Newly Discovered Compound Improves Insulin Resistance AND Longevity | Dr. Venn-Watson

26 Apr 2024 (6 months ago)
Newly Discovered Compound Improves Insulin Resistance AND Longevity | Dr. Venn-Watson

Intro (0s)

  • Dr. Stephanie Vin Watson expresses curiosity about the increasing prevalence of nutrient deficiencies in modern times, despite the common perception that they primarily affect developing countries.

15% off Fatty15 (49s)

  • Fatty 15 is a unique C15 fat that has been shown to be three times more powerful than Omega-3s in improving cellular membrane health and protecting cells.
  • Fatty 15 is more stable and oxidation-resistant compared to Omega-3s, making it a purer and more effective source of essential fats.
  • Fatty 15 is available in a powder form and is naturally resistant to oxidation, ensuring a high-quality product.
  • Discount code "Thomas" provides a 15% discount on Fatty 15 purchases.

Nutritional Deficiencies Explained (2m43s)

  • Nutritional deficiencies occur when the body lacks essential nutrients required for maintaining baseline physiological health and cannot produce enough of those nutrients on its own.
  • True deficiencies result in low nutrient levels that cause clinical diseases, such as scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) and rickets (vitamin D deficiency).
  • Modern diets are highly processed and lack essential nutrients, increasing the risk of nutritional deficiencies.
  • The prevalence of nutrient deficiencies, including vitamin C deficiency, is rising in developed countries.

Why Are We Seeing More Nutritional Deficiencies? (4m0s)

  • Increase in vegan populations leads to deficiencies in nutrients like vitamin B12, which is primarily found in animal products.
  • As people age, their nutrient absorption decreases, contributing to nutritional deficiencies.
  • The use of weight loss drugs like OIC, which suppresses appetite, can lead to nutrient deficiencies due to reduced food intake.
  • Dr. Venn-Watson discusses a newly discovered compound that has shown promise in improving insulin resistance and longevity.
  • This compound, which is derived from a plant called Urolithin A, has been found to activate a specific protein in the body that is involved in regulating metabolism and aging.
  • Studies have shown that Urolithin A can improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and extend the lifespan of mice.
  • Dr. Venn-Watson suggests that Urolithin A could be a potential treatment for type 2 diabetes and other age-related diseases.
  • He emphasizes the importance of further research to confirm the effects of Urolithin A in humans and to determine the optimal dosage and formulation for therapeutic use.

New Type of Fat Discovered (C15:0) (5m14s)

  • C15:0, a 15-carbon chain fat, was discovered accidentally while studying aging in dolphins.
  • The discovery was made by a veterinary epidemiologist working for the Navy's Marine Mammal program.
  • Dolphins in the Navy's program live longer than wild dolphins, with an average lifespan of 40-50 years compared to 20 years in the wild.
  • Dolphins at the Navy were not aging equally despite having the same diet and healthcare.
  • Metabolomics analysis revealed that C15:0, not Omega-3s, was the top predictor of healthy aging in dolphins.
  • C15:0 deficiency is associated with metabolic syndrome, fatty liver disease, and insulin resistance.
  • C15:0 deficiency is linked to age-related diseases such as high cholesterol, chronic inflammation, fatty liver disease, and even Alzheimer's.
  • Dolphins in the Navy's program that had higher levels of C15:0 were healthier and lived longer.
  • C15:0 deficiency is more common in humans than previously thought.
  • C15:0 is found in small amounts in red meat, dairy products, and some plant-based oils.
  • C15:0 can be increased through diet or supplementation.

Symptoms of a C15 Deficiency (fatty liver, heart disease, insulin resistance) (10m9s)

  • Fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and cancer are increasing among humans and dolphins.
  • Dolphins do not usually get cancer.
  • Dolphins were getting fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and metabolic iron overload syndrome (DIOS).
  • The prevalence of these diseases in dolphins coincided with the Navy's switch from high-fat fish to low-fat fish in their diet.
  • The switch to low-fat fish created nutritional C15 deficiencies in dolphins.

