What Does Bon Jovi Eat to Stay Under 10% Bodyfat at Age 60 (full review)

11 Oct 2024 (3 days ago)
What Does Bon Jovi Eat to Stay Under 10% Bodyfat at Age 60 (full review)

Jon Bon Jovi's Diet and Lifestyle

  • John Bon Jovi, at 62 years old, maintains a good physique and has a high energy level, which is attributed to his diet and lifestyle (8s).
  • His fridge is stocked with a variety of fruits, including grapes and blueberries, which are rich in antioxidants (1s).
  • Blueberries are considered a brain food due to their high anthocyan content, providing a natural pick-me-up (1m4s).
  • In addition to fruits, Bon Jovi's fridge contains yogurt and hummus, which are considered good snack options (2m35s).
  • He also drinks water with electrolytes, specifically Fiji Water, although the electrolyte content is not significant (2m38s).
  • The brand of yogurt Bon Jovi consumes is notable, as it typically contains additives, and it is suggested that someone of his financial means could opt for a more premium, less processed yogurt (2m57s).

Healthier Grocery Options

  • Thrive Market is recommended as a resource for healthier grocery shopping options, offering a 30% discount and free gift with a provided link (1m20s).
  • Thrive Market allows for easy online shopping, with options to search for specific dietary needs such as gluten-free, Paleo, or sugar-free, and offers competitive pricing with doorstep delivery (1m51s).
  • When choosing yogurt for protein, Greek yogurt is the best option, but for a probiotic effect, Bulgarian yogurt is recommended (3m18s).

Yogurt and Protein Sources

  • Jon Bon Jovi's fridge does not contain a lot of meat, but he does have small servings of yogurt with around 15-20 grams of protein (3m29s).

Mediterranean Influences and Healthy Oils

  • His diet has a Mediterranean feel to it, and he eats hummus, which is the second instance of a celebrity eating hummus in a diet analysis (4m0s).
  • The brand of hummus in his fridge is not of high quality, containing soybean oil and canola oil, which can be oxidized and contribute to aging (4m11s).
  • Consuming oxidized oils can bring oxidative stress to the body, and it is recommended to use high-quality oils like olive oil instead (4m22s).

Vegetables and Greens

  • Jon Bon Jovi's diet consists of lots of vegetables, proteins from chicken, eggs, and fish, and greens, which is a basic but effective approach (5m49s).
  • He has a variety of greens in his fridge, including chart or bok choy, which can be used in smoothies or other recipes (6m8s).
  • Cruciferous vegetables like bok choy are a good choice, and they can be used in a blender or smoothie for easy consumption (6m31s).
  • Oxalates in vegetables can add up in the body, so it's better to consume them in moderation, and alternatives like arugula or Bok Choy can be used instead of spinach for smoothies and protein shakes (6m39s).

Mediterranean Diet and Longevity

  • Eggs are a part of a Mediterranean-style diet, which is recommended for longevity, with a focus on high protein, high fat, and polyphenol-rich foods (7m2s).
  • A Mediterranean-style diet with high fat, high polyphenol, and moderate protein intake is associated with longevity, as seen in regions with high concentrations of centenarians, such as Sardinia (7m25s).
  • The Sardinian diet includes high amounts of fat, goat cheese, sheep cheese, and polyphenol-rich foods, as well as moderate amounts of meat and dairy (7m31s).
  • Mastic oil, a unique fat with interesting benefits, is also consumed in Sardinia (7m48s).
  • A high-fat, high-polyphenol, and moderate-protein diet with Mediterranean-type fats is similar to the diet followed by Bon Jovi (7m53s).

McDonald's and Processed Foods

  • Bon Jovi used to eat at McDonald's drive-thru but has not been there in many years, and the ingredients in McDonald's food have changed significantly over time (8m5s).
  • McDonald's french fries in the United States have 14+ ingredients, including dextrose, potatoes, salt, oil, anti-foaming agents, partially hydrogenated oils, and trans fats, whereas in the EU, they have only four ingredients (8m45s).
  • The ingredients in McDonald's food have become more processed and unhealthy over time, but it's worth noting that the menu has fewer carbs in the form of pasta (9m22s).

Gluten and Gluten-Free Options

  • There is a growing awareness of gluten and gluten-free options, but it's unclear whether people need to remove gluten from their diet entirely (9m35s).
  • Some people with Hashimoto's disease may experience issues with gluten even if they are not celiac, and there is evidence to suggest varying levels of gluten tolerance (10m5s).
  • Cutting out gluten can have a positive impact on overall health, and thousands of people have reported feeling better after eliminating gluten from their diet (10m40s).
  • Switching to gluten-free pasta can be a beneficial dietary change, and options like brown rice pasta, lentil pasta, and chickpea pasta offer more micronutrients than traditional pasta (11m4s).
  • Gluten-free pasta can be a staple carb source, especially for those with gluten intolerance or sensitivity, and can provide a sauce delivery system with more nutritional density than regular pasta (11m46s).

