Trauma Expert Tim Fletcher | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #495

16 Apr 2024 (10 months ago)
Trauma Expert Tim Fletcher | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #495

Complex Trauma

  • Complex trauma results from ongoing danger, abuse, or neglect, leading to dissociation and the creation of a fantasy world for safety.
  • It affects self-identity, creating a negative self-image, shame, and an inner critic.
  • Complex trauma begins in preverbal infancy and shapes the brain with negative messages and perceptions.
  • Children with complex trauma develop maladaptive behaviors, such as people-pleasing, perfectionism, and workaholism, to cope with their trauma.
  • It can lead to stress responses and overwhelm in adulthood, even in seemingly normal situations.
  • Complex trauma occurs when a person is in constant danger, leading to burnout and depression.
  • Healing from complex trauma requires self-awareness, connection with safe people, and reparenting to learn healthy patterns and behaviors.

Symptoms of Complex Trauma

  • Lack of self-identity
  • People-pleasing
  • Anger issues
  • Authority issues
  • Control and manipulation issues
  • Lying
  • Fear of failure, change, and success
  • Fear of rejection
  • Desire for intimacy but fear of abandonment

Causes of Complex Trauma

  • Ongoing danger, abuse, or neglect in childhood
  • Emotional unavailability or neglect from parents or caregivers
  • Childhood experiences such as abuse, neglect, or household dysfunction

Effects of Complex Trauma

  • Negative self-image and shame
  • Difficulty managing emotions
  • Relationship problems
  • Self-destructive behaviors
  • Addiction
  • Mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety
  • Physical health problems, such as chronic pain and autoimmune disorders

Healing from Complex Trauma

  • Self-awareness and understanding of the impact of trauma
  • Connection with safe people and supportive relationships
  • Reprogramming subconscious beliefs and healing shame
  • Emotional regulation and coping skills
  • Addressing underlying issues such as anger, grief, and loss
  • Creating a safe and non-judgmental environment for healing

Childhood Trauma and Its Effects

  • Childhood trauma can have lasting effects on a person's physical and mental health.
  • The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) test measures the number of traumatic experiences a person has had in childhood.
  • A higher ACE score is associated with an increased risk of developing health problems, mental health issues, and addiction in adulthood.
  • Neglect is a significant form of childhood trauma that is often overlooked or not adequately addressed in discussions of ACEs.
  • Positive influences and supportive relationships can help buffer the effects of trauma and promote resilience.
  • It is important to address childhood trauma and its effects to prevent negative outcomes in adulthood.

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