Turkish airport, where they encountered many Vietnamese people, highlighting the global presence and influence of Vietnamese individuals. (13m32s)
  • Many young Vietnamese people are now equipped with the skills needed to integrate into the global community, as observed at the Turkish airport, a major hub connecting Europe and the rest of the world. (13m48s)
  • Historically, Vietnamese people who went abroad during the French colonial period often worked as laborers or soldiers for the French. (14m25s)
  • After 1975, many Vietnamese left their homeland in search of better opportunities and livelihoods abroad. (14m46s)
  • By 2012, a new generation of Vietnamese was emerging, characterized by individuals invited to work in prestigious places like Silicon Valley, marking a shift from being laborers to becoming leaders and innovators. (14m59s)
  • This new generation includes successful Vietnamese individuals who have founded companies such as Airbnb in the United States, showcasing their entrepreneurial spirit and capabilities. (15m48s)
  • Many Vietnamese people are working at Facebook, having studied at institutions like the Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology and Hanoi University of Science and Technology. They are recognized for their skills and expertise. (15m56s)
  • A number of young Vietnamese scientists from Silicon Valley have returned to Vietnam to participate in a conference with the Prime Minister, contributing to the development of the younger generation in the country. (16m13s)
  • These individuals have become wealthy through their intellect and are now helping young Vietnamese people in the country to develop startups, which is seen as a positive development. (16m24s)

Setting Personal Goals for Global Integration

  • It is suggested that individuals set clear goals for themselves to meet the conditions necessary for integration into the global workforce. (16m44s)
  • Writing down both short-term and long-term goals is recommended, whether in a notebook or digitally, to help achieve objectives such as improving English proficiency. (17m2s)
  • The practice of listing goals, similar to how Western tourists document places and foods to experience before they die, is encouraged. This includes setting goals to achieve before turning 30. (17m25s)
  • The discussion highlights the importance of building confidence and skills to integrate successfully into global environments, such as working in Silicon Valley or founding successful companies like Airbnb. (17m59s)

The Impact of Wealth and Demographic Change in Silicon Valley

  • It is noted that wealthy individuals in Silicon Valley have influenced real estate prices, leading to demographic changes in nearby cities, transforming them from areas with high crime rates to ones populated by intellectuals. (18m23s)
  • The conversation shifts to setting personal goals, emphasizing the importance of having clear objectives, such as completing specific tasks before reaching a certain age, like traveling with parents to different continents before turning 30. (18m51s)

Setting Long-Term Goals and Achieving Milestones

  • An example is given of a personal goal to attend a live performance by singer Phi Nhung before turning 60, which was achieved before the COVID-19 pandemic. (19m40s)
  • The discussion emphasizes the importance of setting long-term goals for young people, suggesting they plan for milestones at ages 25, 30, and 40, and cross off achievements as they are completed, similar to a bucket list. (20m26s)
  • It highlights the concept of integration and the diverse, rich experiences available globally, encouraging young people to explore the world. (21m10s)

Importance of Observation, Reading, and Listening

  • The advice given includes reading extensively, listening, and observing to gain a broader understanding of the world. (21m52s)
  • There is a mention of Hoang Nam Tien's talk and a suggestion to research Hoang Dan, a historical figure, to understand his contributions to the country. (22m1s)
  • The text criticizes the habit of young people using earphones in public, suggesting they should instead be attentive to their surroundings. (22m24s)
  • It is important to ensure safety by not wearing headphones while riding a motorbike, as many accidents occur due to not hearing car horns. (22m36s)
  • Engaging in direct communication and interaction is crucial, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led many to rely on indirect communication methods like texting and calling. (22m57s)
  • Observing, reading, listening, and watching can enhance knowledge and understanding, which is essential for integration into the world. (23m20s)
  • There is an abundance of information available online, and it is important to discern what is accurate. This skill should be developed through education and active observation. (23m41s)
  • Removing headphones and engaging in direct communication and observation are emphasized as ways to connect with others and gain knowledge. (23m50s)

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