Carbohydrates and Athletic Performance

  • The idea of eating pasta before long rides or performances is being debunked, and athletes are now focusing on maintaining stable glycogen stores and blood glucose levels instead of relying on carbohydrates for energy (12m13s).
  • Having a large amount of carbs before a performance can potentially backfire and cause a spike in glucose followed by a crash, making it important to prioritize stable blood glucose levels for longer performances (12m48s).
  • Dr. Mike Israetel noted that carbs are helpful for muscle building as they increase appetite, but this may not be beneficial for those who need to go longer periods without eating (13m5s).
  • As people age, they may need to adjust their diet to prioritize stable energy levels and avoid relying too heavily on carbohydrates for performance (13m17s).

Bon Jovi's Restrictive Diet and its Effects

  • Bon Jovi followed a highly restrictive diet during his last tour, which included being gluten-free, dairy-free, alcohol-free, and sugar-free, resulting in him being very skinny but not having much fun (13m34s).
  • It is suggested that removing sugar, gluten, and alcohol from the diet might be beneficial, but dairy might not have needed to be removed, as the evidence now supports that the fats in dairy, such as c15s and conjugated linolic acid, may be cardiometabolically protective and have longevity effects (14m25s).

Coffee and Caffeine Consumption

  • Bon Jovi has limited his coffee intake to one cup in the morning, whereas he used to consume a lot more (14m49s).
  • Coffee has been shown to have huge benefits from a longevity perspective, including reducing frailty as people get older, possibly due to its antioxidants or the increased activity it promotes (15m6s).
  • Reducing coffee consumption may not be necessary for a longer life, and it is suggested that people consume caffeine as needed, as it can help them be more active and live a better life (15m54s).
  • Green tea is also a good option, providing a steady stream of antioxidants and caffeine, and can be consumed in moderation (16m10s).
  • Statistics show that the bulk of antioxidants people get in their diet often comes from coffee, making it a significant contributor to antioxidant intake (16m23s).

Review of Bon Jovi's Diet and Adjustments

  • Bon Jovi's diet is being reviewed, and it appears he has eliminated certain items, including coffee, which is a significant source of antioxidants, but the concern is more about oxidation and quality rather than mold content (16m26s).
  • Bon Jovi no longer consumes red wine or steak, opting for protein sources like chicken or fish instead, as newer evidence suggests any amount of alcohol consumption is detrimental to longevity (16m51s).
  • Moderate red meat consumption is believed to provide a plethora of nutrients, including B vitamins and iron, making it almost like nature's multivitamin, but it's recommended to opt for leaner ground beef (17m34s).
  • Red meat is often unfairly categorized with processed meat, which is a different concern, and a little bit of red meat daily is not seen as something that needs to be limited (18m11s).

Red Meat Consumption

  • A typical breakfast for Bon Jovi might include an egg, Nova Scotia lox, and whole wheat toast with avocado spread, which is a filling meal that provides a good balance of nutrients (18m23s).

Breakfast and Carbohydrate Timing

  • It's possible that Bon Jovi consumes gluten-free bread, as he is conscious of gluten, and having avocado toast or salmon toast for breakfast is not seen as a problem (18m36s).
  • Stacking carbohydrates towards the end of the day is recommended, but having them in the morning is not a huge problem, especially when paired with protein sources like eggs and salmon (18m49s).
  • Bon Jovi's breakfast is seen as a European-style meal, with smoked salmon and poached eggs on sourdough toast being a popular combination, and sourdough is a better way to consume gluten due to the fermentation process (19m2s).

Bon Jovi's Breakfast and Meal Timing

  • Having a larger breakfast, moderate-sized lunch, and smaller dinner is usually the recommended approach, but this can vary from person to person (19m25s).

Protein Shakes and Dietary Supplements

  • Bon Jovi's diet consists of a TB12 chocolate protein shake with ice, which is a good way to make protein shakes more palatable without adding extra calories from milk or peanut butter (19m35s).
  • Adding ice to protein shakes is a better option than using milk or other high-calorie ingredients, as it treats the shake as a supplement rather than a meal replacement (19m40s).

Overall Assessment of Bon Jovi's Diet

  • Bon Jovi's diet emphasizes protein, relatively low calories, and less gluten, which may contribute to his improved appearance over the past 10-15 years (20m7s).
  • The reduction of processed and refined carbohydrates, and the addition of more antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, may also be factors in his improved health (20m22s).
  • Bon Jovi's diet appears to follow a 40-40-20 split, with 30-40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% fat, which is working for him (21m15s).
  • However, it is suggested that he could benefit from more red meat and possibly increasing his dairy consumption, particularly healthy fats from dairy products like yogurt and kefir (21m39s).
  • Bon Jovi's diet allows for flexibility in carbohydrate intake, but less active individuals may need to restrict carbohydrates more (21m28s).
  • The emphasis on whole foods and displacement of refined starches may also contribute to his improved health, as whole foods naturally displace junk food in the diet (20m35s).

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