How this Translates to Humans (12m15s)

  • Studies in dolphins showed that higher C15 levels are linked to lower risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and fatty liver disease.
  • The main source of C15 for humans is dairy fat.
  • The decrease in dairy fat consumption may have unintentionally contributed to the increased risk of these conditions in humans.
  • Retrospective studies on fatty acids have started to focus on C15 due to its potential health benefits.
  • A 2020 study published in Scientific Reports showed that C15 is not just an active and beneficial saturated fat but also meets the criteria of being an essential fatty acid.
  • C15 repairs mitochondrial function by using a rescue function in the mitochondria.
  • C15 is a sturdy saturated fat that stabilizes cell membranes and activates longevity signals.
  • C15 activates AMPK and inhibits mTOR, playing a role in regulating cellular processes and promoting longevity.

C15 is a Unique Saturated Fat (16m33s)

  • C15 is a saturated fat with an odd carbon chain length.
  • Odd-chain saturated fats (C15, C17) are anti-inflammatory and promote insulin signaling.
  • Even-chain saturated fats (C16, C18) are pro-inflammatory and associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
  • The difference in the number of carbons significantly impacts the effects of saturated fats on the body.

C15 Absorption & Digestion (19m20s)

  • C15 is readily absorbed in its free fatty acid form.
  • C15 in food is always in a triglyceride form, which requires digestive enzymes to break down and release the free fatty acids.
  • Once C15 is released as a free fatty acid, it is readily absorbed and incorporated into various lipid species throughout the body.

Why We Have Lower Levels of C15 in Today's Society (20m55s)

  • C15 levels were higher in the past due to higher consumption of dairy fat.
  • Modern-day whole fat dairy milk has less C15 compared to the past due to factors like cow's diet and breed.
  • Avoidance of dairy fat over generations has led to a decrease in C15 levels.
  • Low C15 levels in mothers can negatively impact infant growth and brain development.
  • Western countries are experiencing a decrease in C15 levels primarily due to reduced dairy fat consumption.
  • C15 levels also decline with age, even with a consistent diet.
  • Eastern countries are observing a similar trend due to decreased fish consumption, which was previously a significant source of C15.
  • The decline in C15 levels is linked to an increase in type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and fatty liver disease.
  • Nutritional C15 deficiency is hypothesized to be a contributing factor to fatty liver disease.

C15 & Fatty Liver (25m19s)

  • C15 deficiency may contribute to accelerated aging and the rise in age-related diseases, such as insulin resistance, hypertension, and high cholesterol, in children.
  • C15 levels are inversely related to the amount of fat in the liver in children and young adults.
  • Fatty liver disease, which can lead to aggressive forms of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), liver cancer, and liver fibrosis, is becoming increasingly prevalent, even in children and adolescents.
  • A clinical trial is underway to study the effects of C15 supplementation on fatty liver disease in young adults.
  • There are two schools of thought on the relationship between overnutrition and metabolic problems: one believes that metabolic problems only occur in a state of overnutrition, while the other believes that nutrient deficiencies can also lead to metabolic problems.

Dangers of Overnutrition (30m38s)

  • High-fat diets in mice decrease C15 levels and alter gut microbiome, reducing bacteria that produce odd-chain saturated fatty acids.
  • Overnutrition may cause malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies, especially for C15.
  • The body may prioritize the transport of other fats, leaving C15 deficient.
  • Dairy fat contains only 1% C15, while over 40% is pro-inflammatory C16 and C18.

How the Navy Uses Fatty15 (32m28s)

  • The Navy initially used higher fat fish with C15 for Dolphins but struggled to find fish with sufficient C15 due to warming oceans.
  • The Navy transitioned to supplementing Dolphins with Fatty15, a pure C15 supplement developed by the speaker and her husband.
  • Fatty15 is a vegan-friendly supplement made from C14 from plants, with a carbon added to create bioidentical C15.

How Does C15 Make You Feel? (34m22s)

  • C15, a metabolite of omega-3 fatty acids, improves insulin resistance, longevity, and activates endocannabinoid receptors.
  • C15 deficiency may lead to sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, and increased hunger.
  • C15 activates PPAR-alpha, suppressing the vagus nerve and decreasing appetite.
  • Insulin resistance may have evolved as an adaptation to carbohydrate scarcity during the Ice Age and is observed in dolphins and bears.
  • offers information about C15 research, products, testimonials, science, and peer-reviewed publications.

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